Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 266 Just because I looked at you one more time in the crowd.

Although the other party was wearing a respiratory filtering mask and could not see his whole face, he could always hear the sound, so Watson explained as if nothing was wrong:

"Put the gun together."

For a long time, Watson had an extremely strong interest in this gun because this gun was so wonderful.

It seems unremarkable at first glance, but it has quite a lot of incredible functions, such as the item 'can be disassembled', which Watson has been tinkering with for a long time.

Its parts can be matched with many things, such as buttons, glasses legs, watch straps, earrings, necklaces, lighters, etc. In short, after constant attempts, this gun can be scattered on almost all kinds of objects. Then taken to various places.

Sherlock nodded, as if he thought the gun was quite interesting and he should borrow it to play with it some time.

But certainly not now.

At this moment, he and Watson all sneaked into the room, and on the other side of the glass was the place where Emperor Augustine usually received treatment. According to the process, he should walk in soon, and then start this time medical examination, and during this process, any bullet could kill the old man.

All this seems so simple, but if it were done by another person, it would be absolutely impossible. After all, no one can infiltrate the medical team like Watson, and still be able to infiltrate the medical team under everyone's eyes. If a gun is brought in, it is even less likely that someone will pass through the layers of checkpoints and finally disguise themselves as a security soldier silently, with only a glass window separating them from the target.

This is what Moriarty is most afraid of. Sherlock has been doing things based on his own preferences, and what's even more frightening is that he can really do it.

After a few minutes, the people around him had finished the work at hand, so they all began to wait quietly.

One minute

Two minutes.

Emperor Augustine was in poor health and came slower. This is something everyone can understand.

But after more than ten minutes, there was still no appearance. There seemed to be some anxious urging from the medical team, because the test reagents they prepared could not remain active in the air for too long. If they came too late, they might appear. Bias in the data.

And just then.

Suddenly, a young woman's voice rang out from the speakers above the room.

"Notice that this health test has been temporarily canceled. Now, all people in the house take off their uniforms and masks, and the guards put down their weapons and accept the test."

"Repeat. This health test has been temporarily cancelled. Now, all people in the room take off their uniforms and masks, and the guards put down their weapons and accept the test."

This notification came without warning, and for a moment, no one in the room reacted.

However, as the voice from the loudspeaker kept repeating, everyone had to do it even though they didn't know what happened.

Even Sherlock didn't know what happened, because according to his judgment, his and Watson's actions should not have been exposed in any way, and there were no clues to check. The only possibility is that that guy Moriarty took this This incident was told to Emperor Augustine.

But this is not quite right, because of this sudden change, someone obviously discovered something at some point just now and knew that someone had infiltrated.

But then again, this operation should have been perfect until now.

It is indeed perfect

Along the way, these two people left no trace.

However, some people do things without looking at traces, clues, or reasoning.

Rely on intuition.

Just like Sherlock, he has actually handled so many cases that when he sees a person, he can guess that person is the murderer without even observing the details of that person; just like Miss Irene Adler , when he saw Shylock for the first time, he knew that this man would definitely shock the entire empire in the future; and Emperor Augustine seemed to have this ability. He just took one more look in the crowd, and his eyes met someone below. After a moment of intertwining, even his eyesight was not enough for him to see the other person's face clearly.

But he just felt that something was wrong. There was a hint of murderous intent in the air.

So, he canceled the health check and asked people to prepare cars and airships outside the city.

He is ready to leave now, leaving this city where he has stayed for 60 years. Although he is still a little reluctant to leave, he has lost too many things in his life, so as long as he makes up his mind, he will leave without any nostalgia. It was so sudden.

And before leaving, he had an unfounded feeling that if someone wanted to kill him, the best time would be when he was being examined. Although it was a bit unrealistic, if there was such a person, he would be strong enough. At this moment, that person is probably already in that room. If he is examined, then there is only a glass between him and the other person.

This kind of thinking is not cowardice, nor is it a false accusation, nor is it being carried away by fear.

On the contrary, this is a great affirmation of one's own strength.

Emperor Augustine knew that he was a powerful, even great, man, otherwise he would not have been able to guard the empire for decades.

And who is qualified to be your opponent, the opponent must also be extremely powerful. Then an extremely powerful person can naturally do the most incredible things, without having to worry about how the opponent does it, let alone speculate on things that cannot be accomplished by common sense. , in short, when you believe in yourself, you must also believe in your enemies.

A creak.

The door to the room was opened, and then some soldiers equipped with weapons walked in. It could be judged from the footsteps outside the door that there were many people in the corridor. In fact, these people did not know what was going on. They were just following the instructions. The order is carried out and everyone in this room is inspected with the utmost care.

"Hand over the gun," one soldier said to another.

They both thought it was a little ridiculous, but under the aim of countless guns, the soldier handed over the gun in his hand, and then many people around him confirmed the other person's identity, and there was even someone behind him who hurriedly handed over a copy of tonight's report. The person is not allowed to leave the room until the patrol watch has been completed.

After that comes the next one.

Next one.

Everyone is inspected extremely carefully.

Finally, someone came to Watson, pointed a gun at him, and said sternly: "You! Why don't you take off your mask?!"

At the same time, a soldier next to him also noticed Sherlock. He looked at him up and down, as if he was carefully searching for him in his mind, and finally frowned and said:

"I don't think I've seen you before"

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