Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 341 Dad ties his hair


"Five million?"

"Is it RMB?"

Li Manjun made a fake smile, "Haha, if you can pay a beautiful knife, I believe they can accept it."

Yao Zhaowen couldn't believe it, half a million!

"Do you want life or money?" Li Manjun heard his hesitation and felt a little helpless.

But Yao Zhaowen is still rational, he wants to die.

Five hundred thousand, he could grit his teeth and take it out now, but if his life is gone, there will be nothing left.

His career has just started to get on the right track, and he doesn't want to go back to the previous state of having nothing.

"I'll have someone send you money." When Yao Zhaowen said this, his voice was filled with tears.

Li Manjun couldn't comfort him. She could only tell him to stay in the hotel and not go out until he informed him.

In fact, she didn't know how to operate it. It was Zhao Yong who was dealing with these things. After getting the money, Li Manjun handed it over to Zhao Yong, and she could only wait for news like Yao Zhaowen.

This time it was faster. When Zhao Yong came home the next day, he told Li Manjun: "It's solved. You can talk to Yao Zhaowen. His life can be saved, but a beating may be necessary. Let him pay more attention and maybe he can avoid it." "

"So fast?" Li Manjun couldn't believe it. This thing was done. How could it be that she and Zhao Yong teamed up to defraud Yao Zhaowen of the 500,000 yuan?

Of course, she didn't keep any of the money in her hands.

Zhao Yong replied firmly: "It's really done, don't worry."

Only then did Li Manjun dare to call Yao Zhaowen to inform him of the progress.

Fortunately, Yao Zhaowen had no suspicion that it was the couple who set him up, which gave Li Manjun a lot of comfort.

After that, about half a month later, Yao Zhaowen called again and asked Li Manjun to say thank you to Zhao Yong on his behalf.

It seems that the crisis he encountered has really been resolved.

Li Manjun breathed a long sigh of relief. He had been thinking about it for half a month, but today he finally put it into his stomach.

There is new news from the International Kindergarten. There will be a kindergarten visit in mid-June. Parents can take their children to participate.

Li Manjun told Zhao Yong in advance and asked him to make time.

Unfortunately, Zhao Yong was going to Haishi on a business trip again, and they bumped into each other in time.

"Then I can only take Nian Nian there by myself." Li Manjun always felt a little regretful.

Zhao Yong didn't want to miss this opportunity. Although she only went to kindergarten every year, for her father, this was also an important node in her life.

After thinking about it, I took out my itinerary and saw if I could free up some time.

"In this way, the night before the kindergarten visit, I caught the latest flight back, took a taxi to Rongcheng at midnight, and we went to the kindergarten together the next morning. After the visit, I caught the afternoon flight back to Haishi to continue. Work."

Li Manjun was shocked and said, "Stop, it's too much trouble."

Zhao Yong held his daughter on his knees and taught her to play with the rope. He smiled and said, "It's okay, don't bother."

He doesn't want to miss any important occasion for his children.

In this way, Li Manjun said nothing more and quietly looked forward to that day.

On a June morning, the temperature was around 20 degrees.

The quilt I wore last night was a little thicker. When I got up from the quilt this morning, I felt sweat dripping from my forehead.

Black and thick hair, sticky on the neck.

When Li Manjun was changing her clothes, she discussed with Zhao Yong, "Why don't you cut your long hair short? If your hair is so long in summer, you might get prickly heat."

Zhao Yong picked out two bow-knot hairpins for his daughter. He was a little reluctant to let go of his daughter's long hair, which he had managed to grow long. "Say goodbye. Long hair in pigtails is so cute."

Nian Nian tilted his head and realized that his father, who had disappeared for eight or nine days, would actually appear in front of him. After being stunned for a while, he finally came to his senses and shouted in surprise: "Dad!"

Zhao Yong smiled at his daughter, rubbed her little face and asked her, "Do you like long hair or short hair every year?"

Nian Nian points to her mother’s hair, Nian Nian likes it, her mother is very pretty.

Li Manjun said happily, "Then let's get a short haircut like mom's later, okay?"

I say hello loudly every year, but I haven’t seen my dad for a long time. Today I am particularly clingy to my dad. I don’t want my mom anymore, and I want my dad to tie my hair.

Zhao Yong was very skilled. In just two or three minutes, he helped his daughter braid two braids, fasten them with bows, and then put on a denim suspender skirt, a pair of white leg socks, and black leather shoes. She looked as cute as the little protagonist in a movie.

Li Manjun installed the video recorder, and the family of three no longer had breakfast at home. Instead, they went downstairs to eat their favorite Xiao Long Bao at the breakfast shop at the entrance of the community.

After breakfast, before eight o'clock, Zhao Yong held his sticky daughter in one hand and his wife in the other, and the family of three walked to the international kindergarten.

After walking for twelve minutes, we arrived at the kindergarten. We entered the kindergarten before 8:30, which was just the right time.

The International Kindergarten is larger than the previous public kindergarten. The main door is shaped like a mushroom house. The children like it very much.

The last time I went to a public kindergarten, I was very excited every year.

But this time, because the kindergarten is too big and there are too many novel things, the year is not as lively as before. There is a sense of uneasiness in the curious eyes, and the little hands holding Dad's neck tighten.

Zhao Yong stuck out his tongue and pretended to die, which made the little girl laugh and relax.

The playgrounds in international kindergartens are all made of plastic, which is a level higher than public cement playgrounds.

There are three teaching buildings with children's paintings on them.

The entertainment facilities on the playground are also large and complete. There are many things for children to play.

The deputy principal and a foreign teacher led parents and children to visit the school. The foreign teacher had a bright smile, was very approachable, and was very patient with the children.

The only drawback is that I speak very poor Chinese, so I have to rely on the deputy principal to translate so that everyone can understand.

For parents and children who have never seen foreigners, foreign teachers are a quite novel existence.

But I had the experience of communicating with Joseph at a dinner party every year before, so I didn’t have any feelings for foreign teachers.

After visiting the school, we started taking trial classes.

The curriculum here is very different. The teacher takes the children directly to the playground flower bed and introduces them to plants, focusing on children's exploration and experience.

It’s such a joy to play every year, and I give each of my parents a piece of grass like a treasure.

After exploring the garden, the foreign teacher came on stage to encourage the children to show off their talents.

What talents can a three-year-old little Douding have?

Li Manjun and Zhao Yong looked at each other and felt that the foreign teacher was somewhat ignorant of the national conditions.

However, just when the couple was thinking about complaining about this to the parents next to them, the child stood up, standing straight, with his little hands behind his back, and started reciting the poem "Compassion for the Farmers".

"It's noon on the day of hoeing, and the sweat is dripping on the soil. Who knows that every particle of the meal on the plate has been worked hard!"

He speaks clearly and moves his head very rhythmically.

Zhao Yong and Li Manjun both lowered their heads to look at their daughter, who was eating and sleeping and waking up to play, and swallowed nervously.

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