Happy Event in the Mountain Village 1

If in this world even journalists dare not say a word, what will happen?

Okay… I was overthinking it.

At night, I returned to the mezzanine of this hospital, the laboratory on the seventh floor.

This time, I wasI was injected with double the dose of the drug before. Some people would explode directly after being treated like this. I was lucky and didn’t die, but the experiment was not successful either. Turned into a crazy and useless defective product, randomly discarded outside the laboratory.

It’s so cold here, and there are countless defective products like me staying together.

We depend on each other for life, but we have lost the rationality that human nature should have. We can only survive by killing and devouring each other.

I am done.

If I had the chance to do it again, I would never go up the mountain. 】

Xu Ye sat on the sofa and ate a full banquet.

Yes, it is a real Manchu-Han banquet, with a total of 108 dishes, cooked by various chefs on the spot.

“Guji”, take one bite and swallow it into your stomach.

Chen Yue, who was sitting opposite, joked: “You don’t seem to be enjoying it very much.”

Xu Ye frowned: “You think it’s delicious?”

Chen Yueba smacked his lips: “It’s not bad. Compared with the snail noodles sold in Nancheng Old Street, it’s a bit inferior. After all, it’s an ancient French dish. It’s normal if it can’t keep up with the taste of modern Hex Technology.”

“By the way, if it weren’t for your blessing, my brother wouldn’t be able to eat so much.”

Xu Ye thought for a few seconds, then chewed another mouthful of abalone on the table and almost vomited.

With the contribution he has made to the Dragon Kingdom, Guitan Bureau is eager to pay tribute to him, and no request is too much.

The reason why Xu Ye wanted to eat the Manchu-Han Banquet was firstly because he had never eaten it before, but more importantly, it was to test his taste.

The abalone in my mouth at this time was sour and astringent, like chewing a piece of ten thousand-year-old gum, and it felt worse than the mushy meat eaten in the cafeteria of Dessa Mental Hospital.

Xu Ye was sure that there was something wrong with his sense of taste, so he calmly ate two more slices of green vegetables and expressed his opinion:

“I think we should call Song Jian and the others over to enjoy it.”

Chen Yue: “No, I’m not here, I’ve entered the realm of ghost stories.”

Since the last incident at Fuhai Garden Community, more and more strange rumors about rules have sprung up all over the world.

They are not like the city-based coverage rules after the copy fails, which usually only cover a small area, such as residential areas, shopping malls, mahjong rooms and the like.

If you want to lift the shroud, you must send people in to find something called the “source of pollution” and destroy it.

After that, Xu Ye continued to participate in the dungeon as usual, while Chen Yue stayed outside more often, leading people to search for the source of pollution.

It’s a bug. As long as the chosen one happens to be covered by a pollution source when a new copy starts, they won’t be selected.

Of course, these small ghost stories in reality are much simpler than the dungeons, and the mortality rate is also lower. It is more than enough for Chen Yue to take charge of the overall situation outside.

Xu Ye finally threw the bowl and chopsticks, unable to eat any more: “Call all the people from the Weird Talk Bureau and give them a lesson while eating.”


Chen Yue’s eyes lit up when he got the news.

The staff of the Monster Story Bureau were moved to tears, and they all expressed their feelings that Mr. Xu Ye was so kind. Not only did he treat them to a Manchu-Han banquet, he only had three days of vacation after the dungeon came out, but he also gave everyone training courses.

The word “great” is simply tailor-made for Xu Ye.

A group of young people were having a good time at the table, and the outside world was shocked.

“Six stars. It turns out that the upper limit of the rules is so high, isn’t it five stars?”

“Good boy, what kind of virtues and abilities does Long Guo have? It has produced such a genius as Xu Ye.”

“Look at the rewards Dragon Kingdom got this time. Not only did its mineral resources increase by ten percent, but because of the extra star, each citizen has five percent more power against strange attacks.”

This reward is really important.

In the past few times, when rules and strange stories were not yet shrouded in randomness, most people did not pay attention to rewards such as increasing strange resistance.

After all, the number of people selected for each copy is single digits, and the probability is averaged to everyone, which is pitiful. Under such circumstances, it seems a bit wasteful to improve the combat effectiveness of the whole people against weirdness.

But things are different now. Sources of pollution come from time to time. You might not be sure if you are unlucky enough to go shopping and the street where you are is haunted by strange stories.

In this case, it will take time for the Monster Talk Bureau to send people over to solve the problem. If they want to survive, everyone can only rely on self-rescue. The people have a certain ability to resist strange things, which is very valuable.

I have to say that Xu Ye is the lucky star of the Dragon Kingdom. He truly brings more vitality to the people of the Dragon Kingdom.

Three days later, a familiar broadcast sounded:

[The 15th round of the Ghost Story Challenge has begun. The chosen ones to participate in the challenge are now randomly selected. The list of participants this time is as follows: Dragon Country, Beer Country, Kimchi Country… a total of 100 countries. 】

[Twenty chosen people will be selected from each country. 】[Total number of prompt opportunities: 3 times]

Xu Ye opened his eyes from the bed, and the dazzling red people in the room hurt his eyes.

There is a double word “Happiness” posted on the window, a bright red quilt, and a woman sitting on the bedside, wearing a festive dress and rich makeup.

At this time, the woman was holding a round fan that often appears in costume TV dramas, covering half of her face, and looking at herself with a shy and extremely sticky look.

“Is this…my wedding night?”

This is the first reaction of all the chosen ones.

But soon, there was a knock on the door outside the house, and a clear male voice came in: “Tongtong, are you there?”

“We will get married tomorrow. I sneaked out tonight because I wanted to take a look at you again.”

Damn, with just one sentence, the CPUs of the Chosen Ones lying on the bed were fried.

Is the groom outside the room?

What is the self lying on the bride’s bed?

On the night before someone gets married, a third party comes to steal the sun without fear of death?

Grass (a plant), so exciting!

But no matter what, all the chosen ones at this moment have only one thought in their hearts, that is, no matter what, they must not let the groom know their existence.

This matter is neither moral nor moral. From the perspective of a bystander, anyone who is beaten to death must say that he deserves it.

But as a big living person like me, how can I avoid being discovered? The Chosen One’s eyes quickly glanced into the room.

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