After knowing that Luo Cheng had already had breakfast, the people in Guyang's family stopped hanging around Luo Cheng, because they had to prepare things for the orchard later.

Luo Cheng was led around his house by two brothers, Guyang and Kuching.

Indeed, as Kuching said, Guyang’s home has everything.

Not only there is the orchard, but there are many things in his house alone.

Needless to say, pigs are basically raised in many rural families, and they are very smelly, so I was too lazy to look at them.

But apart from the pigs, Guyang's home is really like a zoo. There are many other things. He has four dogs at home, and they are not native pigs. There are two wolf greens, a Doberman, and a rooster. Neville, these four dogs are enough to watch the yard.

Originally, Guyang was worried that Luo Cheng would come with Little Yorkie, and the four dogs would bite Luo Cheng's dogs again, and he specially circled them. As a result, after Little Yorkie arrived, the four dogs immediately lay down, their tails Once clamped, he didn't even dare to bark. joke,Not to mention these four dogs, even if four tigers come to York, they may not be his opponents.

In addition to pigs and dogs, Guyang’s family also raises rabbits. Many people in the south and east also raise rabbits. The skins of these rabbits can be sold and the rabbit meat can be eaten. They are also very cute when they are small. If there are children at home, you can It's great to play with.

There is a pigeonhouse next to the rabbit. Guyang also raises a lot of pigeons. There are meat pigeons and homing pigeons. There are also many birdcages hanging next to the pigeonhouse. He also raises birds.

There are quite a few such as QUE and QIAO.

And there are a few pugs. After Luo Cheng came here, they would occasionally say a few words:"Hello."……"



Although the sound sounded harsh, it was really interesting.

Behind the dovecote is a large poultry nest, which contains chickens, ducks, and geese. The geese raised here in Guyang are lion-head geese, which look really intimidating and are quite big. , after seeing Luo Cheng and Little York, he was not afraid, but even screamed

"This big goose is pretty good, as well as these chickens and ducks. By the way, do you raise these things here? I can buy some when I go back today."Looking at the big goose, Luo Cheng smiled and suddenly remembered that he could raise some of these things at home. If he wants to eat them, he can eat them at any time. It's quite good.

"Hey, who else are you looking for? Just take whichever one of ours you like!"Hearing Luo Cheng's words, Guyang said nonchalantly.

Indeed, Luo Cheng went to sea with them and gave them money just for the fishing goods. These few times, each person scored about 10,000.

They are very grateful. Pictured newspaper, chickens and ducks in rural areas are not valuable in the first place. It would be too outrageous to sell them.

"I don’t want one or two, I want more, and you don’t have enough here, so you might as well contact me for me. I want about thirty chickens, twenty ducks, and ten geese."Listening to Guyang's open words, Luo Cheng couldn't help but smile and pat him.

He didn't want to eat today. He wanted to go back and eat slowly. Of course, his family would definitely not have enough.

Hearing that Luo Cheng wanted so much , Gu Yang couldn't help but smile awkwardly, but immediately patted his chest and said, leave it to him. These are just minor problems. Indeed

, this is also a business of taking care of other people's families, so naturally there will be no problems.

Watching After walking around, Guyang's family was also ready, and then Luo Cheng and his group walked toward the orchard of Guyang's family. The orchard of Guyang's family is not small, and every small hill is their home. In addition, there are 20 acres of watermelon fields at the foot of the mountain, and there are many fruit trees planted on the mountain.

Apples, pears, peaches, oranges... there are everything, but the most famous ones are longan and lychee. It also grows the best and is the most expensive.

Lychees can be found everywhere in the south, in the southwest, due south, and southeast.

But the best ones are undoubtedly from the southeast.

Su Shi said it well, Japan Eat three hundred lychees, and you will live a long life as a Lingnan native.

Many people know this poem, but it is estimated that 90% of people don’t know what Lingnan represents.

Lingnan is the abbreviation of the area south of the Five Ridges of Yanhuang, and these five ridges are respectively It is composed of five mountains: Yuechengling, Duchongling, Yinzhuling, Qitianling and Daiyuling. Their southern part mainly refers to the areas of Guangdong, Guangxi, Qiong and part of Fujian. Lychees are the best among them. Yes, they are sold by the tree and are called Zengcheng Hanging Green!

Of course, the mother plant of Hanging Green has been protected for a long time. What we are buying now are second and third generation trees, which are planted in Guyang’s house. Several second-generation trees are green.

However, these trees have not yet grown up, so they do not produce much fruit.

But according to Guyang, the green fruits are indeed more delicious.

Except for a few green trees , In addition to green lychees, he also grows four kinds of lychees in his house.

The most abundant one is called March Red, which is a premature lychee that bears fruit in the third month of the lunar calendar every year. It is also the earliest lychee on the market and has a very delicious taste. Average, but because it is the earliest lychee, the price is quite good. What they usually eat here are local lychees. There are three kinds of local lychees, namely Yuanhong, Lanzhu and Chenzi. Now this All three kinds are bearing fruit.

Luo Cheng picked a Yuanhong, peeled off the skin, and bit it in one bite. The juice immediately came out, and the fragrance of the lychees also rushed into Luo Cheng's mind.

"Well, your lychee is ok, delicious, and tastes quite authentic!"Luo Cheng said excitedly while eating the lychees.

He has also bought a lot of lychees in recent days. The taste is indeed better than in the north and in the magic city, but it is not so good that it is incredible..

Why now he knows that these really delicious ones haven’t been picked yet?

"Damn, this lychee looks good!"

"Brother Cheng raised his eyebrows as he ate it, I guess it tasted really good."

"I'm so hungry after seeing it"

"Brother Cheng, ask Yangzi if you can sell these lychees?"

"That is, we don’t have this kind of mature lychee in the north."

Watching Luo Cheng eating one after another, the people in his live broadcast room were also very greedy, and many people posted comments asking questions.

And Luo Cheng happened to see these comments, and thought After a while, this is indeed a good opportunity. If Guyang's lychees haven't been sold yet, he can help sell them. If they have been sold out, he can also get some himself and give them to fans for lottery.

It was indeed a matter of killing two birds with one stone, so Luo Cheng looked at Guyang and asked...

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