A group of people can only "go with the flow" like this.

However, Su Yun was not willing to be a fish, so he let the laser send a laser outward, and recorded the distortion of the laser in a matrix, trying to find a stable position in space so that he could escape.

But the fluctuations in the space seem to be irregular, as if they are a lake in the rain, or they are drowned by countless soap bubbles that are constantly disappearing, and the surrounding light is also strange.

But the only thing that is certain is that the impact of spatial fluctuations is limited, and the further outward the fluctuations, the smaller the amplitude.

Soon after, the beast seemed to wake up completely, and the wriggling of cilia turned into a contraction of its body.

"Puff puff~"

A series of roars came.

At the top of the "mountain" in front of him, an extremely huge eye suddenly

opened! The explosion just now was emitted when the spike speed broke through the sound barrier when the behemoth's eyelids opened!

At that moment, the entire behemoth's eyes seemed to be covered by a white plastic film, and then it could be seen clearly.

It was a strange big eye, the color of which was like not very pure amber, and there was no place for the pupil in it, or there were countless

pupils! Although it was a whole eyeball, it was densely packed with pupils, of different sizes, like jet-black oil droplets floating on the water, so deep that every pupil seemed to be like an abyss.

Su Yun straightened goosebumps, and people with dense phobia couldn't stand it at all!

Generally, only creatures that grow in extremely dark environments can have such a big eyeball, such as those creatures in the deep sea.

But I don't know how deep the sea can give birth to such a big monster

! Then, Su Yun suddenly realized that there was not only the bottom of the

sea but also the deep space! The turbid qi creature in front of him was a giant beast from the sea of stars!

Suddenly, the huge pupils began to drip, and the body also moved, and the bodies on both sides were raised.

The giant beast was only half of its cylinder, and it was not in its complete worm form, it looked more like a snail or a slug

! From its body, its white jaws and feet stretched out, and it was bigger and longer than the spikes on its body! It was more than a centipede's legs

! It pulled itself out of the earth with its jaws, and the huge visual impact made Su Yun dazed

for a while! The giant beast in front of him was crawling with its jaws, it was a mountain crawling!

Then, the huge body of the giant beast flipped over, and the mountains overturned towards them, glaring at Su Yun and the others with uncomfortable eyes.

The bodies on both sides were like the feet of starfish or other echinoderms, flapping irregularly, the earth shook, and the hurricane roared towards Su Yun!

A spike flew off towards the Six Directions Trapped Immortal Array, and the fifth-order formation was smashed in an instant, and the array disk was counterattacked, and it was completely scrapped.

The spikes flew over not far from Su Yun, and even pulled the space to generate fluctuations.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the giant beast began to writhe, the eyeballs retracted, and the body squirmed in a strange way, twisting into a ball of twisted flowers, as if turning inside and out, the entire belly with jaws and feet wrapped forward, and finally the eyes and abdomen were turned upside down, and Su Yun saw the true appearance of the giant beast.

Where is the jaw and foot on the belly of the giant beast! It is clearly Bai Sensen, and the teeth stained with mucus

! It is crawling with its teeth just now

! The original position of the eyeballs has become a big mouth like an abyss! The

teeth are dense, circle by circle, gradually shrinking, filling half of the mouth, and the center of the mouth is pure black.

Animals only open their mouths when they are eating.

At this moment, Su Yun sensed that the spatial turbulence had subsided, and hurriedly pulled Wen Bai and Jiang Mu to fly into the Xuanniao and fled in the opposite direction.

It was also at this time that the behemoth's mouth shrank, and its teeth made a sharp and piercing grinding sound, which was terrifying.

The Xuanniao was fully powered, but as soon as it flew out for a while, it stopped in place, and even went backwards!

The Xuanniao is like a boat in the rapids.

The air, the dust, the shattered earth, and even the black ooze formed by the corruption of the aura, the turbidity, and all the extraterritorial turbidity creatures became food for the behemoth!

The Xuanniao's automatic obstacle avoidance system worked at full strength, dodging the oncoming boulders and decay.

But it wasn't until Su Yun saw the Hellfire Dao people and Chen Zhen flying farther and farther away that he realized that the target that the giant beast wanted to devour was actually him!

" Wen Bai ......" Su Yun suddenly said in a deep voice, then withdrew the mecha, hugged Wen Bai into his arms, and said with a wry smile: "I'm sorry."

Wen Bai looked up at Su Yun and smiled sweetly, in the face of such a predicament, she didn't panic at all, "It's okay! Life and death are fate, I can die with you, I am also relieved, walk together on the Huangquan Road

, see you in the next life!" Su Yun let go of Wen Bai, looked at her smiling eyes, stared at her for a long time, and then smiled: "The next life is quite far."

"But I won't give up, at least let you live!" With

that, Su Yun re-equipped his mecha and flew out of the Xuanniao without hesitation, the hatch closed, and it was tightly locked.

Then the mecha accelerated, flying towards the left side of the Xuanniao, as long as it did not resist the suction of the giant beast, there would be no restrictions on moving, and it flew hundreds of meters away when it turned around, but it was getting closer and closer to the abyssal giant mouth.

With the power of the mecha, it is even more impossible to resist the suction.

But as Su Yun wished, the center point of the giant beast devouring was moving with him, and the Xuanniao gradually accelerated, moving away from the direction of the giant beast.

"Su Yun!!What are you doing?Why are you so stupid!" Wen Bai instantly understood Su Yun's intentions and shouted frantically in the communication channel.

But no matter how she operated the Xuanniao, she couldn't open the hatch, and it was locked.

"Ah, all the permissions of the Xuanniao will be open to you in a while, you must catch up with the Hellfire Dao people and kill them! I will bless you in the sky." Su Yun said with a smile.

"Fool Su Yun......" Wen Bai's eyes were already full of tears, and then she gritted her teeth heavily, her eyes became firm, she took a handful of pills, kicked through the hatch of the Xuanniao with her bare feet, and then turned into a retreat and chased after Su Yun.

Listening to the alarm of damage to the body of the Xuanniao, Su Yun suddenly couldn't cry or laugh, and joked: "It seems that the interior of the cabin should also be equipped with defense means

!!" "Then you can pretend to go back!!" Wen Bai laughed while crying.

Su Yun was silent for a moment, and then said heavily: "Okay."

And behind her, there was another ray of light, and Jiang Mu's helpless voice sounded in the transmitter, "Hey, Brother Su, have you forgotten that I won't be able !!to live if you hang up?"

Then he said with relief: "The three of us are neat!" The three

of them gathered, held each other's hands, and tried all their means to resist the devouring suction of the giant beast, but they were still slowly falling towards the giant mouth, but until the last moment, they could not give up hope.

At this time, a boulder slammed diagonally into the three of them, and after dodging, the boulder continued to move in a curvilinear trajectory.

Suddenly, Su Yun had a flash of inspiration, and instantly said excitedly: "Why didn't I think

of it earlier!" "We can make a circular motion or a curved motion around the center point of the giant beast's suction, and let the suction force provide centripetal force! We accelerate laterally, as long as the speed reaches the escape speed, we can get rid of the suction!"

The Xuanniao accelerated sideways and flew in the direction behind Su Yun, and the moment it approached, the Xuanniao adjusted its attitude, opened the broken hatch, and re-caught the three of them.

When the three of them were seated, the Xuanniao accelerated abruptly, speeding up its flight in the tangential direction of the suction!

"There's a play

!" "Hurry up!" Su Yun was ready to give it a go, so that the Xuanniao's electric propulsion engine and aircraft pattern were "overloaded" to run, and at the same time, the mecha's spiritual power line was connected to the Xuanniao, and the top-grade spiritual core supplied additional spiritual power.

The propulsion engine's original dark blue color changed to fiery red, the result of the engine components being eroded by plasma flames.

And the speed of the Xuanniao has also gone up to a new level.

But the suction of the giant beast devouring also adjusted its direction in real time, and it was no slower than the Xuanniao.

So much so that the two sides formed a pull, and the Xuanniao began to make a circular motion.

"Almost, almost!" Su Yun gritted his teeth, but the Xuanniao had reached its limit and could no longer increase its speed.

The more urgent it was, the slower Su Yun felt that time was passing, and his breathing seemed to be stagnant, and he suddenly thought of the true meaning of thunder and lightning that he didn't understand deeply!

Immediately, a fine thunder arc appeared on the Xuanniao, and a layer of plasma began to appear on the fuselage, the drag decreased, and the speed naturally increased.

But at the moment when the Xuanniao was about to escape from the shackles of suction, violent spatial fluctuations came, the heavens and the earth changed, and the surroundings suddenly fell into darkness.

The roar of the electric propulsion engine is much lighter.

Su Yun found that the Xuanniao was safe and sound, and it was not torn apart, so he instantly understood.

The space was

dim and the air was much thinner, so Su Yun had no choice but to stop the Xuanniao and then shut down the engine. As the noise faded away, there was silence all around, so quiet that a faint tinnitus sounded in my ears.

The heartbeats of all three people can be heard clearly, with different frequencies and different strengths.

Maybe it was because it was so quiet, Wen Bai's voice trembled slightly: "Su Yun, where are we~~~

" "Anyway, it's not in the underworld!" Su Yun joked, and then looked serious, "It should be in the belly of the giant beast!"

"Will we be digested?" Wen Bai said worriedly.

"If the behemoth were a normal creature, swallowing the iron lump should make me indigestion and pull us out at the end, but obviously, it's not normal. Su Yun said solemnly.

As he spoke, he began to check the various data detected by the Xuanniao.

The temperature outside the Xuanniao was already below zero, and the air content was only half of the normal value.

Gravity is normal.

But radar can't detect the boundaries of this space.

Then there are only two possibilities.

One is that this space is boundless, and the other is that the radar waves are absorbed and not reflected back.

Su Yun is more inclined to the second possibility.

After all, the existence of an infinite amount of space in the body of a giant beast is outrageous!

Radar does not work, and there is a blank space in the infrared detector.

Su Yun couldn't help frowning.

At this time, Jiang Mu suddenly shook his head and said, "This space is far beyond the scope of my divine thoughts!" "

Could it be that we are in a place similar to a storage space?" Wen Bai tilted his head and thought.

"No, an incomplete space can't withstand conscious life, it's more like a small world!" Jiang Mu analyzed.

"What is a small world?" Su Yun asked.

"I don't know much about it, and I haven't even seen it before, but I've only heard about it occasionally. Jiang Mu said in a deep voice: "The small world is an independent space, with perfect rules, harmony, and a world of its own.


So, does the small world have boundaries?" Su Yun asked the question he was most concerned about.

"The small world of the monk will always have a specific entrance, and it is difficult to say what form it takes. Jiang Mu said, his face sad, "But this place is not a monk's small world after all!" "

I can always think of a way, at least we are still alive now, this is the best news." Su Yun pouted.

Then, the three of them went to the outer space and faced the deep darkness.

The searchlight on the Gentori came on.

The light could shine through the dust that fluttered in close range, but it was completely engulfed ten feet away.

Emptiness and darkness always make people dread.

The boundless darkness even made Su Yun feel breathless, and the sound of heavy breathing and heartbeat took up all of his senses.


" A beep sounded, hazy, not real, Su Yun thought it was an auditory hallucination, until Wen Bai pulled the corner of his clothes and reminded: "It's the prompt sound of

the radar!" Su Yun came back to his senses, the buzzing gradually became clear, and he hurriedly connected to the Shennian chip, "The radar found something approaching!"

The three of them returned to the Xuanniao, and the picture was projected onto the screen.

A small dot appears within the radar's range and is almost at the limit of the radar's detection capabilities.

"It's a hundred and twenty miles away! This space is so big!" Su Yun exclaimed in surprise.

Then he wondered: "The gravity in the space is normal, and the things that can float are either living creatures or strange

things!" "Let's go, let's take a look!"

"There is no other way now, any variable may be an opportunity!

The Xuanniao maintained an unfast speed to approach the target, and the speed of the target did not change.

The three of them were silent for a long time, and gradually approached their target.

As the distance approached, the radar was able to detect the shape of the target, which was a flat cuboid with a pedestal, or a broken stone platform, underneath.

Until he reached the range of the searchlight, Su Yun was pleasantly surprised.

It was a door, an ordinary stone door!

The gray stone, the surface was numb, not delicate, and even the workmanship was extremely unfine.

Some of the farmer's pigsty doors are more beautiful than this.

And on top of the wooden deadbolt, there is also a mechanical token that is "clicking" to solve something.

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