Red Alert 1895

Chapter 582: God to God, Caesar to Caesar (Middle)

After Wang Guorui said the words "God to God, Caesar to Caesar", the religious personnel in the country did not know what this sentence meant. √∟, they all study Chinese Taoism and Buddhism, and they don’t have any deep research on Western religion Christianity. Now that I heard this sentence, I obviously don't quite understand the meaning of this sentence. Therefore, the meaning of this sentence still needs to be explained by Wang Guorui himself, because this sentence comes from Jesus. And Wang Guorui, as a later generation, of course knows the origin of this sentence.

"The source of this sentence is that **** once answered someone who asked him whether he asked his disciples to pay taxes to the Roman Empire at that time. The meaning of this sentence is that **** should describe God's things to God, and Caesar's things to Caesar. He means that God only needs the belief of the people, and does not need the people to pay him taxes and fees. The Roman Empire is also the government, and the taxes and fees of the people should be handed over to the Fallen Empire, not to God. The meaning of this sentence The extended meaning is very obvious, that is to tell everyone that spiritual things and real matter cannot be confused. Material and spiritual are not the same thing. And extended again, that is to say, people's material civilization and spiritual civilization are not the same. One thing, both sides should not interfere with each other."

"And what I mean is very simple. In China, I guarantee everyone's law-abiding promotion. We will not manage your so-called internal affairs of religion. But you must be very clear that you must also abide by the law. The law is in reality, and religion Faith is just religious belief, nothing else, you can't interfere with the real government, understand?"

Hearing Wang Guorui's words, a master immediately asked, "Master Wang, what do you mean, we want to tax the property of our temple?"

As soon as this word came out. Immediately, many monks and Taoists were surprised, because they never thought that the new imperial court would tax their temples. This was the first time in the world! You must know that in the past, these temples, Taoist temples, nunneries, etc. were all tax-free, and their land and property were also tax-free. Then they can enjoy a decent life. Many people are afraid that the national tax is too heavy, so they take the initiative to give themselves as land to the temple, and then the temple charges a price lower than the national tax to collect rent. In this way, temples can also concentrate a lot of land and have a lot of wealth.

And they can use religious cards to obtain high profits, and these do not have to pay taxes, which makes their monks and priests live extremely richly. So this is the privilege of ancient times, and almost many temples and Taoist temples are also economic consortiums one by one, not just specializing in religious research.

However, if the property of temples and Taoist temples has to pay taxes, I am afraid that their advantages will also disappear. Once they pay taxes. Then their privileges and advantages are all gone. At that time, I am afraid that where will they go to drink porridge?

"That's right, paying taxes is the duty of every citizen, and no one has any privileges. Therefore, monks and priests are also citizens of the country, and they must abide by the laws and regulations of the country. Therefore, the properties of temples and Taoist temples must also be paid. tax." Wang Guorui said.

Hearing this, these monks and Taoists were not calm. Obviously it is still very dissatisfied for this reason. Privilege is like a drug, once its benefits are tasted. That is hard to quit. So now they hear that their privileges are about to disappear, and they are very resentful in their hearts. However, Wang Guorui is not afraid of these magic sticks. What era is it now? It's the age of science and technology, and there is less and less market for religion, so Wang Guorui is naturally not afraid that they will cause trouble.

"You actually asked God for money?" Suddenly a Taoist priest asked.

The Taoist asked directly, Wang Guorui actually asked God for money? To know the rulers of the past. It is also believed that these wealth belong to "gods", and the emperors of the government are also "sons of heaven". How can the sons of heaven keep up with heaven in collecting taxes? This is the so-called ancient feudal superstition. In order to maintain their rule, the ancient emperors deliberately created a myth. Finally, those temples and Taoist temples can also obtain tax-free privileges. However, when it comes to Wang Guorui, it's not easy to use.

"God? Even if God comes, he still has to pay taxes!" Wang Guorui snorted.

Hearing Wang Guorui's "disrespectful" words, all the monks and priests couldn't help but feel their hearts twitch. The future new emperor didn't believe in God, and he didn't even have the slightest reverence for "God" in his heart. How did they know that Wang Guorui lived in that new era, and after going through so many things such as breaking the old, he no longer had a "god" in his heart. In the later twenty-first century, the so-called "gods" are used for ridicule, not for respect. God has become the object of ridicule, so how can Wang Guorui really take him seriously? So these monks and Taoists say this, but it is of no use at all.

"Next, let me talk about the norms for your preaching. From now on, monks and priests can only carry out religious activities in temples or Taoist nunneries. For example, preaching and other things must be carried out in temples, Taoist nunneries, No other place can preach or hold religious activities. After you leave the temple, Taoist nunnery, you must wear civilian clothes, and you cannot carry out any religious-related activities. You still have to remember 'God to God, Caesar Return to Caesar', you are religious people only in temples, Taoist nunneries, and other places are ordinary citizens, so you must abide by the law. Even in temples, Taoist nunneries, you must abide by the law, because here It is also China's land. In the future China, there will be no privileges beyond the law, understand?" Wang Guorui said.

Having said this, all the monks, priests, nuns, and nuns couldn't help but feel sad, because if they can't go out to look for them, how can they accept disciples? If you can't accept disciples, isn't it true that temples, Taoist temples and nunneries will also have their inheritance cut off? At that time, they had no way to preach, so wouldn't the inheritance be broken? How could they accept this?

But they didn't know that Wang Guorui's method was learned from the government of later generations, which limited the scope of religious activities of these religious people to these religious places, so that they could not go beyond to spread religion, so their human resources There will be fewer and fewer, and in the end there will be no successors at all, and then the strength will naturally be drawn away. According to the experience of later generations, there are fewer and fewer true religious people in later generations. Most of the so-called Taoist priests, monks and nuns are actually a kind of "profession". In fact, these people are also occupations, just to make a living from it, and they don't really believe in that religion. And even online shopping Rui has seen the content of temples recruiting monks. There are almost any conditions for recruiting, and they don’t care about your thoughts at all. It is completely recruiting people with high salaries. Therefore, after this method of limiting the scope of their activities, their backup inheritance resources can be gradually withdrawn, and it is impossible for them to have inheritance.

"Could it be that we can't even go for alms?" A Taoist immediately asked.

"Yes, begging for money is also illegal, and you must be punished. In the future, temples can be subsidized by the government, and then used as funds to support religious people. However, these funds are relatively limited, and basically only meet the needs of the local people. Normal living standards. It is illegal for you to ask for alms because you are engaged in religious activities outside." Wang Guorui said.

This has made all the religious people shouted cheating, and now it is even illegal to ask for alms, so what will those monks, Taoists, nuns eat? Do you have to eat those vegetarian dishes, or eat some ordinary things like ordinary people?

If they all eat these, how can these monks be radiant? How to make those monks strong and strong? These are all impossible, so of course they are not satisfied with eating the same things as ordinary people, and these religious people naturally refused to agree.

"Also, if you operate a business, you must also pay taxes. Moreover, according to special taxes and fees, the tax burden for the same business is twenty times that of other normal businessmen!" Wang Guorui said~ To pay taxes, you actually pay 20 times more taxes than others? "These monks and priests almost fainted immediately.

Originally, they thought that they could take advantage of their status as monks and Taoists, even if they paid taxes, it was just a matter of meaning, but now they have to pay more taxes directly, and they have to pay twenty times that of other businessmen. If so, how can they live, how can they live a good life? If their lives are very poor, then who among them is willing to become a monk or priest? Who else is willing to be a monk who "eating fast and praying to Buddha" all day long? How can one live affluently without the supplement of one's own private industry?

Therefore, Wang Guorui is digging their foundation, completely breaking their inheritance! This intention is simply extremely sinister, and it is simply killing religious personnel like them.

"My lord, we can't agree!" "My lord, we can't agree, I don't agree!" "My lord, you can't treat us religious people so harshly!"

But Wang Guorui showed a sneer, these fakes finally met? However, this is what Wang Guorui is waiting for, he is not afraid of what these people can do! (To be continued..) u

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