Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 3152 3154 [Red Carpet]

Xiang Nan's concerts started in May and ended in December.

On Christmas Eve, Xiang Nan and Mary took Martin and his girlfriend to Hamburg to visit her grandma and spend a reunited and happy Christmas with her.

Mary's grandmother, Sarah, was very happy to know that her granddaughter was living a good life. Not only had she found a good boyfriend, but she also had a good job.

For so many years, she had worried about her granddaughter, knowing that she was alone outside, running around, lonely, and felt very uncomfortable.

Now that I see that she has a stable job and a happy relationship, I am naturally very happy for her.

"When are you getting married, I will definitely go to attend." She took Mary's hand and said.

"Don't worry, grandma, it will be soon." Xiang Nan smiled.

He planned to formally marry Mary after getting rid of Ward Albert and Albert Jose.

Ward Abbott is the originator of Project Treadstone and Project Black Heather. It was he who colluded with Yuri of Russia and misappropriated US$20 million in CIA activity funds for his own personal gain.

And when the crime was about to be exposed, Sendburn assassinated the Russian Zoke Nesky. It can be said that he is the biggest culprit in the first trilogy of "The Bourne Identity".

Albert Jose is the training officer of the Treadstone Project. He is responsible for brainwashing those agents, making them give up their original identities, annihilate their humanity, and become machines that only know how to kill.

It can be said that if such evil scientists are not eliminated, no one knows how many people will continue to suffer.

As far as Xiang Nan knows, there are nine people involved in the harvest plan alone. Beyond it, there was Project Emerald Lake, Project Lax...the victims were countless.

But Xiang Nan knew that it would be difficult to completely eradicate these projects on his own.

Because intelligence agencies such as the CIA, NSA, and DIA are the ears and eyes that serve the military-industrial complex. As long as the military-industrial complex endures, these organizations will exist forever.

The military-industrial complex has kidnapped the United States, and not even the president can do anything about them. Therefore, even if Xiang Nan assassinates senior intelligence agency officials, congressmen, and the president, it will not affect the overall situation.

In the "Bourne" series, countless CIA executives were assassinated and brought down by Bourne. But the CIA has never changed. It has always been a ruthless steel institution.

And people like Pamela Randy, who has a good heart, will only be squeezed out and framed in the CIA. In the film, because she exposed the Black Heather Project, she was fully monitored and attacked by the CIA. It is estimated that there is little hope of survival.

Even Heather Lee, the top student at Stanford who originally held noble ideals and joined the CIA in "The Bourne Supremacy", was corrupted after working for the CIA for many years.

From a passionate young man eager to promote reform, he transformed into a cold-blooded, cruel power animal bent on climbing up.

People cannot change the system, they can only be changed by the system, and Xiang Nan is no exception. Therefore, he can only avenge himself, but cannot eliminate evil for the whole people.

Entering 2004.

Xiang Nan started preparing for a new album.

In January, he released a new single, "boom boom pow."

This is a new dance-style song originally released by the Black Eyed Peas in 2009.

The new song was very popular and it became their classic song.

Now launched by Xiang Nan, it is naturally very popular.

After its release, it skyrocketed onto the Billboard charts and became another number one single.

In February, the Grammy Awards kick off.

Xiang Nan has been shortlisted for nearly ten awards for his album of the same name "Dan Crawford", as well as many good songs such as "uptown funk" and "rolling in the deep", and the call for winning the award is very high. It can be said that this is The most watched artist at this year's awards ceremony.

To this end, he was also invited to be the opening guest.

On this year's red carpet, Xiang Nan refused Roy's advice and insisted on taking Mary on the red carpet.

"We are engaged and will get married soon. How much longer do you want me to keep it a secret?" Xiang Nan looked at him and said, "You are just my agent. You only need to take care of my work. My emotional affairs You don’t need to ask anything about it.”

"I just want to give you some advice as a friend." Roy explained.

"Thank you, but I don't need it." Xiang Nan waved his hand.

On the red carpet that night, Xiang Nan held Mary's hand and walked onto the red carpet.

The reporters were very curious when they saw them.

Because Mary is obviously not a celebrity, nor is she a socialite in the American upper class, so Xiang Nan holds her hand and walks the red carpet in an affectionate manner, which is naturally very curious.

"Dan, who is the girl next to you?"

"Dan, tell us about her."

"Dan, is she your girlfriend?"

Reporters asked questions one after another.

"That's right, she's not just my girlfriend, she's also my fiancée. We're already engaged." Xiang Nan smiled.

"What?!" Everyone was shocked.

This news is even more sensational than Xiang Nan winning ten awards.

The newly rising music king not only has a girlfriend, but he is actually engaged.

How can such news not be shocking? It is simply too unbelievable.

"Go check this girl's details right away. Within two hours, I want all her information."

"This will be the biggest news than the Grammy Awards. Go check her information immediately. The more detailed the better."

"They are already engaged, but we haven't heard anything about it. It's simply unforgivable!"

Major media outlets in the United States and even the world have begun to take action to dig out all information about Mary Cruz.

At the subsequent awards ceremony, Xiang Nan won the Best Pop Singer Award for "Rolling in the Deep", the Production of the Year Award for "Uptown Funk", and the Best R\u0026B Song Award for "We Belong Together"... becoming the biggest winner of the night.

However, at the following celebration, the reporters did not pay attention to his winning the award. They mainly asked about their love and engagement.

For the king of music who has already reached the top of his career just two years after his debut and still has unlimited potential in the future, getting engaged now seems really too early.

And it seems that Mary's conditions are not very good either.

According to the information they just found out, Mary was just his daily assistant, roughly equivalent to a maid.

It's not that Xiang Nan can't fall in love or get engaged, but being engaged to his assistant feels a bit inappropriate no matter how you look at it.

Although the Western world has always advocated freedom and equality, in fact, there are still invisible gaps between various classes, full of discrimination and exclusion.

Not to mention intermarriage, even communication among various races and classes is not easy.

In "The Big Bang Theory", Penny from Omaha dated Leonard, which made her family extremely happy and begged Leonard to never give up on her.

Because Leonard is a white elite, the chance of interacting with a country redneck like Penny is infinitely close to zero. That's why her father is so anxious.

The gap between Xiang Nan and Mary is wider than the gap between Leonard and Penny, so their relationship is even more shocking.

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