Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 3151 3153 [Make up]

In May, the tour officially began.

Ariana Neschi performed very well, trained hard and studied hard.

Although she was a dancer before, she learned modern dance, and the style is still different from the dance she dances on stage. She needs to put in more energy and sweat to complete the transformation.

She also knew that her opportunity was rare, so she worked very hard and finally passed the selection and became one of Xiang Nan's twenty backup dancers.

Although Xiang Nan said harshly and only gave her one chance, in fact, as long as she didn't learn to be a bad person, he could tolerate her unlimited times.

After all, it was Bourne who killed her parents in the first place. This was something Bourne owed her, and Xiang Nan came to repay it for him.

Of course, if Byrne hadn't killed her parents, Conklin and Albert would probably have sent someone else as well.

But after all, they died at the hands of Bourne, so Xiang Nan accepted the account.

In mid-May, Xiang Nan's global concert tour came to Paris.

After arriving in Paris, Mary took Xiang Nan to meet her brother.

The Raymond who appears in "The Bourne Identity" is not Mary's half-blood brother, but the person she once dated.

In the closing credits of "The Bourne Supremacy III", her brother's name appeared, and he was called Martin Cruz.

Unlike the adventurous Mary, he studied seriously since he was a child, and later not only went to university, but also had a stable and well-paying job in Paris.

"Martin, long time no see." After the siblings met, Mary gave him a big hug.

"Sister, where have you been these past few years? I miss you so much." Martin looked at his sister and asked in surprise,

"I miss you too." Mary smiled.

"Sister, you have changed so much." Martin said again in surprise.

In the past, Mary always liked to move around and never settled down, so she got into a lot of trouble and her life was always miserable.

Therefore, every time we meet, she looks like a gypsy girl, dressed in dusty clothes.

But now that we meet again, she looks much brighter. Her whole appearance is different. She is sunny, confident and happy, as if she is soaked in a honey pot.

"Yeah, look~" Mary stretched out her hand and smiled.

"Diamond ring?! Sister, you are engaged, who is your fiancé?" Martin asked in surprise.

"That's him." Mary pulled Xiang Nan over and said.

Martin was stunned when he saw Xiang Nan, "He is...why do I think he looks familiar?"

He swore that he must have seen Xiang Nan before, but he just couldn't remember where.

"He will have a concert in the city in the next two days. I think you may have seen his posters occasionally in the subway, or in the supermarket, or on TV." Mary did not answer directly, but reminded with a smile. .

Martin frowned, as if he thought his sister was talking crazy, but then his eyes widened, "Yes, you are...Dan Crawford?"

"Yes." Xiang Nan nodded, "Hello Martin, I heard your sister mention you many times."

"Are you really him?" Martin asked again in surprise.

"It's true." Xiang Nan smiled, "If you don't believe it, I can show you my ID card."

"No, no need." Martin waved his hands quickly, "But how could you... It's really incredible."

He never imagined that his sister would actually be with a big star, and the two seemed to be engaged.

He feels like his brain is foggy now, so he probably needs to take it easy.

Mary then told Martin about her past with Xiang Nan.

How they got along with each other in the Swiss slums, how Xiang Nan was discovered by a talent scout and became famous, how he became Xiang Nan's assistant, how Xiang Nan proposed to him, and so on.

"Oh my god~" Martin felt incredible after hearing this. He didn't expect his sister to be so lucky to meet such a big star at such a young age.

What's more important is that this person is very dedicated. He didn't get rid of her even after he became famous, and he even got engaged to her. It's really incredible.

"Sister, congratulations~" he said with a smile, "Dan, I want to thank you too."

"You're welcome, your sister is a good girl, and I am willing to be with her." Xiang Nan smiled.

"By the way, these are the tickets for the concert. I hope you can come and come." Mary gave her brother two tickets and said, "Bring your girlfriend with you. When the time comes, I will take you backstage~"

When Martin heard this, he smiled and nodded.

There was a big star who was her soon-to-be brother-in-law, and it would definitely surprise her to tell him.

Suddenly, during the concert, Martin brought his girlfriend backstage.

Mary took the two of them around the backstage and took a look.

Xiang Nan also took photos, signed photos, and took souvenirs with the two of them.

Martin's girlfriend seemed very excited, and Martin himself was quite proud.

"Do I need to give them some money?" Xiang Nan asked Mary.

With his current wealth, it was just a matter of raising his hand to support Mary's brother.

"No. He has a stable job and a good income. He can rely on himself." Mary advised, "Giving him a sum of money hastily will easily disrupt his life."

Xiang Nan was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Although he doesn't believe in fate, he doesn't believe in words like "how much money a person is destined to have in his life". But he believes that suddenly gaining huge wealth is not a good thing.

For example, many lottery winners usually lose their true nature and eat all kinds of money after receiving high bonuses. In just a few years, they make all their money. In the end, my life was even worse than before I won the lottery.

He didn't know Martin well, so he had no definite idea whether his life would be better or worse after he got the money.

In this case, it's better not to give money for the time being.

The concert continued, from Europe to Africa, from Australia to Asia, from South America to North America... Xiang Nan performed one stop at a time, and was very popular wherever he went.

Every concert is packed with seats, and tickets for every show are in short supply. Many times, you have to pay extra to buy tickets from scalpers.

These phenomena all reflected the popularity of the concert, and also made Xiang Nan's position as the king more and more stable.

In fact, the "King of Heaven" and "Queen of Heaven" are just false names. In the industry, you can see the actual performance, and if you can make money and make a lot of money, then you are really good.

Xiang Nan's global concert tour, not counting peripheral products, generated nearly 200 million U.S. dollars in ticket sales alone. This is a real achievement, much more hard-core than relying on media bragging.

Unlike some singers who are praised as being at the top of the music industry, being idolized by all, and being the godfather of music. However, when the concert is held, no one buys tickets at all, and it becomes a complete joke.

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