Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 247 66. Send a message to Hela for me

The Soul Stealer took Orgrim's soul and flew all the way out of the Burning Plains.

This place is far away from Hades, and it has to cross the endless sea. Of course, it is impossible for the Val'kyr to fly back with Orgrim all the way. It makes sense that Hela needs a soul boat like the Nagfar.

Even a weird being like the Val'kyr cannot return to Hades regardless of the distance. So these Hell Soul Reavers also brought vehicles with them when they came this time.

A tattered keel longship hidden in the coastal fog. Compared with the Nagfar, both in terms of size and appearance, it is far behind.

But it is indeed a genuine soul-inducing ship, although it may not be able to descend to the bottom of the sea.

The soul thief has gained a lot. It stands to reason that she can now set sail and take this precious soul back to Hades to receive the reward, but she is still greedy for more.

There are still more souls on the battlefield where the Alliance and the Horde are fighting.

Although the best ones have been taken away by Odin's Valkyrie, the rest are taken back to Hades, where they can barely squeeze out some anima.

Queen Hela has always been very open-minded in this regard. When she, the God of Death, accepts people, she is not picky.

In a sense, Hela can be regarded as a model figure of "all living beings are equal".

"You said we will all go to the same place after we die? What does that mean?"

Orgrim was still asking questions.

He seemed to want to know more from the high-level Shadow Val'kyr in front of him, but the Soul Stealer had no idea to answer him.

People who are almost dead, why do they have so many problems?

Uh, no, technically speaking, this guy is already dead.

He was just about to die again.

Thinking of this, the Soul Stealer let out an evil laugh, seeming to find his joke funny. Probably because she gained some low-level interest from Orgrim, she turned her head and said to the beleaguered warchief:

"There are many lives in the stars, but your lives are different, but your deaths are the same. Death is a network, and every world with souls is a node on this network.

Azeroth is the larger one, and your world is the smaller one.

But different paths lead to the same destination.

When the journey of life is over, all souls in the stars, whether they are strong or weak, whether they are noble or humble, must embark on the same path.

Shadowland, Realm of the Dead, Hell

It has countless names but refers to the same place. You will all go there, cross the veil of life and death, and go to the world of the dead.

It is as vast as the stars, but has different laws.

The good ones forget the past and are reborn there, while the evil ones are tortured there and become the foundation of the great death. But unfortunately, the existence of ancient laws there is no longer appropriate.

Destiny needs to be reshaped!

And Her Majesty the Queen will personally promote that great purpose.

You mortals should be grateful to the Queen

She will give you true freedom, instead of everything from birth to death being governed by destiny. "

"Destiny? What is that?"

The chief asked again.

This time the Soul Stealer did not answer and lost interest in answering the question.

She had already "mercifully" given the answer to this soul who was about to die again, and there was no need for her to satisfy his curiosity.

Besides, what is destiny?

She doesn't know either.

She even suspected that the great Queen Hela might not know

After all, that is only a secret between the Eternals.

"Why haven't they come back yet?"

After waiting for a short period of time, the Soul Stealer felt that something was not right.

Although she brought a group of newly transformed Shadow Val'kyr recruits, with the help of the transformation of the power of death, no one could detect them on the mortal battlefield, and no one could stop them.

Those mortals couldn't even see them.

The efficiency shouldn't be so low.

"Answer me, evil, what is destiny?"

Orgrim was shouting, seemingly eager to know the answer, but this angered the restless Soul Stealer. She turned around and swung the Shadow Spear, hitting the warchief's soul.


"Shut up! You have no right to ask questions. If you talk more, I will let you taste the feeling of having your anima drained on behalf of the Queen!"

"Don't hit him, he asked for me."

Another voice sounded on the deck filled with gloomy fog, making the high-ranking Val'kyr startled. She looked back and saw Black, wearing a tattered black robe and carrying a scythe, walking out of the gathering shadows.

At Blake's feet, the ghost Black Wolf Frostpaw, who was getting stronger and stronger, was baring his teeth and whimpering fiercely at her.

The beast's eyes were filled with blood-red anger. After swallowing several balls of anima, it became stronger after death.

"Oh, I knew that even an elite soldier like you wouldn't know too many secrets."

The pirate looked at the Shadow Val'kyr in front of him. He looked her up and down and said:

"You guys all look the same, and you can only tell your identity by your hairstyle. You don't have a ponytail, and you are so weak, you are definitely not Anhild, the King of the Nine Martial Gods.

The Shadow Spear in your hand doesn't even have the emblem of death, and your position is definitely not too high. If you are not one of the Nine Martial Gods, then who are you?

Battlecaller Orren?

Or is it Valdemada who has a bad brain? It can’t be Kirleif, right? She should still be working as an arbitrator in Hades and hasn't gone to Icecrown Glacier yet. "

"you you!"

The series of Val'kyr names announced by Black as if they were names of dishes made the Soul Stealer take a step back.

Because she was wearing a half-covered black lightning wing helmet, her expression could not be seen, but it could be seen from her open mouth that she seemed to be frightened.

No mortal has ever known this group of them so well!

"Well, I know!"

Blake observed the Val'kyr in front of him. When he saw the black boots decorated with skull emblems on her feet, the pirate suddenly realized, patted his head and said:

"Heidana Soulstealer, I'm sorry, I forgot your name.

The main reason is that the high-level Valkyrs under Hela are all famous and have done a lot of things, but you, a rare elite wandering around, have not achieved much.

The sense of presence is naturally much lower.

By the way, since it is rare, there must be something good after killing it, right? "

"Shut up! Stupid mortal!"

The pirate's sarcasm immediately aroused the Soul Stealer's extreme dissatisfaction. In anger, she flapped her wings and took off, swinging her war spear to attack Black.

But the pirate's face was calm.

He was even in the mood to take a step back, as if to show that he had no intention of joining the fight.

Also, the Soul Stealer's opponent is not him.


Val'kyr suddenly turned around and saw the sneaky little murloc dragging an ancient vrykul buckler into the hands of the bound soul of Orgrim Doomhammer.


The soul thief was so shocked at this moment.

He changed direction and rushed towards the orc chief, but as soon as he flew to his side, he was completely blown away by an explosion of golden light.

It was as if countless fists were hitting her huge body, knocking the high-level Val'kyr into the broken deck, and knocking the shabby soul-inducing boat to the ground.

She flew out screaming in embarrassment in the next second, but before her eyes, Orgrim, holding the Shield of Odin, was tearing off the tattered shadow chains on his body.

With fingers wrapped in anger, he crushed the chain made of shadow into pieces.

"Kneel down!"

Val'kyr stretched out his hand and threw out the shackles gathered by the power of death again, trying to regain control of Orgrim, but the warchief took a step forward and struck forward with a shield strike skillfully.

Golden runes floated on the surface of the simple shield. The moment it collided with the chain, the evil thing was shattered into pieces.

"I'm a warrior."

Orgrim held the shield in his left hand, and clasped his right hand on the rusty anchor on the deck of the soul boat at hand, holding the heavy thing in his hand like a war hammer.

The fire of anger was burning in his soul, just like it was back when he was alive.

The anger flowed like blood-red blood, washing his soul into blood.

He raised his head, his eyes turning into burning points of light. He held the round shield in front of him, slapped the shield with the anchor, and roared at the incompetent and furious Shadow Val'kyr:

"Even in death, I remain a warrior! Anger doesn't just burn in my veins, it roars in my soul! No one can be my master.

Not even death!

You are right, there is no paradise in this world for me, but I don't care about those. Being able to die as a warrior is the end of my pursuit.

This is every orc's moment of glory.

Come on, evil.

Fight with me!

For the tribe! ! ! "


This angry soul jumped up at this moment, holding a war shield and smashing it at the screaming and roaring high-level Val'kyr in front of him. His loyal warg Frostclaw also attacked from behind.

Just like when they were alive, fighting and hunting side by side.

"Aren't you going to come?"

Ursalus in War Scythe said quietly to the pirates watching the show:

"You knocked out that poor Wildhammer dwarf, snatched his gryphon, flew all the way over, and sneaked onto this ship, just to watch the last battle of this orc's soul?

The fire of anger that is still burning after death is burning up his last mental energy every minute. If you don't intervene, you will gain nothing. "

"I guess you must not be a warrior."

The pirate held the scythe and admired the battle in front of him. He said:

"A bastard like you can't understand the beauty of this kind of twilight warrior, so shut up and don't disturb my appreciation of elegance."

"Need I remind you? You're a pirate."

Ursales said coldly:

"You are not a soldier, so don't put too much credit on your face! Isn't the idea of ​​fighting a game where both parties lose and the fishermen gain? You are a scoundrel!"

"You know it and you still ask? Are you cheap?"

Blake retorted:

"Just because I did bad things doesn't mean that I can't give a soldier at the end of his rope the last bit of dignity. This is his fight, and I have no right to interfere, no matter what.

The foolish Val'kyr has chosen the wrong battlefield.

The power of the sea is so wild that I still can't control it. "

The pirate stretched out his hand, touched the plank of the ship at hand, and said:

"This ship is not bad, with excellent quality. I don't want to destroy it."

"Hela has so many good things at her disposal."


The battle between Orgrim and the Soulstealer did not last long.

Facing a legendary soul that burns itself, Soul Stealer, a high-level Val'kyr with less than legendary strength, is no match at all, not to mention that the orcs also have the Shield of Odin in their hands specifically to restrain her.

Every blow of the round shield was accompanied by the anger of the God King towards the betrayer, which could knock her brains out.

This is impossible to fight.

And every time she tried to run away, she would be forced back to the deck by the elusive pirate with that weird war sickle. After a few minutes of going back and forth like this, she couldn't stand it any longer.


Orgrim, filled with rage, hit the Soul Stealer's tall body with a powerful and heavy shield blow, knocking her back and causing the Shadow Spear in her hand to break.

This war spear is not sharp enough to pierce Odin's shield.

And the pirates also felt that the heat was almost there,

When the Soul Stealer was defeated and weak, he emerged from the shadow.

The hand of death circled in the palm of his hand, and Black used the semi-god-level Kul Tiran military swordsmanship to slash the high-level Val'kyr to the ground with an extremely wide-range diagonal slash and a brutal blow from behind. .

"Excuse me."

The pirate emerged from the black smoke-like shadow with shadows all over his body. He stepped on the Val'kyr's towering chest, waved his scythe with both hands, and said to the soul stealer at his feet in an execution posture:

"Bring a message to Hela for me."



Before the Soul Stealer could ask the question in return, the war scythe wrapped in the storm of purple soul fragments slashed down head-on, executing the execution with one blow, and pierced Val'kyr's head with the sharp scythe blade.

Headshot and kill!

The black lightning-winged helmet was split into two and fell next to the still twitching corpse.

"What did you want her to say?"

On the other side, the soul of Orgrim Doomhammer glanced at the buckler in his hand, dropped it on the ground, knelt down again, and reached out to touch Frostclaw's head.

The chief didn't look back and just asked:

"You killed her before you even told her."

"It doesn't matter. Death will take my inner words to Hades, and Hela will also understand what I want to say."

Blake picked up the war scythe, took out a bag of spellcasting materials and tossed it in his hand.

He looked at Orgrim and said:

"I'm going to do something bad and it's going to take a while. If you want to escape, do it as soon as possible."

"If you are not afraid and are willing to make a small sacrifice, then wait there and I will take you to see something you have never seen in your life."

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