Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 279 From Hell

This is a place without any light

So few people know what it’s like here.

I just know that this place is not very big, maybe less than a hundred meters. Compared with the above floors combined, which is hundreds of times larger than here, the fifth floor of the Blood Prison can really be considered negligible.

But the reason why this place is so small may be because the entire world, for hundreds of years, has not been able to select a few people who can be sent here.

There are pieces of blood and flesh that are constantly drying up and melting here. On the top of the space at an unknown height above the head, there are countless tubes, constantly injecting blood into the abyss at the bottom.

The blood was shed by the tortured people in the blood cells on the four floors above. It was washed down through the long and narrow pipes, and what was left with it were the extracted teeth, crushed bones, burned skin and cut pieces. of flesh and blood tissue.

Someone once said that the screams in the blood prison will always ring out and will never stop. This is indeed a bit exaggerated, but the blood produced here is indeed a lot, enough to continuously fill the blood pool.

Of course, there is more than just blood in the blood pool.

This place has never been cleaned intentionally since it was first established. Only when the viscous plasma reaches the water level will it touch the discharge gate at the bottom, so that this place will not become a solid block due to long-term sedimentation. of blood pimples.

Moreover, this place has not seen any sunshine for hundreds of years. No one knows what kind of terrible things those old flesh and blood and mashed limbs will nourish here. They just know that in such an extreme environment, Under these conditions, only the most ferocious and bloodthirsty species can be bred. They are constantly surging in the muddy plasma, flying buzzingly in the air where the plasma cannot touch, mating, laying eggs, and giving birth to even more terrifying species. The thing was then swallowed up by other unknown things like a poison, and this went on for hundreds of years.

The scary thing is that in this cruel and terrifying environment, there is still a person.

Only that one person

He soaked in the extremely bloody blood pool, floating quietly, soaking, and flowing with the rippling blood.

He couldn't hear any sounds because his ears were closed. He could open his eyes, but in the absolutely dark environment, he couldn't see anything.

Some people think that this may be a good thing, because if he hears those rustling sounds and sees those terrifying snakes, insects, rats and ants that have grown wantonly for hundreds of years crawling all over his body, he doesn’t know what kind of impact it will have on his spirit. Terrible impact.

But in fact, not being able to see or hear is the most terrible torture.

No matter how many experiments, people will eventually get a unified answer, that is, what people can't stand the most is not the terrifying sounds, nor the cruel and bloody pictures. These things will gradually be affected by them after being in them for a long time. Adaptation, because human cognition is rewritten by the environment.

But what humans are most unable to adapt to and endure is deprivation of senses and isolation from communication.

Anyone who has been in prison will know that the most severe punishment is never torture, but the "little dark room" where you are alone.

However, at least the small dark room still has iron windows, there is sound, and you can still see the mottled spots on the walls. Before you have a mental breakdown, you can at least talk to yourself and use this neurotic method to turn yourself into a lunatic. .

But the bottom floor of the Blood Prison doesn't even have these.

Can't hear it.

can not see.

Can't even move.

An oxygen mask was tightly fastened to the mouth to prevent the prisoner from drowning in the plasma. The nutrients containing medicine flowed down the tube to cruelly maintain the prisoner's life.

All the joints of the limbs are restrained, and you can't even move your fingers. The body is soaked in plasma. The rotten blood pool will gradually melt the prisoner's skin, and those terrible creatures will melt on the exposed flesh and blood. Crawling between you, the fatal burning sensation and unimaginable pain will be with you forever, but you can't move, scream, or die. No one will talk to you. You can't feel anything but pain. You even want to summon Even a contracted demon couldn't take his own life, because the concentration of demon sedatives around him made it impossible to open even the smallest crack in the void.

In short, the prisoners here will always be immersed here, experiencing physical pain that they can never adapt to, feeling themselves rotting and melting with everything around them, and then becoming part of the thick flesh and blood juice around them, and during this period, they will undergo the most horrific Mental torture, losing all self-awareness in nothingness, until it becomes an extreme existence that only knows pain.

This is the bottom floor of the Blood Prison.

Sherlock is here, and has been here for a month.

In this month, he, uh, how to say.

In fact, he was doing pretty well.

In the past thirty years, he has actually never rested like this, because he constantly wants to accept new knowledge, seeks new stimulation, and his thinking brain has to face every day as a lower-class citizen. With the right rent, food, and a plan on how to catch criminals, you can collect the reward money without letting your notoriety spread.

In short, it was rare for him to have such a rest.

In hell, Sherlock squatted next to a corrosive dog, slowly stood up, and then wiped the blood on his hands.

In the past month, he has been wandering around in hell. Since he couldn't move in the real world anyway, he simply devoted his consciousness to hell. As for the physical pain he endured in the blood pool... to be honest. Yes, that kind of slow and long corrosion does not pose any threat to Sherlock now. He can just catch a few demons in hell, inhale them, and they will be gone.

The only thing I'm a little unhappy about is that it's a little boring.

So, he began to study something that he had never had time to understand before.

For example, at this moment, he had just dismantled one of the most common corrosion dogs in hell in great detail.

It's literally demolished.

In the process, he discovered that this kind of demon was not fundamentally different from dogs in reality.

The same bone structure, the same distribution of internal organs, the only difference is that its gastric acid secretion is very strong, so it can protrude outward with some corrosive spray, but this is actually due to the fact that it is not easy to digest after long-term eating. Food or carrion causes the stomach to need stronger digestive function.

Anyway, all this is like saying that this corrosive dog is actually a dog in the real world, but it has become what it is now due to some kind of change.

Of course, Sherlock couldn't just catch a few dogs for fun. He also caught many different demons everywhere and cut them up for fun. It turned out that even the weirdest looking demons, in the real world, There are still traces to be traced, and most of them are derived from the mutation of some kind of insect, or simply a combination of some organisms.

In fact, this phenomenon has been discovered by imperial researchers a long time ago. In order to explain this phenomenon, various theories have been produced, but after all, no one has been to hell, and no one knows what hell is like. What does it look like, so most people still believe that hell is actually the projection of various sins or obsessions in human hearts, so the demons in it are somewhat similar to the creatures that people can think of.

However, as a person who can directly enter hell, Sherlock discovered in the past few days that the creatures in hell should actually be the same kind of animals as the animals in the human world.

What does this mean? Sherlock has no idea yet, but he seems to think of a book called "The Divine Comedy" that he read a long time ago.

This book is a regional drawing recorded by Dante after he rushed into the gate of hell alone, using his painting technique which was not very exquisite and could even be called "sloppy".

To this day, the contents of that book are still in Sherlock's mind.

Those broad straight lines painted black throughout the text should depict bridges so huge that they can span the trench.

What are those strange, glowing altars?

Sherlock doesn't know yet.

There are also huge whales floating in the ocean, but according to Sherlock's understanding of whale habits, such big things should not appear in groups.

And what are those huge square stone pillars standing on the ground, like huge jungles, reaching into the sky.

The scenes depicted in "The Divine Comedy" are incredible, but if you really count them, there aren't many, because Lord Dante didn't seem to have gone very far in hell. After joining forces with the Holy Light to kill the evil god, he rushed all the way. He returned to the human world, and shortly thereafter announced his retirement from worldly affairs.

This leads to Sherlock wanting to know more about what hell is like, and he can only rely on his own slow expansion.

But to be honest, even if the current expansion speed is getting faster and faster, compared to the huge area of ​​​​the entire world, it is still not enough to see.

In this way, Sherlock continued to think and wander in hell, trying to think of what kind of connection there was between hell and the real world.

And why on earth he was able to summon a third-level demon under the shroud of holy light.

Time passes day by day, a week, a month, two months

At the bottom of the Blood Prison, his body was undergoing constant torture. His skin and flesh were constantly festering along with the surrounding carrion. The toxin-laden juice invaded his bones and hollowed out his marrow.

But in hell, those tentacles were constantly sucking up one demon after another, and the absorbed demons turned into some inexplicable power, constantly repairing and reshaping his body.

It seems that it won't be long before every cell in Sherlock's body may have come from hell.

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