Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 248 67. Come and enjoy with me the beauty of the world when it changes course because of me

The same divine power extraction ritual is a gift of knowledge from the pirate king Zemlan.

On the remains of Hedana Soulstealer's Val'kyr, Black cut his palm and extracted the death power that Hela had given to this high-level Val'kyr.

The process is simple.

But this time the pirates gained little.

The vicious and unlucky Val'kyr in front of him was not an elite confidant of Hela, otherwise he would not have been sent to this place far away from Hades to do the chores of robbing souls.

The death power Hela gave her was not even a trace amount.

That kind of dangerous power is completely different from Tyr's burning arcane power and the shadow power that makes Black feel comfortable.

The moment it was pulled out of the Soul Stealer's body, the pirate felt decay, decay and coldness, as if touching a piece of ice that had lasted for thousands of years, causing a chill to spread throughout Blake's body.

That bit of divine power is death.

It represents the boundary between life and death, a taboo of absolute indifference, and a gap that no mortal can cross.

Symbolizes the end of all things.

It's also very raw and pure.

Probably the user's power level is too low, and he does not have much experience and understanding of the rules of death, so he has not developed advanced divine power like Hela and Bwonsamdi.

This little bit of death power is not consistent with Black's three professions and cannot be transformed and absorbed. Just like Tyr's arcane power, it is temporarily stored here among pirates.

In the divine power column of the character card, there is a second gray power that cannot be used.

Orgrim Doomhammer watched the entire process.

The orc warchief and his loyal wargs said nothing.

They knew that this process was evil. When Blake completed the ritual, the body of the high-level Val'kyr, somewhere between reality and reality, turned into a cloud of dust and was blown into the cold sea breeze and mist.

The pirate who completed the ceremony patted the ship next to him with satisfaction. All the Hades Pioneers sent by Hela were dead, and this dilapidated ship belonged to him.

"Awesome, got another boat out of her."

Blake suddenly stood up and looked at Orgrim in front of him. He took out the empty soul-inducing lamp from his magic bag, held it in his hand, and said to the great chief's soul:

"Orgrim Doomhammer, Warchief of the Old Horde, Butcher Leader of the Greenskins, Backstabber, how does it feel to die? You seem to have a lot of questions.

Especially after experiencing these things after death, do you have many questions to ask? "

"Who are you?"

Orgrim's soul was weak, and after death he stirred anger and fought with the creatures of death, the active power destroying the integrity of his soul.

But he was not afraid, he just looked at the pirates in front of him and said:

"You seem to be a very mysterious person. Why haven't I heard of you in my nearly seven years of fighting in this world?"

"No, you should have heard of me."

Blake took off the black clothes he was wearing to cover his body, brushed his hair, and took out the Flame Blade Sankesu, which he had not used for a long time, and held it in his hand.

When he saw this legendary blade, the warchief immediately understood.

"Are you the 'Orc Killer'? Black Shaw participated in the hunt for Old Dahl, and joined forces with Red and Garona to kill Gul'dan?"

"Did that shameless guy Red tell you that? He's really upright."

Blake complained:

"I clearly told him to make up a better story.

Forget it, this job is a bit too difficult for orcs, especially orcs like Red. Come on, I said I would take you to see something you have never seen in your life.

I'm very pressed for time, let's leave now. "

He waved to Orgrim and moved the soul-inducing lamp forward.

The chief felt that the lamp in front of him was attracting his soul. He hesitated and touched the head of the ghost wolf at hand. He did not resist and allowed the soul-attracting lamp to absorb him.

The loyal Frostpaw neighed and followed his master into the soul-inducing lamp.

The pirate tied a somewhat heavy lamp to his waist, turned around and jumped into the sea. Like a dolphin, he quickly swam under the water and arrived at the not-so-distant coast, where he found the griffon he had snatched from the Wildhammer dwarves.

He mounted this violent beast and flew back towards the Burning Plains.

This went back and forth, and by the time the pirates returned to the battlefield, the war under Blackstone Tower was basically over.

As expected, the orcs fled in all directions.

The alliance was broken into pieces. Under the leadership of commanders, various troops attacked in all directions to capture the orcs. Commanders like Dai Lin, who hated the greenskins to the core, even issued a kill order for their own troops. .

And the soldiers who were in full fighting spirit seemed to be tireless. The joy of victory was inspiring their minds, making them roar, slap their swords and shields, control their horses, and under the leadership of their respective generals, they drove those soldiers away. The greenskins who fled in a hurry chased the entire Burning Plains and fled in all directions.

On Blackstone Mountain, after the frontal battlefield collapsed, the Bronzebeard dwarves tried to seize the door.

The dwarves want to take advantage of the alliance army's presence on the battlefield to try to attack Blackstone Tower and Shadowforge City controlled by the Dark Iron Dwarves.

Those dwarf muscle sticks who looked honest but were actually cunning almost captured the gate of Blackrock Tower, but they were driven away by Red Blackhand, who had been waiting for an opportunity, like a magic weapon descending from the sky, with his own orc warriors. go out.

While they were fighting fiercely, the Dark Iron Dwarves of Shadowforge City, who had been observing the battlefield, also noticed the war ambitions of the Bronzebeard Dwarves.

In the second half, the army of Dark Iron dwarves rushed out decisively, helping Red's orcs repel the Bronzebeard dwarves who grabbed the door, and then sealed the door of Blackstone Tower again.

"Go, go, find your master. I hope the unfortunate guy's neck wasn't broken when he fell."

When the griffin flew to a side peak of Blackstone Mountain, Blake jumped down with the soul-inducing lamp, and shouted to the ferocious griffin that turned around and flew towards him to catch him with its claws:

"You fierce little bird, go and find your master! If you make trouble again, I will pluck your eagle feathers!"

Driven by him, the smart military griffin howled twice, turned around and flew away towards the direction where his knight fell.

The pirate brushed the gryphon feathers stained on his body, put down the soul-inducing lamp on his waist, and released Orgrim's soul.

Blake politely made a "please" gesture. The chief looked in the direction of his finger. There were still sporadic battles on the battlefield where gunpowder smoke still remained.

But among the corpses scattered all over the place, with his ghostly vision, he could already see the souls of the soldiers who died in the battle.

Not just those souls.

In the sky that mortals can't see, there are some strange guys flying around.

It was a blue-skinned, human-like creature.

But each one is taller than humans, even taller than orcs. Both men and women wore very holy armor and white robes.

Most have huge wings.

There is a hint of blue in the white, and there are smooth feathers. When the wings are spread out, there is an unusually sacred feeling.

They will fly out from some invisible door in the sky and land next to the dazed souls on the battlefield.

They talk to those souls, and like the legendary angels, they hold those souls in their arms and fly them into the sky. From where these weird creatures came, they took those souls to another world.

Orgrim could see clearly that right in front of a high elf who was half-kneeling beside the body of his comrade in prayer, her comrade was being taken away by the giant blue angel-like creature.

But the elf didn't notice it at all.

They cannot be seen or felt by mortal eyes.

"Those blue squishy angels are called Green."

Beside the warchief, the pirate picked up a white griffon feather from the ground, rubbed it in his hand, and explained to Orgrim:

"They come from the Shadow Realm and are the guides of the world of the dead. They are responsible for guiding the recently deceased souls from various worlds to the world after death.

When the curtain of life and death was still stable, they were the only creatures in the Shadow Realm who could freely cross the boundary between life and death. All the original descriptions of 'angels' in Azeroth and all worlds originated from them.

Their wings can protect souls and carry them across the veil of life and death, through planes of torture and imprisonment, to the gift of rebirth and eternity.

These souls will be brought into the eternal city of Oribos, and the souls from countless worlds will be judged by the eternal arbiter in the heart of the Shadow Realm.

Souls with good intentions will go to the holy fortress of promotion.

The pure and natural soul will return to the quiet blue fairyland.

A warlike spirit that responds to the wrath of Maldraxxus.

The defective and corrupted soul will merge into Revendreth under the night.

The first three all sound pretty good.

But Revendreth is terrible, it is a spiritual purgatory, and the souls who are punished there need to atone for their mistakes and depravity in life.

The journey of redemption is not an easy one. "

The pirate sighed, touched his shoulder and said:

“Some of the assholes from there told me.

If I went there, the monument recording my sins would be as big as a mountain! Sounds like a really bad place to be.

Orgrim Doomhammer, if you went to the world of the dead, where do you think you would be assigned? "

Faced with this question, the chief hesitated for a moment and said:

"The Val'kyr, she told me, I would be sent to the Maw, which is a worse place than the Revendreth you mentioned, right? It's a hell of a soul.

Suffer forever without relief. "

"That's why she scared you."

The pirate laughed and looked at the Gryon angels guiding souls on the battlefield in front of him.

He was silent for a few seconds and said:

"There is a high probability that you will be assigned to Maldraxxus by the Arbiter, which is the eternal destination of warriors like you. There, you may become a psychic lord wielding death and decay.

However, the Eternal Master who manages the place may have disappeared, so after you go there, you will probably be involved in the internal fighting of the five secret courtyards immediately.

Spend eternity after death amidst intrigues and endless battles.

Everyone around you will want to kill you and take your anima, and you can kill everyone and build upon their corpses, if you're strong enough. "

"Hmm, sounds like a good place."

Orgrim's weak soul showed a smile, and then he said:

"But you're not going to let me go, are you?"

"Yes, I'll kill you here."

The pirate raised the white gryphon feather in his hand and said to the soul beside him without looking back:

"I invited you here not to show you these Kyrians.

These blue softies are a bunch of dogmatic fools, commanded by an incompetent, confused and weak Eternal who likes to show off.

They were never the problem.

Just like their status in the Shadow Realm, they are just dispensable guides.

What I want you to see here with me is something more important.

It starts from the moment you die.

The established destiny of this world, through your death, has begun to slip off the track. It has begun to change its course, and it has changed its course because of me. From the moment I handed the sword into Lothar's hands, change had come. "

The pirate spread his arms, and in the hazy sky and the shadows cast by the sun, he took a deep breath and said:

"Look up at the sky."

Orgrim raised his head. At the end of his sight, above the hazy sky, some whirlpools shining like yellow quicksand were dancing.

There are many whirlpools, just like the stars in the sea of ​​stars, they are still shining.

Something is happening.

It should be some kind of powerful force that seems to be pushing the world, but nothing in the world changes because of its appearance.

"That's the timeline we're on, and it's being abolished by the bronze dragons."

Blake also looked at the sky and said thoughtfully:

"This means that this timeline will be abandoned by the time guardians, just like a sophisticated system will be completely stopped and will never be corrected or maintained.

All history that is established, has happened, is happening, and has not happened yet will cease to exist!

What will happen in the future, even the most powerful prophet cannot predict. Maybe a meteorite will hit the world in the next moment, causing the extinction of all things.

Maybe in the next moment, I will be struck to death by thunder and lightning falling from the sky in front of your eyes, and I will go to the world of the dead one step ahead of you.

But the scenery in front of me that was created because of me is really beautiful, right? "

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