Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 339 Chapter 339: China becomes a god first

The shock and emotion that "Gravity" brought to the entire guest audience are indescribable.

Although the media has been promoting the groundbreaking achievements of "Gravity", all the guests and viewers came with psychological expectations.

But after truly experiencing this transformation in all-round visual effects, I was still shocked to the point of losing my voice.

Most of the people attending the premiere in the theater were employees from all walks of life in the film and television industry. "Gravity" had a greater impact on them than ordinary audiences!

Has cinema gotten to this point?

How should we respond to this cross-generational change?

Shanhe used a movie to tell all Chinese filmmakers present that the changes and competition you face will be extremely intense.

Zhang Yimou took off his 3D glasses and looked at the subtitles scrolling on the big screen. He really felt that he was behind the times.

No wonder Shanhe dares to say that the domestic box office is at least one billion yuan. This kind of technological leap is a real dimensionality reduction blow to other movies!

No matter how gorgeous the colors are, they can't compete with the realistic three-dimensional visual experience.

Learning special effects production and filming seems imperative!

Brother Chen Kai's heart was even more complicated. He didn't even take off his glasses. He kept sitting on the chair with thoughts abounding.

His pride was instantly crushed by "Gravity"!

Shanhe has already made movies to this point! No matter how grand the setting and vivid the characters are in "The Orphan of Zhao," it will definitely fail against "Gravity."

"Avatar" is even more subversive than "Gravity". Am I really behind the times?

Is it true that China’s historical big productions can’t hold up Hollywood’s big productions?

It seems that we need to talk to Shanhe!

Feng Xiaogang is already numb. He is a commercial director. After watching a movie, his professional habit is to estimate the box office of the movie.

How much is this worth at the box office?

3DIMAX movie tickets are twice as expensive as ordinary 2D movies. No one doesn’t want to experience this immersive and extreme pleasure!

The two billion and three billion that Shanhe said turned out to be this!

What a huge loss. I should have contacted and chatted more with Shanhe. If there was such a scene in "Tangshan Earthquake", the box office would have at least doubled!

Can I still go back and make up for it?

Among the directors present, Jiang Wen was the most calm. "Gravity" shocked him a lot, but his thoughts were simple.

The mountains and rivers of Dog Day are really capable of tossing, and this time it is estimated to be a global sensation.

Science fiction movies are not my cup of tea, but this 3DIMAX is a bit interesting. I’ll ask Shanhe if I have time!

All the film professionals in the audience were shocked by the movie and had different thoughts.

The changes "Gravity" will bring to Chinese filmmakers must be comprehensive.

In the previous life, the emergence of "Avatar" silenced the Chinese film industry for several months. Many people in the industry even publicly stated that the gap between Chinese films and Hollywood was too big and they would not be able to keep up within 20 to 30 years.

The intrusion of mountains and rivers has fundamentally changed the situation. "Gravity" is a Chinese-language film, a large-scale production shot by Chinese people in China.

Although Chinese filmmakers are still hit by dimensionality reduction, their attitudes and ideas are completely different.

They felt shocked or frustrated for the first time, and then the next thing they thought about was to keep up with Shanhe's footsteps and keep up with the changes in movies.

The shock and thoughts that "Gravity" brought to everyone present caused the entire theater to fall into an eerie silence.

The first ones to react were the aerospace engineers. Scientists were always focused and they didn't have many other ideas.

After watching the movie and having the "Tiangong" space station addiction, I felt very anxious and wanted to go back to my work unit to continue working hard and turn the scenes in the movie into reality as soon as possible!

They didn't care about their surroundings, stood up, clapped twice casually and prepared to leave.

It was these few sparse applause that broke the silence in the cinema.

Only then did everyone come back to their senses from the shock and thoughts of the movie.

In an instant, all the audience and guests in the entire theater stood up, clapped vigorously, and cheered loudly!

Shanhe and the creative team were overwhelmed by the extremely warm atmosphere at the scene.

The applause continued. The general audience was for the movie's brilliance beyond expectations, but the filmmakers were paying tribute to Shanhe and the creative team.

Incredible film changes first bloomed in China. This is the glory of all Chinese filmmakers. Shanhe and the creative team should be respected!

The applause lasted for five or six minutes, and the Shanhe fans in the back row suddenly shouted in unison,

"Mountains and rivers! Mountains and rivers!"

The voice quickly spread to the entire audience, and audiences and filmmakers like Guo Fan who were looking forward to Chinese science fiction blockbusters shouted particularly forcefully.

Everyone is expressing shock and respect in this way, and at the same time, they are urging Shanhe to return. At this moment, they hope to hear Shanhe's voice.

At this time, Shanhe was being hugged excitedly by Hathaway,

"My dear, you are my eternal pride, and I am the luckiest woman in the world!"

Hathaway let go of Shan He intoxicated and kissed Shan He's lips.

"Everyone is waiting for you, my hero, to come on stage and accept everyone's cheers!"

Shanhe was also very excited at this time. After nodding to Hathaway, he pulled Bai Yuxia, Ning Hao and others to the stage to share the victory.

But no one accepted his invitation. As the project initiator, screenwriter, and director of "Gravity", mountains and rivers are the undisputed core of the entire movie.

This glory belongs only to him!

Amidst the shouts, Shan He walked up to the front desk alone. Huang Bo trotted forward and handed over the microphone.

"Boss, you have completely become a god!"

Shanhe took the phone and smiled at Huang Bo. This flattery was so good!

Shanhe's mind couldn't help but be aroused, he held the microphone and said,

"Thank you everyone for your support and encouragement!"

Shan He's words silenced the entire audience.

"Since the filming of "Gravity", I have felt the support and expectations from across the country. This is pressure and motivation!

After watching "The Martian", I made up my mind to shoot China's own science fiction blockbuster. Starting from "Moon", Chuhe Film and Television has been moving towards this goal.

After several years, many filmmakers with dreams and pursuits have joined the ranks, and we are finally qualified to participate in large-scale filming. "Gravity" is an attempt.

Everyone's voice is recognition and praise. We are very lucky to have achieved staged success. "Gravity" can represent the cutting-edge, but it cannot replace the foundation. Chinese-language films still have a long way to go and need to explore from top to bottom. I hope to encourage everyone here! "

Although everyone is still unsatisfied, the premiere is over by now.

It was already 10:30 at night, and the venue needed to be vacated for the midnight screening. The movie fans outside were curious and eager to hear the sound.

The guests formed small circles and left separately, while the general audience was surrounded by movie fans waiting outside.

"How was the movie? Was it good?"

"There was a lot of commotion inside just now. We all heard you calling Shanhe, please tell us!"

"Tell me, what does 3DIMAX feel like?"

Guo Fan was also among them, surrounded by fans asking questions, and there were also a group of film school classmates.

He still replied with obsession and admiration,

"The movie can be described in two words: shocking! It's indescribably shocking. You must watch the 3DIMAX version. It's so lifelike that I really can't describe it..."

"Watching this kind of movie once is definitely not enough. I also plan to experience and compare the 2D version. It is unbelievable that China can actually make such a movie. Shanhe and Chuhe Film and Television are amazing!"

"The shout just now is the whole audience's tribute to Shanhe!"

After Shanhe accepted the congratulations from his colleagues and friends, he returned to the office of the chairman of Chuhe Film and Television together with Zhong Lifeng, Yang Liu and others.

The success of the premiere made several people so excited that they had no intention of thinking about anything else. They are now in urgent need of zero-point box office data. Real numbers can calm their restless hearts.

Yang Liu was the most excited among them. He couldn't sit still in the office and was wandering back and forth.

"Sister Zhong, how is the screening situation in theaters? How much do you think the box office of "Gravity" can be at zero-hour screenings?"

"Stop wandering around! Sit down and drink a cup of coffee to calm down!"

Zhong Lifeng poured a cup of hot coffee for Yang Liu and then replied,

"The box office of Jiahe Cinema Line's zero-a-day shows has been sold out, especially the 3D version. Our reservation period is three days, and all the shows in the next three days are sold out! The box office of our Jiahe Cinema Line's zero-a-day shows alone is no less than three One million yuan. Of course, the large number of 3D screens in our major cities is an important reason. Based on past experience, it is estimated that the zero-point box office of "Gravity" will start at 8 million yuan, and it is very likely to exceed 1 million yuan. Ten thousand!"

"Breaking ten million! What's the domestic record? It's 5.8 million for "Transformers 2," right?"

"Yes!" Zhong Lifeng nodded and replied, "The ordinary 3D screens owned by Jiahe Cinema in major cities are about 150 yuan, and the 3DIMAX screens are less than 40 yuan, and the ticket price is one to three times higher than that of ordinary screens. , these screens will generate a higher proportion of box office than expected!”

Shanhe nodded and asked: "How many 3D screens are there in other theaters across the country, and how many are there in North America?"

"The total cost of ordinary 3D in other theaters in the country is estimated to be about 170 yuan. This number is only achieved under the guidance of Jiahe. The 3DIMAX screen is even less, less than 30 yuan, of which the ones used for commercial screenings are Only nineteen dollars!

There were not many 3D screens in North America last year, only less than 800 yuan. However, the popularity of "Gravity" and "Avatar" caused North American theaters to start rebuilding. As of last month, there were nearly 4,000 yuan. There are nearly 400 3D screens, including 3DIMAX! "

Zhong Lifeng's detailed answer made Shanhe sigh. The domestic backwardness is not only in film production, but also in all aspects!

"It seems that the global box office still has to rely on the North American market! Domestic 3D screening rights should be used for advertising and promotion!"

Yang Liu looked at Shanhe, who was a little disappointed, and responded in an exaggerated tone,

"My boss! It would be a miracle if the box office for the midnight show could exceed 10 million. This means that almost all theater screenings this morning had an average attendance of 80%. If we want to catch up with North America, we have to take our time. Come!"

"Yang Liu is right, development takes time, boss, you don't have to care!"

"I know!"

The Shanhe side is waiting for the zero-hour box office, and online fans and melon-eaters are waiting for the evaluation of the movie.

"Why hasn't anyone commented yet? The premiere should be over, right?"

"That's right. It makes people anxious. How will "Gravity" be? We have been waiting for months!"

"Shanhe will not disappoint, you will know just by watching the trailer!"

After eleven o'clock, Shanhe's fan base started to get excited.

"Forgive me for being uneducated. I can't use words to express the shocking feeling brought by "Gravity". Incomparable words are not enough to describe this movie. It is too realistic..."

"I can guarantee that mountains and rivers will once again shock the world. When you put on 3D glasses, "Gravity" will take you into space. It's an incredible experience..."

"You must watch the 3DIMAX screen, you must! It's really amazing. What the media said before is not an exaggeration at all. "Gravity" is a revolutionary movie..."

"I watched the premiere and immediately went to buy tickets. All the tickets were sold out. Even the ordinary 3D screen tickets were sold out within three days. Watching this kind of movie once is not enough..."

"Shanhe has brought supreme glory to Chinese films. On behalf of all the students at the Film School, I pay tribute to him!"

All the fans who attended the premiere praised "Gravity" to the best of their ability, and the modifiers were extremely exaggerated.

"Although I believe that Shanhe will not disappoint anyone, what you are saying is so amazing! You should chase the stars rationally!"

"If I made a false statement, I would chop off my little finger on the spot! Let this serve as proof!"

"There is a lie, and I chopped off the whole palm of my hand! Let this prove it!"

"Me too, my whole arm was chopped off! Let this serve as proof!"

"I wielded my sword from the palace! Let this serve as proof!"

"The guy upstairs is awesome! He stole my words and I can't take them anymore!"

"I believe it, isn't it? I'm going to cut him off now, it's so cruel!"

While the fan base was in a frenzy, several film critics who were invited to the premiere also posted their own reviews online.

Zhou Liming wrote on Douban: The beginning of a new history of film!

——Forgive me for only using such boring sentences to evaluate "Gravity", because any gorgeous words are not enough to express my current excitement. The visual effects of 3DIMAX are so lifelike that I feel like I can reach out and touch the space. , that’s not all that’s shocking. As soon as the long shot at the beginning came into my eyes, I was lost in space. Shanhe used several unparalleled long shots to compose a movie that is both shocking and touching. movie of…

Wang Hailin, a well-known domestic screenwriter, producer and film critic, also wrote in amazement: Perfect as a dream!

——I watched the whole movie with my mouth open, and even walked out of the cinema with my mouth open. The movie was as perfect as in a dream. It is indeed extremely lucky for a Chinese-language film to have talents like Shan He! I couldn't dream of making this kind of movie, but he actually put it on the big screen. The whole movie is so perfect that I don't even dare to find faults. As soon as you enter the first long shot, you will lose it. Thoughts of evaluation…

Zhang Xiaobei, the founder of "Weekly Film Review", wrote this message on his blog:

This film should only be seen in heaven, it is rare to hear it on earth!

——I have always believed that Chinese-language films are still far behind Hollywood, and I even lost confidence in Chinese-language films for a time. But tonight my thinking and cognition were subverted. Shanhe captured space and human beings to the extreme. What "2001" "Odyssey in Space", "Apollo", including Shanhe's own works "The Martian" and "Moon" were all bombed into ashes. When cutting-edge technology and outstanding talents collided, "Gravity" was born 》!

Not only were film critics praising Shan He and "Gravity", but even Bai Yansong rarely publicly left a message on the Internet.

“I’m so glad that when I was interviewing Shan He, I shamelessly asked for a ticket to the premiere. A movie that I know will be fifty years from now is actually in front of my eyes tonight. I wear two pairs of glasses to see things. It was very uncomfortable, but the movie made me forget that I was still wearing glasses, and even made me forget where I was. The only thing I felt was addiction!”

There were only a handful of viewers and guests attending the premiere, and only those with a heart would pay attention to their comments.

But as the zero-point screening ended, all kinds of exclamations and shouts spread all over the Internet.

Fans and fans after watching the movie couldn't wait to share their feelings about watching the movie.

"I watched the 2D version and it was very shocking! I couldn't imagine what the 3D version would be like. I must watch the 3D version again!"

"I also watched it on a normal screen. The long shots of Shanhe are really stunning. I'm really looking forward to the 3D version!"

"Ah! Ah! You can't buy tickets for the 3D screen at all!"

"It's so realistic! I watched the 3DIMAX version. It was such an ultimate enjoyment. I didn't want to leave after watching it. I sat in the cinema and reminisced about it for a long time!"

On the Internet, all the movie fans and night owls who couldn't fall asleep after watching the movie talked about "Gravity" all night long.

On film review websites such as Douban Film Critics and Time.com, the number of votes cast and ratings of "Gravity" simultaneously broke their records.

In just one hour, Douban film critics flooded in with tens of thousands of fan ratings, and "Gravity" was once rated a record high score of 9.8.

In the early morning in the chairman's office of Chuhe Film and Television, Shanhe, Ning Hao and others were also waiting for the exact box office of the zero-hour show.

With Zhong Lifeng's guarantee of a minimum of eight million, no one was particularly anxious, but they were still nervous and excited.

Can it exceed 10 million?

Can you create a record for Chinese-language films that people can look up to?

Several people have great expectations for this.

A quarter after two o'clock, the phone on the desk rang. Yang Liu was the most anxious and had been waiting in front of the phone.

As soon as the bell rang, she quickly answered the phone, "How much, 11.7 million? Haha... 11.7 million!"

Yang Liu's voice resounded throughout the office, and laughter and joy instantly filled the entire space. Ning Hao stood up and gave Shan He a hug.

"Shanhe, congratulations, this is an unprecedented feat for Chinese films!"

"This is a miracle we achieved together, Lao Ning, we changed history!"

No one can understand the meaning of mountains and rivers, but everyone has their own understanding.

"Yes, we made history!"

"The history of Chinese films has a page dedicated to us!"

"We have a page in the history of world cinema!"

"Ha ha…"

Ning Hao smiled and said to Shanhe, "Shanhe, I'm also planning to prepare a science fiction movie, which will be shot using the same 3DIMAX. What do you think?"

"Of course!"

Shanhe looked at Ning Hao in surprise. He had worked hard to film "Gravity" and released it before "Avatar". One of the important reasons was to stimulate the popularity of Chinese-language movies. Now that someone followed immediately, Shanhe was naturally very happy.

"Got a story?"

Ning Hao nodded and replied: "I like the science fiction writer Liu Cixin you introduced to me very much, especially the short story "Bring Her Eyes", which is very touching and moving! I plan to spend a year preparing it , it took one and a half to two years to film and produce it!”

Shanhe knew this novel, a Galaxy Award-winning work in 1999, a touching story.

"I support you! Chuhe Film and Television will fully cooperate with you!"

"You have to help me then!"

"no problem!"

The morning after the premiere, "Gravity" unexpectedly detonated the entire Chinese media circle.

It's just that this news is more intense than expected. People's expectations are very high, but the screening effect of the movie is much higher than the public's expectations!

Almost all online and offline media are reporting on yesterday's premiere of "Gravity" and its new box office record at zero points.

"Shanhe leads Chinese-language films into a new chapter, and "Gravity" explodes upon its premiere!"

"Incredible movie, amazing zero-hour box office!"

"The entire film and television industry stood up and applauded Shan He. He has removed the shackles and shackles of all Chinese filmmakers!"

"11.7 million! What does this number represent? Last night, the average attendance rate of theaters in major cities across the country was over 90%!"

Even CCTV's "Morning News" broadcast news about the premiere of "Gravity" and the record-breaking box office during the midnight slot.

"The film "Gravity" written and directed by my country's famous young director Qiu Shanhe premiered last night, and celebrities from all walks of life attended.

The premiere was a huge success, and all the guests cheered to celebrate the movie!

In the subsequent zero-hour screening, "Gravity" broke the box office record held by Hollywood's "Transformers 2", leading the way with a score of 11.7 million. Let's take a look at the reports of the reporters on the scene... "

The craze caused by "Gravity" in China is being reported not only domestically but also around the world.

China time is about fourteen hours earlier than China time. According to Disney's release plan, North America and China will be released on the same day. Due to the time difference, North America is actually the second country in the world to release "Gravity", followed by Europe. and neon, and finally Southeast Asia, South America and other countries and regions.

Therefore, the sensation of the premiere of "Gravity" and the craziness of the midnight show happened to become the focus of reports by online media in various countries.

You know, "Gravity" has received huge global attention in the past few months, and movie fans around the world are eagerly anticipating the release of this movie.

People around the world are very curious about the viewing experience of live-action 3DIMAX movies.

The sensational effect "Gravity" caused on the Chinese Internet soon spread on the Internet in European and American neon countries.

Disney is doing its best to promote the film online and in real life before its North American premiere.

"Huaxia Qiu has recreated a miracle, Huaxia's zero-a-day theaters are all full, and the Internet is full of exclamations and praises!"

"At the premiere of Hua Xia's "Gravity", the audience gave Hua Xia Qiu a standing ovation for six minutes, and then the whole audience shouted his name!"

"The magician uses movie magic to take people through space, and the 3DIMAX movie effect is shocking!"

"Shocking, addictive, immersive, unparalleled, these are the words used by Chinese movie fans to evaluate "Gravity". Someone gave us a trial and error. Are you ready? North American movie fans, let us enjoy it together. Ultimate gravity!”

On the evening of November 19th, US time, another grand premiere was held at the Chinese Grand Theater in Hollywood.

Gravity's journey is featured in the world's largest film market.

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