Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 416 Singing his mother’s song

The sorting plant is confirmed to be shut down on December 1. Since the compensation package is in place, the workers do not have much opposition.

Regarding re-employment after resigning from the sorting factory, most workers are willing to accept the company's new arrangements.

Wang Dasheng put the ugly words first, "The new job may not be as easy as now, and it may be harder than the current job. What I can guarantee you is the salary, which is basically the same as ours."

Most of the employees are from the same village, and they have been with Li Manjun since the establishment of the sorting factory. They have blind trust in Li Manjun. They will not say a word nonsense and obey the arrangements. Even if they arrive in a new place, they will work well and will not give any Luman is embarrassed.

With these accurate words, Li Manjun, who had not found anyone to eat for a long time, took the initiative to call people and ask them to have dinner in a foreign hotel in order to find new jobs for the workers.

The reputation of the vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce is still good. Li Manjun called out, and everyone gave her face and agreed to her invitation.

However, everyone thought that there was some business cooperation to discuss, and they were all ready to listen.

But no one expected that when Li Manjun opened his mouth, he actually asked them for a job.

Li Manjun was actually a little worried. In the past three years, they had asked her to be tolerant and lenient in various ways, but she had never asked them for anything.

He stood up and said: "These old workers have been with me for three years. Their character and skills have been tested. They are also young adults of the right age. If you happen to be short of manpower, please consider them."

"Of course, if there is no vacancy, let's just eat and chat together today." Li Manjun added with a smile.

"Mr. Li, it's rare that you come out to treat us and invite everyone to chat. I usually call you for dinner, but you always say you are busy and can't come. Today is a rare opportunity. To be honest, I am very curious about something."

Director Huang, the person in charge of the incineration plant, smiled and spoke first, half ridiculing and half complaining.

Because he called Li Manjun several times, but Li Manjun refused every time.

So it's hard to avoid feeling a little uncomfortable when I express my purpose today.

Li Manjun wasn't feeling well either, but he still had to keep smiling, "Director Huang, I'm really busy at ordinary times. I'm sorry, but I also asked the most trustworthy and capable staff in my company to accompany me. Is it because they didn't perform well?"

She didn't go there in person, but that didn't mean she was embarrassed by him.

Upon hearing this, Director Huang coughed twice and said he was very satisfied. Li Manjun smiled at him and toasted him with tea instead of wine, which could be regarded as a successful conclusion to the cooperation between the two companies in the past three years.

Factory Director Huang sighed softly, "Hey, Mr. Li, why don't you continue to be a sorting factory? Once you leave, there will never be a bigger sorting factory than your Luman in the entire Rongcheng." ”

Although his incineration plant belongs to the upper end of the industry and it is indeed profitable to generate electricity, it will not be able to generate electricity without the continuous supply of raw materials from the lower end.

Before Luman came, they had to go to neighboring provinces to get raw materials. Later, with Luman, her family was able to replenish more than 80% of the raw materials.

It was convenient for him to get used to it, but suddenly he stopped doing it. He didn't want to accept it for a while, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

However, after Li Manjun served tea, he stopped complaining and smiled at Li Manjun, asking him something he had been curious about for a long time.

"Mr. Li, how many businesses have you invested in in the past few years? All the personal taxes have been paid to the top twenty in our Rongcheng city. The big guys and I saw you running a recycling plant. Who would have thought that you would secretly make a fortune yourself? , and I won’t take the big guys with me either.”

Li Manjun thought he was going to ask something, but that was it.

He smiled and said, "If I really had a chance to make a fortune, how could I not bring everyone with me? I'm just blind and I'm trying to kill the rat."

Li Manjun said half-truthfully: "A few years ago, I had a friend who wanted to invest in real estate. At that time, it was an unfinished building in Southern Province. Everyone said it could no longer be done and no one was willing to lend him money. I I have a very good relationship with him, but I am a soft-hearted person and a thin-skinned person, so I lent him some money as the principal."

"Do you know the place he chose?"

Everyone asked curiously: "That place? First exclude Nan Province, otherwise Mr. Li, you won't be able to make any money."

"Yes, it's definitely not Nan Province." Li Manjun nodded affirmatively to several people, then smiled mysteriously and pointed eastward.

"Hai Shi, Pudong, everyone knew that place a few years ago without me mentioning it, and no one dared to lend him money, but I was soft-hearted and borrowed it in a daze. Unexpectedly, now I am making money in a daze."

After everyone heard this, they all expressed how lucky they were.

Factory Director Huang was a little convinced now, "Go back to five years ago, and if anyone told me that I could make a fortune by building a house on that land in Haishi, I would definitely beat him out with a stick!"

Everyone was amused and joked in unison, "So you, Mr. Huang, can't make this kind of money. You have to be Mr. Li, who values ​​friendship and friendship, and won the first prize by mistake!"

The Pudong area of ​​Haishi has developed rapidly in the past two years. It is building an economic development zone and engaging in international trade. It is in the limelight. Everyone knows that investing in Haishi can make money regardless of investment. Li Manjun is so lucky. Extremely envious.

The atmosphere gradually improved, and everyone was chatting happily. However, the meal was almost finished, and no one mentioned that Li Manjun wanted a job in the first place.

Li Manjun took the bag to check out, and asked Mo Yang, who was accompanying him, to continue accompanying the group of people. He walked out of the private room, shaking his head helplessly and sighing, "Everyone usually takes advantage of me, Luman. I never push for debts when they are in arrears. To think that no one would help with such a small request. What a bunch of extreme egoists!"

I had the nerve to ask her about how to make money and wanted her to take care of him, but just sitting in that private room and listening to their greasy tones made me feel uncomfortable.

After paying the bill, Li Manjun called Mo Yang, "I don't feel very well. I'm going home first. You can deal with it and leave soon."

Mo Yang was shocked, no, just leave him alone!

In the private room, Director Huang and others saw him answering the phone at the door. They guessed it was from Li Manjun and deliberately said loudly:

"Xiao Mo, have you, Mr. Li, returned from going to the bathroom? Ask her to come with us. Let's go sing at the Golden Throat!"

Li Manjun heard it through the phone and was speechless. It was so embarrassing.

"Manager, they are going to sing." Mo Yang had no choice but to ask for help, he didn't want to go.

Li Manjun replied coldly: "I'm leaving. You can find a reason to withdraw. Sing his mother's song. Let them sing it if they want. Our company doesn't have the budget!"

What kind of person, you really treat yourself like a dish?

Mo Yang felt happy. He had tolerated this group of people for a long time. He agreed, but couldn't help but asked in a worried voice:

"What about our workers' new jobs?"

After all, everyone was promised this compensation. Although everyone can understand that they haven't found it, it's still not good.

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