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Chapter 342 International Kindergarten

"Kid Zhao Jianing."

The teacher waved gently, it was Nian Nian's turn.

This time, Niannian finally realized that he was calling his name, stepped up his calf, and bravely walked up to the foreign teacher.

Zhao Yong took Li Manjun's hand. It was clear that the person who wanted to show off his talent was a child, but the couple was so nervous that their palms became sweaty.

I have introduced myself every year in my last kindergarten. The little girl has always been very good at expressing herself and is generous. She has no stage fright at all when facing foreign teachers and unfamiliar parents.

But Li Manjun and his wife didn't dare to relax at all, because the talent show was coming soon.

Zhao Yong kept reminding his daughter in a low voice that she could sing, singing the Bao Qingtian theme song taught by her father.

It's a pity that I stand in front of teachers and children every year without turning around to look at my parents.

The foreign teacher spoke English, and another teacher helped translate, hoping that the children could show off their special talents.

Nian Nian didn't understand it and asked the teacher in confusion: "What is talent?"

The teacher explained to her that it involves singing, dancing, poetry reciting and the like.

Nian Nian is an honest child. He raised his pink face and said to the teacher: "Nian Nian can't do it."

The teacher was embarrassed for a moment, but after all, he had rich experience and continued to guide: "What do you know, little Zhao Jianing?"

I am getting more excited every year. I clasp my little fingers and tell the teacher everything, "I will make meatballs for my aunt, clean the table by myself, and make paper airplanes. There will be a lot more every year."

After that, Balabala talked a lot. Li Manjun watched the patience on the teacher's face disappear and raised his hand to his forehead.

"I didn't expect that this international kindergarten would have a talent show. Shouldn't the kids who don't know it not be accepted?" Zhao Yong complained in a low voice, regretting that he didn't find out earlier.

Li Manjunxin said that you have never seen a higher-end aristocratic school. It not only tests the children, but also interviews the parents.

"It's okay, we perform very well every year." Li Manjun said softly.

Zhao Yong nodded, "That's true."

Speak clearly and answer questions honestly. If you can, you can, and if you can’t, you can’t.

Just when the couple had calmed down and prepared for their daughter to retire, they didn't expect that Nian Nian would give everyone a surprise.

She suddenly let out an ahhh sound, as if remembering something, and looked at the foreign teacher and the teacher with big eyes flickering, "I know how to do handicrafts every year!"

She said very proudly: "I can make bunny paper every year!"

My mother taught me!

The two teachers smiled encouragingly and asked her if she could show it to everyone.

Nian Nian nodded, "Okay!"

The teacher asked her what she needed, and Nian Nian thought for a while and said, "It's easy to mess with if you want a piece of paper that you don't need."

The foreign teacher happened to be carrying a notebook so that he could record the performance of the children who visited this time. He tore out a sheet and handed it to Nian Nian.

Nian Nian looked at the white paper and glanced at the foreign teacher helplessly, "What a waste."

The foreign teacher didn't understand and looked at the assistant teacher. After understanding the meaning, he looked at Nian Nian in surprise and asked her curiously why she thought it was a waste.

Every year I squat in front of the flower bed, folding paper and saying to my foreign teacher seriously:

"Mom said you can just use waste paper to fold the bunny paper. The white paper can still be used for drawing. It's very wasteful."

Then, he added, "White paper is expensive, but waste paper is free."

After saying that, he sighed like a little adult and shook his little head, looking like he was condemning how could you be so wasteful.

"Children in the mountainous area don't have any blank paper." Nian Nian exhaled, "Forget it, I'll just be more careful."

As she spoke, the movements of her little hands did not stop, and the white paper was folded little by little, which even adults found complicated.

Other children and parents came over curiously to watch, but Nianyan was not disturbed and concentrated on doing his own thing.

A large piece of white paper was finally folded into a thick piece of paper with edges and corners. Just when everyone was curious that this didn't look like a rabbit, Nian Nian puffed up his cheeks, pointed at a corner, and blew hard rise.

With a bang, the flat origami bulged up and turned into a three-dimensional ball, with two sharp corners standing up, which turned out to be the two long ears of a rabbit.

The children exclaimed, looking at this magical change in wonder, wondering why the plain paper suddenly turned into a chubby rabbit.

Nian Nian paid attention to details and adjusted the rabbit's legs and tail tip before holding it with both hands and showing it to the teachers.

The white paper matches the color of the little white rabbit, and every year my eyes light up with surprise. I feel that this kind of rabbit is cuter than the gray rabbit made by my mother.

There is indeed a big difference between expensive white paper and free waste paper.

"It's so beautiful!" Every year, the rabbit is brought to the curious children, and they are asked to touch the little rabbit and raise their chins in disgust.

The foreign teacher was so cute by this little gesture that he exchanged a look with the assistant teacher and nodded lightly in recognition, thinking that this child was very smart.

Common talent performances such as singing, dancing, and poetry recitation pale in comparison to handicraft displays.

Moreover, this is a three-and-a-half-year-old child who can actually fold such a complicated rabbit. This shows that her logical ability and hands-on ability are much better than those of children of the same age.

The parents looked curiously at the smiling couple Li Manjun and asked how they taught their children so well.

"This rabbit is quite complicated. We adults may not be able to learn it. You must have taught it many times, right?"

Li Manjun still wanted to be modest, but Zhao Yong immediately said: "No, my wife only taught me two or three times. The child is smart and will understand it as soon as he sees it."

The parents gave thumbs up again and again, "That's so smart. I wish my children were so smart."

"They are all good. Your children can recite Tang poetry when they are only three years old. Our family still cannot recite it every year." Zhao Yong knows how to reciprocate. If you praise me, I will praise you too.

Li Manjun shook her head helplessly. She really couldn't do anything about the father and daughter.

The school allows everyone to eat in the cafeteria at noon, which is a link that public elementary schools do not have.

I am very happy every year, "Mom, can I eat something delicious?"

Li Manjun said with a smile: "It may not be delicious."

She suddenly thought that Aunt Guo's cooking skills were very good, and her daughter's mouth was filled with food. The little girl might not be used to eating in the kindergarten.

But I still look forward to it every year. As soon as I arrived at the cafeteria, the teacher said that I could sit down. I immediately sat down with my parents on the seats, patted my belly, and looked forward to it.

The foreign teacher seemed to particularly like Nian Nian. He deliberately sat down across from the family of three and tried to understand the children with the parents in jerky Chinese.

Then I was pleasantly surprised to find that not only the children could speak a few words in English, but the two parents were even more amazing. The mother could actually speak fluent English and had no barriers to communication.

As for the father, although he said little, he still seemed to understand and would chime in a few words from time to time.

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