"Shimen?, and this is the token you refined?" said in surprise as he looked at the displayed screen.

"I didn't expect it to be swallowed in too. Su Yun opened the hatch and replied, "And it can actually float, there must be some kind of prohibition on it." The

Xuanniao maintained the same flight speed as the stone gate, and after stabilizing, they got out of the engine room, and the platform under the stone gate was just enough for them to settle down, and the light of the searchlight shone on several people, casting a long black shadow.

Su Yun's attention fell entirely on the latch of the stone door, which was a wood that had never been seen before, pale yellow in color, and a young bud had grown on the left corner, which was extremely vigorous.

In the center is the base that touches the token, Bagua shaped, made of off-white metal, unexpectedly rudimentary.

Su Yun took down the fake token and replaced it with the real one.

The spiritual power above began to flow normally until the defect came to an abrupt halt.

After setting the speed of unraveling, Su Yun walked around to the back of the stone gate.

There is nothing peculiar about the back, it is no different from an ordinary door panel, and the gap in the middle is not even tightly closed, and you can see the light from the front, forming a bright line.

In any case, Su Yun couldn't see any clues.

It takes a lot of time to break the ban, Su Yun left the monitor at the stone gate, and left with Wen Bai and Jiang Mu, the top priority is to find a way to leave this place.

The Xuanniao is like a small fishing boat on the deep ocean, drifting aimlessly.

Su Yun also took the opportunity to ponder.

There are too many unknown things in this space, but the only thing that is certain seems to be the direction of gravity!

The Xuanniao slowly slowed down and landed downward, keeping an eye on the situation below, while tracking the signal from the stone gate to prevent losing the target.

Soon, the radar sent back a weak signal.


the bottom, to the naked eye, there was still a quiet black below, but in the mind, there was an undulating terrain, and it was descending at a slow pace.

The objects below were shattered earth, rolling hills of stones, and other things, such as fragments of immortal weapons, corpses of monks, corpses of turbid creatures, things that had just been devoured by the beasts.

The accumulation is dozens of miles wide, to say the least.

It is these objects that reflect a weak radar signature.

But at a certain altitude, the radar signal will disappear completely, and the light, divine thoughts, and matter will all be absorbed, like an iceberg sinking into the abyss.

It seems that there is a certain interface, and once anything goes in, it can't get

out!"We're really swallowed in our stomachs!" Wen Bai looked down through the gap in the hatch, "Will ......it be pulled out?"

"What do you think! Behemoths can't be judged by common sense. Su Yun said solemnly, and then pulled Wen Bai away, "Don't stand on the side, it's dangerous." "

What the hell is down there?" Wen Bai took a few steps back and frowned.

Su Yun glanced at Wen Bai, then looked at the pitch-black "abyss", pondered for a moment, and muttered and explained: "It seems that such a method has a similar existence in the universe, it is a celestial body that cannot be explained by any common sense, it can devour everything, and even light cannot escape. "

It's called a black hole.

"That's a very deep hole?!" Wen Bai tried to understand with his own cognition, squeezing his eyebrows and said, "Could it be ...... The legendary return to the ruins!!

" "Return to the ruins...... That's a good statement. Su Yun muttered: "But the black hole is not actually a hole, but a singularity or a strange ring, the curvature of space is infinitely high, and within the black hole, all the laws will not apply!"

Wen Bai replied with a confused face: "I don't understand."

"Of course, it can't be said that there is a black hole in the belly of the giant beast, it may just be a similar method, otherwise we wouldn't have a chance to speak here, the real black hole is much more dangerous!" Su Yun said in a solemn tone.

"So the situation is not optimistic. The

Xuanniao slowly lifted up, heading away from the "Black Hole Domain".

A few people didn't know how long they were floating, and suddenly the space shook, and through the positioning signal, they found that the distance between the Xuanniao and the stone gate was flickering and close, and it was the space itself that was shrinking and relaxing, or the "stomach" of the giant beast was wriggling!"

It seems that the giant beast has discovered that it has indigestion!" Su Yun sneered and said in a joking tone.

But in the face of today's predicament, Su Yun felt powerless.

Just as he racked his brains to think of countermeasures, the spatial oscillations began to become irregular, no longer simple convulsions, but twisted like twisting a towel, they were the mites on the towel.

Suddenly, without warning, a large eyeball appeared above, occupying half of the field of vision, the same large eye full of pupils that had been staring at them outside for a long time!

The eyes glowed faintly, like a huge, crater-ridden moon.

At this time, the radar captured the reflected signal, and the Xuanniao was about more than two hundred miles away from the big eyeball, and according to the proportion, this big eyeball alone had a diameter of more than 100 miles, which was obviously different from the results seen outside.

The proportions of the space here are not harmonious, indicating that this dark space is not the original size, but compressed, but abnormal is normal in this place.

But the operation of the giant beast can only be described as weird! It's like a person turning his head into his stomach and using his eyes to see if the food has been digested

! However, it's a great thing that the big eyeballs can reflect radar waves

! This shows that it is an entity, and if it is an entity, it can fight back!

"Wen Bai, Jiang Mu, you find a way to attract the attention of the giant beast, don't let the eyeballs leave!" As he spoke, Su Yun flew out of the Xuanniao, suspended in the air, and began to pull out a large pile of parts.

"I need time to assemble a big killer!

!" "Okay, leave it to us!" Wen Bai nodded in agreement, and then took out a few pills, which were already the few stocks she had.

After taking the elixir, the warm white body instantly brightened up in the darkness, this is a fire attribute escape technique, and every move is as dazzling as a fire meteor.

She and Jiang Muyi combined and flew in opposite directions.

And Jiang Mu not only used the escape technique, but also used a peculiar technique, and the figure was divided into five, all of which flew in all directions with the escape light.

The two men who scattered and "fled" succeeded in attracting the interest of the giant beast, and its eyes turned more quickly, as if to see how the caged sparrow could still jump.

Su Yun also seized the opportunity, took out the parts in turn, and assembled them with his mental power.

He left this back hand, originally to deal with the powerhouse of the Transformation God Realm, but it turned out to be a mistake, which could just be used to deal with the giant beast in front of him.

The first thing to be taken out is the polar ice stone air kettle used to separate the rare gases in the air last time, and under the action of the polar ice stone, the internal temperature can be extremely low.

The pipes in the air kettle are removed, leaving only the refrigeration part

, which is used to reduce the temperature of the dark star copper wire and produce superconductivity! The internal dark star copper wire line is divided into two parts, namely the primary coil and the secondary coil, the primary coil is connected to the purple thunder crystal, which is used to generate current, and then amplified by the electromagnetic induction of the secondary coil!

And the core component is the huge ruby crystal that was auctioned last time.

This ruby crystal is more than a zhang long, the crystal surface diameter is more than three feet, and it does not contain any impurities except for chromium ions and alumina

! It is simply a perfect laser material!

The laser light produced is more than one meter in diameter, which can instantly vaporize the monk of the gods, so that there is no room for resistance.

And due to the presence of superconducting currents, the power ceiling of the laser is extremely high.

After assembling the various parts one by one, the ruby laser was attached to the Xuanniao to precisely control the direction of the attack.

And Su Yun even contributed the top-grade spirit core in his chest, which was used as the energy source of the laser along with the other two hundred middle-grade spirit cores.

After calling back Wen Bai and Su Yun, the giant beast's gaze relocked on the Xuanniao.

And the ruby laser has also locked the center of the big eyeball.

Su Yun frowned, gave the attack order, and said angrily: "Poke your eyeballs!!"

In an instant, the Xuanniao lost all means of electromagnetic wave detection to the outside world, which was caused by the strong electromagnetic interference on the laser line.

But through the gap in the hatch, Su Yun could see the extremely dazzling white light outside.

This is only the light produced by the part of the energy that is spilled out when the red laser beam hits the eyeballs! This is followed

by an even more violent spatial shock!

It seems to be the restlessness of the giant beast due to pain!

After a few breaths, the laser beam stops, the light fades, and finally only a faint red light penetrates the cabin.

After a few moments, the red light also dissipated.

The three of them flew out and saw that the huge eyeballs above had stopped moving, and the eyeballs were cut deep by the laser, and finally evolved into a deep hole at a point, and at the end of the hole, it seemed to have a little light penetrating.

And the space shock has also subsided.

"It's done, haha, it's done!" Su Yun showed ecstasy, quickly retrieved the top-grade spirit core, put the laser into the storage space, let Wen Bai and Jiang Mu take their seats, and the electric propulsion engine was fully turned on, flying towards the hole that was ablated by the laser.

But according to the signal sent back by the locator, the stone gate was in front of him, Su Yun thought for a moment, but still deviated from the reserved direction, slowed down and flew to the edge of the stone gate.

Half of the calculation process of the token has passed, but this does not mean that it is half successful, but the experiment has ruled out half of the possibilities, and it is possible that the crack will be successful immediately, or it may take so much time.

Originally, it was difficult to move the stone gate when it was fixed, but now it floats freely in the space, which can only show that the mystery is on the stone platform below.

Fortunately, there was enough space in the cabin, just enough to fit the stone door and the dilapidated stone platform underneath.

The Xuanniao accelerated again, and flew towards the hole in the eyeball with the stone gate.

The deep hole of the eyeball was still in a red-hot state after burning, and it felt slightly hot after flying in.

The infrared sensor clearly maps the shape of the inner wall of the channel.

Suddenly, there was a wave-like undulation in the infrared picture, and the inner wall of the channel was wriggling, slowly, as if black granulations were growing, and the channel was shrinking.

Or rather, the beast's wounds are healing.

Although Su Yun didn't think that he could kill the giant beast with a single blow, he didn't expect the giant beast to recover so quickly!

In the blink of an eye, the width of the deep cave was reduced by two layers, and it became uneven, making it very difficult for the Xuanniao to dodge.

But the disaster was not alone, the eyes of the giant beast began to turn, gurgling, causing the Xuanniao to hit the wall one after another, and the defensive shield was automatically triggered, so as to avoid the risk of crashing.

It seemed that because they didn't find Su Yun and them in the "stomach", the eyes of the giant beast began to flip!

If you continue to fly along the current path, you will eventually return to that dark space!

Su Yun had to turn around and slow down urgently.

The overload pressed the three of them heavily on the seats, and Su Yun immediately made up his mind that if he could go back alive this time, he must install a telekinesis generator in the Xuanniao at any cost to eliminate the impact of acceleration.

And the Xuanniao also made a loud tearing sound, and the burden on the body was not small.

After the direction reversal was completed, the Xuanniao re-accelerated and flew towards the "living road".

At this time, the black, viscous liquid wriggles inside the wall, and the deep hole ablated by the laser is healing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

And the giant beast seemed to have discovered the existence of the Xuanniao, and from the inner wall of the deep cave, squeezed out countless eyes, staring at the Xuanniao all the way.

As a result, the healing speed ahead is greatly accelerated.

Su Yun had no choice but to activate the weapon of the Xuanniao and launch an attack on the front in order to gain an opportunity.

But it can only be said that it is a slight delay.

Seeing that the deep hole was about to close, Su Yun turned off the automatic obstacle avoidance function of the Xuanniao, lifted all restrictions, and ran the electric propulsion engine at maximum power.

I started to think about not damaging the Xuanniao, so the speed has not been able to increase, but it has reached this juncture, and I can't worry too much about it.

Soon, in the process of impacting the inner wall, the shield shattered one after another, followed by the levitating weapon, the wing, and finally the two electric propulsion engines also broke and were completely crushed.

Fortunately, the giant beast's eyeballs were actually only one or two kilometers in diameter, and the Xuanniao relied on the aircraft pattern, and still successfully flew out of the passage at the last moment

! Whether it was speed or form, it was like a bullet out of the chamber!

After confirming that it had escaped from the giant beast's body, Su Yun did not dare to delay, and flew into the distance by relying on the aircraft pattern.

But at this moment, a word in the form of spiritual power fluctuations resounded between heaven and earth.

"Su Yun, where are you going?"

It was a completely unfamiliar man's voice, but in this case, who else could be the person who spoke?

It must be the Chaos Sect Master!

Su Yun didn't dare to stop for a moment.

But as soon as the sect leader's words fell, a phantom shadow of the palm of his hand condensed around the Xuanniao, and with a seemingly random pinch, the Xuanniao shattered in an instant!

Thanks to the Haipo Crystal defensive magic weapon, Su Yun protected Wen Bai and Jiang Mu.

The three of them, together with the fragments of the Xuanniao and the stone gate, drew a trajectory of flat throwing motion in the air and fell downward.

Looking back, a naked man in the distance hung in the air, without gender characteristic organs, his messy hair fluttering, and a grim expression on his face that did not belong to a human being.

The whole body is a powerful spiritual power fluctuation that has never been seen

before!After the sect master's divine soul power transmission is completed, there is no need to worry, and the rest of the spiritual power is concentrated in one body, making his realm have broken through to the peak of transforming gods!

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