Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 265 What are you doing?

Chapter 265 What are you doing?

In the early morning, this should be the sleepiest time of the day, but the ancient Roman city of France was not a real city. All its inns and hotels were government properties, and there were not many of them. After all, there would not be any here in normal times. Too much foreign population.

There were too many events that happened in this inheritance ceremony, and the abdication announcement came too suddenly, resulting in a huge stranded crowd. From time to time, people who had not grabbed a ticket or a hotel would appear on the street. You can wander aimlessly, and a man walking by with his hat on his head won't get much attention.

Soon, the man came to the checkpoint leading to the inner city, but instead of continuing forward, he quietly blended into the shadow of the nearby building, and then a gust of wind blew through the alley from time to time. A shadow jumped quickly along the gaps between the walls, climbing up a few buildings that were not the tallest. It could overlook the streets below, but at the same time it could hide itself with the shadow of the taller buildings.

Above the sky, several airships were hovering, swaying dazzling searchlights downwards, and this traceable light source was naturally impossible to capture the person blending into the shadows. He seemed to be familiar with this city and knew every step of the way. Know where an alley leads and where to set up defenses for each level.

Some footsteps reached his ears, and the lamp in the corner reflected the shadow of the building, leaving a glimmer of light in his sight that could guess its location. A city's defense must be planned, and how to make the best use of it. location to maximize the defense area. This can only be designed by extremely professional people. If others can design it, Sherlock can actually do it. The terrain of a certain street is high, so the sentry here can see a larger area. range, and a small road can avoid surveillance from high places, then there must be hidden secret cards in this small road.

As long as you know enough about a certain industry, there are many things you can follow.

Moreover, he has the structural diagram of the entire city in his mind. Every building, every street, underground drainage facilities, and even some routes that people who have lived in the city for many years do not know are all mapped out by him. Memorized it deeply.

20 minutes later, a manhole cover in the shadow of the inner city was pushed open. He climbed out unhurriedly, and then pushed the manhole cover back with his feet. The dim light of the street lamp that he glimpsed changed for a moment. , it was intertwined with another beam of light. He walked sideways behind a tree, and cleverly staggered with a beam of searchlight light that suddenly came over. Not more for a second, not less for a second, just so low. Head, continue to move forward without letting anyone see.

A few minutes later, several guards equipped with firearms walked over, but found nothing. There seemed to be some noise in the corner of the wall more than ten meters away. A conscientious guard immediately raised the lighting fixture equipped with the gun, but what was there? nothing.

In short, if there is such a pair of people who can see this scene, they will be very surprised, because the man seems to be able to seize the momentary gap and visual blind spot every time, and shuttle between the groups of patrolling guards. , sometimes even walking close to a few people, but it was extremely strange that no one noticed him. He was like a prophet who could see the future, shuttling through the city at a very fast speed.

Finally, he dived into a low lawn at an extremely fast speed, and passed under a passing military tank. He avoided many eyes, but did not make any sound, and then continued He stood up from the ground with great agility, jumped onto the four-meter-high wall, and landed lightly into a bush without even knocking off a leaf.

What he saw in front of him was the ordinary-looking building. The car carrying the medical team had just left, and the body search of the doctors had just ended. The guard at the door breathed tiredly, and no one paid attention. Suddenly, a shadow has clung to the vines or protrusions outside the building, flying towards the top of the building at an incredible speed.

The entire process of Sherlock entering the target area is extremely weird and cannot be imitated.

No one can, like him, call upon the urban structure in his mind at all times. No one can, like him, combine the surrounding sounds, light, shadows, people's visual direction, forward route, speed, and even a momentary turn of the head. Or calculating all the gaps in the blink of an eye, which requires not only agility, but also huge information support, and a huge amount of reasoning that can be predicted a few seconds in advance.

In short, he quietly opened an unlocked window and found a bathroom inside. It must be said that he was very lucky, so he went directly to the sink and turned on the faucet.

Soon, a guard who heard the sound of water came in. His eyes were immediately attracted to the faucet, but before he could doubt it, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck and lost consciousness.

Ten seconds later, the guard walked out of the bathroom and continued patrolling along the original route, except that the brim of his hat was lowered a little at this time.

There are only more than 40 people in the medical team, but after entering the building, walking in the not-so-wide corridor seems to be very powerful. Fortunately, there are not too many checkpoints that have been passed before, so there are not that many guards accompanying them when entering the building. , otherwise, it will even look crowded.

These people were brought to a door. After entering, there was a small corridor about three meters away. Potions with a strong smell of alcohol were constantly sprayed in it. It seemed to be used for disinfection, so all the medical staff wore them. The eagle-beak mask, after being disinfected, officially entered the room.

Of course, it was impossible for the guards to leave these medical staff alone, so a group of guards also wore special sterilized clothing and breathing masks, followed them into the room, each holding a gun, and continued to guard the doctors.

Although it seemed a little disrespectful, everyone accepted this for a former emperor.

This room is not small. You can see it through a large glass. There is a special hospital bed inside, surrounded by many medical instruments and needles that look very painful. If Watson hadn't You guessed it wrong, this should be the place where Emperor Augustine usually stayed, but he was a little curious about how much pain that person would suffer if all those terrible needles were inserted into a person's body.

Curiosity is curiosity, but there was no delay in the movements of Watson's hands. The medical staff around him began to prepare the medical equipment they brought, and Watson was the same. But if someone pays special attention to him at this time, they will find out , his medical equipment looks a bit simple.

Because he was disassembling some syringes.

Then he pulled off the ear of the stethoscope, which seemed to be connected to the refill of a pen. He took off the wedding ring on his hand, straightened it with force, and stuffed it into the syringe, while the pocket watch After the outer steel ring was removed, it seemed to be a bit thick, and coincidentally, it fit perfectly with the muzzle of the gun that was already beginning to look like a firearm.

In short, it only took a few seconds for a gun to appear in Watson's hand. He pushed it into his cuff calmly, as if nothing happened.

But at this moment, suddenly, a voice suddenly sounded from behind him.

Watson turned around and saw a guard looking at him.

"What are you doing?"

the other party asked.

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