Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 340 Chapter 340: North America Dominates Again

Although Shanhe did not appear at the North American premiere for the first time, the premiere arranged by Disney for "Gravity" was no worse than any major production.

Producer Bruckheimer and Oscar-winning actor Day-Lewis headlined the premiere.

The guests present were even more star-studded.

Almost all the actors and filmmakers who have collaborated with Disney or Shanhe were present.

Leonardo, Heath Ledger, Winslet, Tom Hanks, Johnny Depp, Tom Cruise and other big-name Hollywood stars made the entire premiere star-studded.

The conceptual hype of the first live-action 3DIMAX movie, the competition between "Gravity" and "Avatar", and the influence of Shanhe, all determine that "Gravity" does not lack popularity and attention.

The North American premiere was more like a large-scale promotion event, with celebrities, film critics, and media attending the event.

By this time, the publicity and hype had reached its extreme, and what really determined the success of the premiere was the quality of the film "Gravity."

It's a mule or a horse, it has to be pulled out and run around!

When it comes to the most nervous person on the scene, it must be Bruckheimer.

In the global film industry, he has never seen a more willful and casual director than Shan He.

As the world's largest film consumer market, North America has always been the first choice for all directors and actors.

Almost every movie that is a global hit will first premiere in North America. The importance of the premiere is self-evident.

However, we encountered a weirdo like Shanhe, and he was absent so casually. Disney and Bruckheimer had nothing to do with him.

If you have strength, you will naturally have the right to speak!

In the cooperation between Disney and Shanhe, Shanhe is the core.

Without the core character Shan He, although the North American premiere of "Gravity" was still lively and grand, in Bruckheimer's opinion, it was still a bit uninteresting.

Damn Qiu, he actually sent me away with just "I've given you the chance to shine!"

All right! Then I'll be the protagonist!

What Shan He said was right. Bruckheimer, an old Hollywood bastard, was indeed suitable for the limelight. He took to the premiere like a duck to water, telling stories and bragging on stage, complaining about Shan He, and making the atmosphere extremely joyful.

"Qiu Zhen is the most talented but also the most maddening bastard I have ever seen. He can actually miss such an important moment. Do you know what he said to me?

Jerry, my directing job is over, you are the producer, the rest is yours, I give you the chance to shine!

I really have to thank him! "

Ha ha…

There was laughter.

"But what Qiu said is right. We are all confident that the wonderful "Gravity" will bring great surprises and shocks to North America. I, the producer who replaces Qiu as the protagonist, will definitely be prosperous. I We have already started designing the signature to be left on the Walk of Fame..."

The quality of "Gravity" makes Bruckheimer's various boasts come true.

The entire theater screamed in surprise for the next one hundred minutes!

The premiere scene in North America was not much different from that in China. The groundbreaking 3DIMAX live-action movie exploded in the Hollywood film and television industry.

Technological changes have also dealt a dimensionality reduction blow to Hollywood.

"Gravity" brought the entire theater into the vastness of space and lonely survival.

The actual effect of this premiere, which lacked the protagonist, was much better than that in China.

After all, China's film market is far different from North America at this time. North America's moviegoers, film media and film market are much more mature and vast than those in China.

The technological revolution in film has had an even greater impact on them.

3D technology is not only a visual revolution, but also means competition for a whole chain of interests.

In the two hours since the premiere, all kinds of amazing and shocking sounds of "Gravity" have spread all over the Western Internet.

Celebrities, media and film critics who attended the premiere expressed their admiration on the Internet.

"Magician advances!"

"Hua Xia Qiu leads a new era of movies! 3D glasses take you to travel in space"

"Raphael of the East brings heavenly images to the world!"

"You can always trust Qiu!"

"Qiu doesn't need to come to Los Angeles, as long as "Gravity" comes!"

Many similar remarks and exclamations are rampant on the Internet.

Many online media even described Shanhe as "the next king of directors", and all media's expectations for the North American box office of "Gravity" have increased to more than 400 million US dollars.

The box office share of more than 4,000 3D screens and nearly 500 3DIMAX screens cannot be underestimated!

In the early morning of November 20th, North American time, "Gravity" officially opened in nearly 4,000 theaters in North America.

There will be nearly 5,000 3D screens and tens of thousands of ordinary screens showing simultaneously across North America.

Disney and Bruckheimer are confident of first-day box office results.

"Gravity" also has a huge advantage over "Avatar", that is, the length of the film is suitable for theater scheduling needs.

One hundred minutes is the most suitable film length for theaters.

Compared to "Avatar," which is more than 160 minutes long, "Gravity" can be screened several more times a day.

This is an extremely positive factor for meeting the audience’s movie-watching needs and the operation of theater chains.

Bruckheimer was both nervous and excited at the same time. For him, "Gravity" was different from any previous big-budget film.

The pinnacle of his production was "Pirates of the Caribbean", but it was a purely commercial film with no other achievements except the box office.

"Gravity" is different. This is a revolutionary film, and it is not a purely commercial film. Qiu's style still shines in the film, maintaining equal emphasis on business and literature.

As long as the first-day box office of "Gravity" meets expectations, there is no possibility of failure for the entire movie. Bruckheimer will take the name of producer to a higher level in Hollywood.

Your own status in reality and history is unbreakable, and fame, money, and honor will all be at your fingertips.

Haha... this year's awards season is coming soon!

Shanhe, who was in China, was harassed several times by Bruckheimer, who was full of anticipation and excitement.

Complaints, expectations, imagination and other words were all transmitted from Bruckheimer's mouth to Shanhe's ears.

After dealing with the nagging old gangsters from Country M, Shanhe turned his attention back to the domestic film market.

After its midnight box office record-breaking performance, "Gravity" ushered in an unprecedented movie-watching craze in the country.

The madness of domestic movie fans has made the entire film and television industry speechless.

All the performances were almost full, and even the seats at the very edge of the front row were not picky.

In order to grab the rare 3D movie tickets, long queues formed in front of theaters in major cities across the country.

In first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Yangcheng, many movie fans even brought sleeping bags and queued up all night.

Various theater chains have increased ticket prices for 3D shows by nearly 50%. This unreasonable behavior has not caused dissatisfaction, but has made tickets for 3D shows more popular.

In cities without 3D or 3DIMAX screens, many movie fans have organized groups to drive or take buses to surrounding big cities to queue up to buy tickets.

On the Internet, 3DIMAX movie tickets in first-tier cities have been priced at 500 yuan a piece, and the market continues to rise.

Fans' demand for the 3D version is staggering, and many viewers who have watched the 2D version have joined the queue again.

The 2D version is so shocking, what does it feel like in 3D?

Whatever you say, you have to experience it!

What else is there to discuss! Domestic theater chains did not hesitate to deprive other movies of their scheduling space.

What the hell is "2012"? We declare that your schedule in China is over.

What? There is a contract!

That's right, one movie a day, it's still the smallest theater, we are fulfilling the contract!

Now, what domestic theater chains regret most is that they did not build more 3D screens. They should follow Golden Harvest!

Zhong Lifeng has a lot of mountains and rivers behind her. How could she be blind in the beginning and not dare to throw money into it?

Jiahe Cinema Line had the biggest 3D cake this time, but Zhong Lifeng was still very sad.

The development time of Jiahe Pictures is still too short. Due to the limitations of funds and objective conditions of the theater, the reconstruction of the 3D screen did not meet its expectations.

Just give me a little more time. Five hundred 3D screens and hundreds of 3DIMAX screens must be implemented within half a year!

The domestic film market has been heated up by "Gravity". Everyone knows that "Gravity" has become a reality with record-breaking screenings.

However, as soon as the first-day domestic box office data was revealed, the film and television industry and the public were shocked.

The box office of "Gravity" on the first day was RMB 67 million, plus RMB 11.7 million for zero-hour screenings, which makes it RMB 78.7 million!

More than seventy-eight million!

Is this a figure that the Chinese film market can come up with?

You know, before "Gravity" was released, the first-day box office record was occupied by "Transformers 2".

More than 42 million yuan.

"Gravity" reached nearly 80 million in one go.

It has almost doubled the record. If this explosive power is pushed down, "Gravity" will break 300 million in the first four days.

In two weeks and ten days, it will be far behind the 540 million box office record just set by "The Founding of a Republic".

Based on this movie-watching craze and audience reputation, how far will "Gravity" have to go? The billion Shanhe mentioned is really just a base number. Is that number the end point?

This earth-shattering news spread across the entire Internet in an instant.

All the portal websites are trying their best to report this news, and they have even opened special topics to track and report the entire box office accumulation process of "Gravity".

Sina.com - Full box office record of "Gravity": The box office on the first day was 78 million. Mountains and Rivers once again created a miracle, surpassing all records. The box office on the first day in North America is worth looking forward to...

Sohu.com - Special report on "Gravity": 3DIMAX swept everything, it was hard to get a ticket in domestic theaters, "Gravity" was invincible on the first day, Shanhe was alone in the country and sought defeat...

NetEase - "Gravity" global journey: The box office on the first day is close to 80 million, the mountains and rivers show the king's style, the overseas journey has begun, "Gravity" wants to dominate the world...

Not only portal websites, major forums, chat platforms, and even video websites are reporting this news.

"Gravity" exploded with incredible energy in the country.

Netizens even boasted and discussed, praising "Gravity" one after another and being proud of Shanhe.

"Eighty million is okay, I'm not bragging. As long as there are enough cinemas, "Gravity" can easily exceed 100 million, and people queuing up to buy tickets are filling up the cinema lobby!"

""Gravity" is so beautiful. Not only is the scene grand and realistic, but the content is also wonderful. The two actors performed so well! The box office is reasonable at any price!"

"The country is invincible. He has long said that the box office must exceed 1 billion. The key is to see the box office on the first day in North America!"

"Except for "Avatar", no movie can stop "Gravity". "2012" is no longer available in China. Compared with "Gravity", it is really unwatchable!"

"Shanhe is really awesome. He doesn't even go to the North American premiere, and he pays more attention to the domestic box office than North America!"

"The quality of "Gravity" still needs mountains and rivers to stand out? Just watch, North America will also be swept away!"

This news also spread around the world, and online media in various countries reported the news with the headline "Gravity" significantly broke China's box office record.

"Transformers 2" served as a stepping stone for "Gravity".

"Gravity" was a subversive film, and its box office experience was an anomaly.

All previous big-budget films started in North America and then spread to countries around the world.

This is how Hollywood has used movies to become the center of global entertainment, and movies have also become a powerful tool for Country M to sell cultural values ​​to the outside world.

However, "Gravity" broke out in China first, unconventionally, which made China the center of attention of media fans from all over the world.

China's movie box office has become an iconic data of "Gravity".

In the past two days, the word "Huaxia" has appeared more frequently than ever in global media reports. This has inadvertently promoted China, causing more people around the world to turn their attention to China, become curious, and even fall in love with this ancient country. .

This is the power of culture!

Although this kind of power is not as intuitive and powerful as the power of weapons, it is long and silent and cannot be ignored.

A dozen hours later, good news came from North America. "Gravity" grossed US$32 million at the North American box office on its first day, ranking first in the North American box office rankings.

The daily box office of "2012" plummeted by more than 100%, ranking second with less than 6 million US dollars.

In 2009, Hollywood's first-day box office record belonged to "The Twilight Saga: New Moon", which exceeded US$50 million on its first day, followed by "Transformers 2" with a first-day box office of US$38 million.

There is no comparison between "Gravity" and them. Both films are sequels of movies, and they are mainly watched by fans. They have strong box office explosiveness, but their battery life is very poor.

In terms of original movies alone, "Gravity" even broke the first-day box office record of $28 million set by "I Am Legend".

This was an excellent first-day box office, exceeding Disney's expectations of $28 million by more than $4 million.

At the same time, "Gravity" received an excellent reputation after a day of screening. All fans interviewed by Disney gave the movie an A+ rating.

On the Rotten Tomatoes film review website, the audience freshness is a staggering 99%, and the media freshness has also reached a historic 96%.

With this reputation, Disney is sure that "Gravity" will continue to explode with terrifying energy.

The total first-day box office in China and the United States was 43 million, and the film received a surprisingly good reputation.

This has set the tone for an explosion that will soon land in European countries and the neon market.

Things are looking great for Gravity.

The most troubled person about this situation is none other than Columbia Pictures.

Within fifteen days of its release, "2012" grossed US$130 million in North American box office and US$460 million in global box office.

If "Gravity" hadn't come out, it would have naturally accumulated box office upwards, and the global box office would eventually approach 900 million.

But Shanhe messed up everything. On the first day that "Gravity" was released, the North American box office of "2012" more than doubled.

China has dropped more than ten times, and will even return to zero later. This shows what kind of impact "2012" will have on the box office after it launches in Europe and Neon tomorrow.

According to this expectation, the North American box office of "2012" will not even exceed 180 million US dollars, and the global box office will not even exceed 500 million US dollars.

Colombia will face huge losses.

Its senior management sighed and complained that it was not our operation and distribution level that had problems, it was just bad luck!

How could he face a monster like Huaxia Qiu!

With a production cycle of less than one and a half years and a cost of 120 million US dollars, he produced an unstoppable and groundbreaking film.

A crime other than war!

Fox Pictures is not relaxed at this time. The impact of Shanhe's "Gravity" is several times more terrifying than they imagined.

Although the scene is very different from "Avatar", but based on the 3DIMAX shooting and production level alone, it is not worse than "Avatar".

The viewing experience is even better than that of "Avatar". Shanhe's long space shots are so stunning, showing the advantages of 3D technology to the greatest extent.

Regarding this, even Cameron did not deny it.

Cameron watched "Gravity" in the theater for the first time. To be honest, he was shocked by the movie.

It was not just the special visual effects of 3DIMAX, but what moved him most was Shanhe's use of technology and shooting lighting.

The whole story scene and 3D technology are so smoothly combined, the space disaster shots are so moving, and the full-angle shots are so amazing!

This is the best space movie ever!

Cameron's appreciation and recognition of Shanhe suddenly increased to the maximum. If the two were not about to compete at the box office, he would find Shanhe and have a good chat about his experiences in space movies.

Cameron shook his head, such a phenomenal movie would actually appear on the same schedule as "Avatar"!

It’s really a frustrating thing that is both terrible and worth looking forward to.

Producer Jon looked at Cameron who was shaking his head and asked,

"Cameron, what do you think we should do? The threat of "Gravity" is too great. Huaxiaqiu has stolen our groundbreaking achievements!"

Cameron smiled when he heard this and replied,

"Gravity is great, and for us, it's not good news, but it's not bad news, either.

"Gravity" has done an amazing global promotion for 3DIMAX movies, which will make the release of "Avatar" even more explosive at the box office. What we have to do now is to bundle and promote it with "Gravity". We have not lost anything. Too many, just losing the honor of creation, this is God’s will, we can’t change it! "

"I'm sorry, I lost my temper! You are calmer than me!"

Jon apologized to Cameron with some shame,

"Fox will increase its promotional funds next and bundle it with "Gravity" for promotion. Cameron, how much do you think the global box office of "Gravity" will be?"

Cameron thought for a moment, looked at Jon, and replied,

"I don't know, but it will definitely exceed a billion dollars, and maybe it will climb a bit higher. Qiu's talent is indeed amazing, but the shortcomings of "Gravity" are obvious. There are too few characters and the scene is too single!

Almost all space movies have this common weakness, and Qiu can't avoid it either! He is still too young and has little experience. He cannot control big scenes now! "

"It seems that you admire Huaxia Qiu very much!"

"Yeah, I loved Gravity, but I just couldn't make a space movie that was as good!"

"Cameron, don't worry, you still have a lot of time."

"You don't understand, it doesn't matter how much time you have!"

As soon as the first-day box office in North America came out, Shanhe got the news, and Bruckheimer, an excited old man, called him immediately.

Thirty-two million dollars! This is a good data, but Shanhe is not too excited.

In his mind, "Gravity" faced "Avatar", and the impression this movie left on Shanhe was extremely terrifying.

US$760 million in North America and US$2.79 billion globally!

Desperate box office data!

The box office performance of "Avatar" on the first day was not impressive, and there was no comparison, so naturally there was no confidence.

Shanhe understands that it will be difficult for "Gravity" to compete with "Avatar" in Europe and the United States.

Hathaway looked at her distracted lover, hugged his arm and asked,

"Dear! Are you dissatisfied with the North American box office on the first day? Thirty-two million US dollars is amazing enough!"

Shanhe was awakened by his girlfriend's question, took her hand and replied,

"This is good news. I'm not dissatisfied. It's just that the opponent is too strong and my movie is still a little too thin!"

Hathaway turned her head and stared at Shanhe with her big eyes and responded in surprise,

"Wow, is this your evaluation of "Gravity"? No one agrees with it. Qiu, everyone is shocked by you. You actually say it's too thin?"

Shanhe looked at the staring Hathaway and smiled,

"Annie, there are only two actors in "Gravity", and the scenes are actually only space and spaceships. Most of what shocked everyone was the 3D technology and long shots of space. With these, other movies can be overwhelmed, but in the face of "Avatar" has lost its advantage. In fact, I have already lost this box office competition!"

Shanhe understood the outcome of this box office battle early on.

After the excitement of the release calmed down, he thought about how much the chaos of "Gravity" would change reality.

He came to the same view as Cameron. Although "Gravity" stole the first prize from "Avatar", "Avatar" did not lose as much as imagined.

Each has its pros and cons, and "Avatar" got a lot of success, so its box office shouldn't be much worse than in memory.

"My dear, you are facing Cameron, the king of Hollywood directors. More than ten years ago, when you didn't even know what making a movie was, he had already started preparing for "Avatar". He was at your age. At that time, he was still driving a big truck! You are much better than him!"


Shanhe looked at his girlfriend who was looking for excuses for him and laughed.

"Annie, I don't want to compare with Cameron. His creative thinking is different from mine. Christopher Nolan and I are somewhat similar!"

"Wow, Nolan said the same, Qiu, he is really similar to you. His next work will also be about space. I should continue to cooperate with him. He respects you very much and always asks me about you. ’s new work!”

"Really? Introduce us when you have time!"

"Haha... I guess he has been shocked by your "Gravity"!"

Hathaway guessed correctly that Christopher Nolan and his wife just walked out of the cinema at this time.

"Gravity" shocked Nolan so much that he even had a little doubt about his persistence.

He has always believed that the essence of a movie lies in the picture, and only film can bring a subtle picture feeling to the director.

3D is just a film transition technology, it is not mature.

Wearing 3D glasses to watch movies will actually damage the picture of the movie.

Therefore, Nolan is not interested in 3D technology and is even somewhat repelled by it.

But Shanhe's "Gravity" gave him a different feeling.

The whole movie is very smoothly integrated with 3D technology. Although there are still damage to the picture, the full-angle lens and almost perfect lighting make these damage almost unnoticeable.

Can your next movie be so shocking?

How to surpass Qiu's "Gravity" is a difficult task.

I really hope to chat with Qiu face to face!

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