Desa Mental Hospital 5

“My name is Lin Haotian, the oldest patient at 204.”

“No, I wasn’t sick. If I hadn’t passed by a mental hospital while riding my bike, I bumped into a ***** by chance.”

This place was crossed out by a black line. Xu Ye didn’t know whether it was the person named Lin Haotian who crossed it out himself, or whether it was deliberately erased by something.

“I clearly saw it, but my family didn’t believe it. People at the hospital could also see it, but they said it was because of mental illness…”

“Anyway, I’m really not sick.”

Candy is children’s favorite food. You can ask the doctor to help bring some from the canteen.

They are all the cutest angels, who were ruthlessly abandoned by their families because of ADHD and other minor problems.

Dear next patient, I leave this to you.

By the way, don’t take the white special medicine they give you. It will make you gradually lose yourself and forget the past.

Don’t be targeted by “it” and don’t let “it” discover your abnormalities.


Behind it is a long wavy line, drawn crookedly. It looks like it was interrupted by something in the middle of writing.

Xu Ye put away the note and thought silently.

This should be the note Lin Haotian left for his next patient. For various reasons, it happened to fall into his hands.

Those words that were specially crossed out might be the final secret hidden in this hospital.

I bumped into it accidentally, what was it?

Xu Ye was puzzled. Lin Haotian said that doctors can see those things just like him. This sentence is open to question. He is also a doctor, so why didn’t he see it?

“I can’t believe it all, since he is a mentally ill person after all.”

“If we can find this person named Lin Haotian, maybe we will have a new turning point.”

Xu Ye came to the third ward with a plan in mind.

At the same time, Su Ning from Lang Yiguo went upstairs and first chose to enter the second ward.

The children didn’t just ignore Xu Ye like they did when they faced her.

“Sister, play with us.”

As expected, he is a mental patient and his thinking is abnormal. Su Ning corrected her: “You can’t call her that. I’m older than you, so I should call you sister.”

“Sister, just sister.”

Su Ning was suddenly startled. She suddenly discovered that several children ignored her at all and all looked at her shoulders.

It looked like there was someone lying on her shoulder.

Su Ning couldn’t laugh anymore. She suddenly felt horrified. She suppressed her fear and asked tremblingly: “You, what are you looking at?”

“Throw the handkerchief and put it gently behind the child. Don’t tell her~”

Several naughty children formed a circle on the ground and played games, ignoring Doctor Su Ning.

“So, no?”

On the ground, Su Ning breathed a sigh of relief:

“Forget it, maybe it’s my misunderstanding, after all, they are all mentally ill, so it’s not strange that their thinking is abnormal, right? ”

“Right, pills.”

Su Ning remembered her mission, took out the white special medicine from her pocket, and walked towards the children.

But she missed it, and the children fled in all directions. In a panic, a note was left on the ground.

In the live broadcast room, people from other countries had no reaction. Only one or two Dragon Kingdom viewers mixed in felt something was wrong.

“If you throw a handkerchief, doesn’t there have to be someone responsible for throwing it away?”

“But all the children were gathered together just now…”

Time soon came to meal time, and the first two rooms took a long time. Xu Ye decided to go get food first, and then go to the third room while delivering food.

I took the elevator to the third floor. Before I entered, there was a sign posted on the canteen glass.

【Canteen Rules】

[Rule 1: It is strictly forbidden to sell any snacks in the restaurant. Once discovered, the buyer and the seller will be equally guilty. 】

[Rule 2: Eat more meat to help eliminate hunger. 】

[Rule 3: Waste is strictly prohibited in the canteen, and every employee should respond to the call of the CD-ROM Action. 】

[Rule 4: There is no dish like Lao Ba’s secret hamburger in the cafeteria. 】

[Rule 5: No pets are allowed in the cafeteria. If you find a black cat hovering on the ground, it is an illusion. Do not hesitate to swallow the white tablet immediately. 】

There is another sentence written in red pen, crookedly, as if it was added at the end: Don’t get cat hair on your body, or you will be targeted by “it”.

After reading the rules on the glass, Xu Ye suddenly felt a strong sense of hunger. His stomach was churning, as if he hadn’t eaten for three days and three nights and needed to be filled immediately.

Xu Ye knew that this was the feeling given to him by the rules and strange talk, and it was useless to resist.

He came to the canteen, which was full of staff wearing white clothes. The food in front of every window was the same…

Xu Ye randomly chose a team with a medium number of people and lined up.

Live broadcast room at this moment: “Candy is an important item. The children in room 204 asked for it. Maybe it has something to do with treating the patient well.”

“But the canteen clearly stipulates that it cannot be sold, what should I do?”

While everyone was struggling, someone in the comment area said: “Go to the Asan Kingdom live broadcast room, a warrior has already appeared.”

Asan Kingdom,

The recipe was copied with a strong curry sound: “Oh, give me a candy quickly.”

Cook: “Sorry, our restaurant does not sell snacks to outsiders. Please eat the food here carefully.”

The cook became anxious: “Why isn’t it there? I’ve seen it. It’s just a handful in your left pocket.”

His talent is called clairvoyance. This ability is omnipotent in reality and is coveted by everyone. But in the world of ghost stories, it is really useless.

Except like now, you can see what’s in the weird pocket.

At other times, you can only look through other people’s naked bodies under their clothes.

Bah, that weird body, it’s better not to look at it, Menla thought angrily.

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