Lux awoke to great pain in his shoulder, lungs and inner organs. He knew that he only slept for a few minutes but someone or something woke him up. It was the blinking message of his System.

[User is going to die if he doesn't take immediate measures]

"Which measures?"

He tried to stand up, but his legs crumbled and he fell back to the ground having no energy left.

[Host lost to much blood and inner organs are starting to malfunction due to internal bleeding.

System suggest to find external heal or performing evolution into a higher being. Evolution would transform the body of the user so all injuries would be healed automatically.]

"I'm in the middle of nowhere so I can't get external help even if I could someone would support me. Show me my possible evolutions."

- - - - - - - - - -

Black Lightning Dragon:

(A mutation of the weaker dark dragon. The race looks exactly the same in their younger years but as they get older black lightning starts to surround them whenever they start to fight. Black Lightning Dragons are also bigger and rarer than their normal variant and have more strength. Their strength is higher at night and it's almost immune to normal lightning as long as it isn't stronger by a large margin.) (Potential: King) (Weakened)

(Success chance of combining: 20,48%)

Hawk of Darkness:

(Being born with an attribute of Darkness it gets expelled as soon the parents see the dark feathers.

It's completely black and loses the typical aura of lightning but its attacks contain darkness which wither away it's enemies. It's ruthless and extremely rare because it has to survive from seeing daylight alone. They mostly hunt in the night due to being stronger there. (Potential: King) (Weakened)

(Success chance:12,88%)

[Other Evolutions are blocked due to insufficient energy]

- - - - - - - - - -

"Wait? These Success chances are so low and why can't I pick a bloodline with the Tank rabbit?

My percentage would be a lot higher and so would my chance to survive be."

And even if I somehow get lucky and transform why am I weakened?"

[Host needs to transform into a higher being because transforming while being injured needs a lot of energy and only Species with the potential of king or higher have the sufficient power to support it. User will enter the weakened stage for 2-4 months. Even Races with high potential can't completely suppress this much energy consumption so the Host will be weakened around 60%]

"Siiiiiiixtyyyy???? How the f.u.c.k to you want me to survive???

Lux screamed out in pain, the sudden rage costed him a lot of energy and his sight began to flicker.

He knew he had to make his choice now or it would be to late.

"Ah f.u.c.k it, pick the Black Lightning Dragon it's my only choice after all"

[Evolution initiated. System will shut off everything for 1 day.]

Darkness surrounded Lux once again relieving him of the pain he was trying to ignore this whole time.

- - - - - - - - - -

"I still can't believe we found REAL Dragon unconsciousness in this Bullshit Forest"

"U mean I found him? I wanted to take look at the enormous lake everyone was talking about and there we found him. Luckily, we had MY hunting cage with us so we can bring him to the city. And I will get 70% of the money"

"No wait that's not- "

Lux awoke to the bickering of two voices in a complete dark surrounding. The ground he was laying shook as if he was on a moving object.

He stood up and tried to move around to escape the darkness. He didn't come very far before hitting his head against some iron bars. He tried smashing it with his claws and tail but it had no effects. But he didn't stop because he hated to be trapped in small rooms.

"Looks like our "Guest" woke up"

laughed one of the voices.

"You are completely sure the cage can hold him?"

"Of course, you Moron this cage is of really good quality as I've told you like a hundred times. After all we wanted to hunt a Glutton Wolf and their beings on the level of Lord rank and I'm sure that he here isn't on this level yet. And shut the f.u.c.k up in there your way to loud."

"Maybe you should remove the coat so he can see something? No one is here at the moment so it should be safe."

The coat was pulled of and Lux stopped smashing and glared at his kidnappers. They were looking like normal aged man just a lot muddier but nothing special. He was on a cart that was pulled by a big horse and the landscape changed completely. There almost no trees here anymore but rather grassy plains.

Lux wanted to say something in their language but only growls came out of his mouth.

"Looks like you were right he can't break out and looks really furious that he can't get out huh? Don't worry we won't hurt you we need your body unharmed to get the highest price possible."

"Why are u even talking to it? It's a beast that hasn't reached a high rank so it can't understand us. How the f.u.c.k did I end up with your dumbass? Let's go we have still 2 days of travel till we reach the city. And put the blanket back on the cage."

One of the men threw the coat over him again but this time he let a small gap.

"So that you can see something and don't cause a ruckus anymore"

Then he jumped seat in the front and they started travelling again. Lux accepted his situation and began to plan how he could escape but he found no way to flee before they would reach the "City" the two were talking about. Only after the first shock of his different environment disappeared he began to remember his situation and that his evolution had to be a success.

Lux was really excited and opened his status

- - - - - - - - - -

[Name: Lux] [Race: Black Lightning Dragon (Baby 1/5)]

[Rank: Earth (Weakened)]

HP: 2500

AP: 2500

Mana: /

FP: 5000


(Dark Flame):

Flame that will slightly wither away the object it hits. Still edible if u have the darkness attribute.

(Baby Lightning):

Can Throw small black lightnings on the enemy that may stun them.

[Passive Skills]:


(Combine & Switch)

(Dark aura)

[Racial traits]:

(Lightning immunity):

Black Lightning Dragons are immune to lightnings as long as it isn't stronger as them by a large margin.

[Advancement unavailable: 50000 exp needed]

(A mutation of the weaker dark dragon. The race looks exactly the same in their younger years but as they get older black lightning starts to surround them whenever they start to fight. Black Lightning Dragons are also bigger and rarer than their normal variant and have more strength. Their strength is higher at night and it's almost immune to normal lightning as long as it isn't stronger by a large margin.) (Potential: King) (Weakened)

- - - - - - - - - -

"Ah the weakening sucks I only have 40% of my strength. Looks like I can't do anything until I reach the capital.

The next two days Lux did nothing more than just laying around waiting for the voyage to be over until finally they reached their destiny.

"So this is the city the two man talk about the whole time?"

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