Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 280 Looking back again

Time is unknown in the mountains.

Only the most vicious criminals may be imprisoned in the lowest level of the blood prison.

And Emperor Augustine was the greatest emperor in holy history, and the person who killed him must be the most insane criminal in holy history.

Lieutenant Victor felt that his suggestion to apply to put [John Watson] into the lowest level of the blood cell would be adopted soon.

However, what he didn't quite understand was that such a most reasonable paperwork report was stuck for a whole week and then rejected without change.

What made him even more unbelievable was that during an execution a few years ago, a criminal died on the execution platform due to a sudden heart attack. This incident was suddenly revealed a few days ago and was then defined as a dereliction of duty. He is about to accept punishment from the Tribunal.

This kind of thing, no matter how he thought about it, smacked of conspiracy. He naturally felt that someone was up to something, but after reporting it to the warden, he received no response.

The Blood Prison should not be disturbed by the outside world. No matter how vicious criminals are protected, there must be a place in this world to punish them, and that is the Blood Prison!

That's what I say, but after all, there seems to be some power faintly affecting this place.

In desperation, Victor could only vent his anger on Watson.

But the final result was that during the execution process, he was constantly ridiculed and ridiculed by that hateful man, and the other party even provided him with some suggestions. This once again took a big blow to Victor's self-esteem, almost I haven't slept well for three days. I can only get some relief by going to other torture cells and listening to the painful pleas of other prisoners.

However, compared to Sherlock's leisurely stay in the blood prison, and Watson's constant confrontation with Captain Victor with his tyrannical, or perverted, willpower, outside the blood prison, those who care about them, It doesn't seem to be that easy.

Moriarty did not appear much during this period, but some subtle personnel changes seemed to give many jailors in the Blood Prison a rare vacation, and another batch of new jailers on shift were stationed in. As for the one who let The executioner, who was frightened by the news, was about to receive a questionable punishment in two weeks.

Wherever there are people, there is society, so even if it is expressly stipulated that the higher-ups of the Holy See are not allowed to interfere with the Blood Prison, there are always some ways to penetrate it.

But the worrying thing is that these operations are still too slow. There is no way that if you say to release people with the front foot, the prisoners inside can be released with the back foot.

And in a place like Blood Prison, staying there for one more day would be the most torture that lasts like a year.

In the ancient Roman city of France, in a study room of the consul's residence, the new emperor Franklin stared silently at some documents in his hand. He had been looking at them for an unknown length of time. The electric lamp above his head was emitting bright light, but his eyes were still a little sour after all.

He took off his glasses, threw them on the desk, and rubbed his eyebrows.

The new king of the empire, who has just taken office for two months, has received a large amount of public support in a very short period of time. This support rate is more than twice the support rate he has received in the past year. .

This rising speed is somewhat unexpected, but it is reasonable.

The main reason is because of money

After several large administrative states implemented mechanical products produced through electric automation, the efficiency of more than 150 factories increased by a full four times!

This improvement in efficiency first brought about product shipments and an increase in wages. Coupled with a few solid reports, the emperor with a background in energy science instantly became the idol of every citizen at the bottom of the empire. Object.

But now, several government officials in front of him lowered their heads in embarrassment before he dropped his glasses.

"No matter how many people there are or how many explanations there are, there is no way to change the facts. The accident planned by Emperor Augustine was a massacre." His tone was full of exhaustion, but there was a firmness that would not allow anyone to refute.

The two government officials looked at each other very covertly. After a while, one of them spoke anxiously:

"However, now is the moment when the people of the empire are at their highest. The number of conscripts last month was 40% more than in previous periods."

"I don't want to hear this." Franklin interrupted the officer in front of him.

It's actually very strange, because the new king has actually been very humble and gentle in the past two months. With little political experience, he is willing to listen to a lot of political suggestions and opinions from all sides, and then carefully consider it. Finally, give your own judgment.

However, in the case of the assassination of the former emperor, he showed extremely firmness!

"No matter how glorious his past history is, the moment he commits a crime, he is a criminal."

"I don't want to diminish the achievements of Augustine the Great. He deserves the worship of everyone in the empire, but merit and fault cannot be compared. This is not a seesaw. The weight on one side cannot make the other side higher."

"You should know that I am not a traditional politician. In my philosophy, one plus one always equals two. Only when the most basic ideas are correct can the remaining theories and experiments have the possibility of success, so , the crimes of Emperor Augustine will one day be made public, and the people have the right to know the truth. It is history that can judge whether a person is great or not, and we do not have this qualification."

"I agree that this matter will be made public in stages, but I cannot accept that it will be hidden or whitewashed forever."

"Also, the two assassins were indeed crazy, but Emperor Augustine was suspected of massacre, power seeking, and the death of Dean Charles Darwin. His trial should have been implemented long ago. This was a fault of the imperial judicial system.

Then I think those two assassins should not be imprisoned in the Blood Prison for the time being.

Instead, it should be transferred to normal judicial procedures. "

Franklin's words are at a theoretical level, but in the ears of those old foxes who have been in the political mess for half their lives, they can always detect something.

Does the emperor of the empire want to protect the two murderers?

In fact, this is not the most confusing thing.

In certain circles of the empire, some news always comes out in various bizarre ways.

Because some people want these things to be known.

For example

In fact, it seems that the new pope of the Holy See does not want the two most terrifying assassins in the holy calendar to stay in the blood prison.

Her Royal Highness the Saint seemed to have applied to the Blood Prison more than once to enter and visit those two people.

Even some business tycoons who were obviously not on the same page as those two guys were paying close attention to those two people.

This strange phenomenon gradually spread among the people at the top of the empire's pyramid, making people think deeply and curious about it, as if too many eyes were gathered on those two people.

And on such a peaceful night.

Beside the embankment of a seaside town.

An old beggar with a broken body appeared out of nowhere. He staggered and dragged his missing body to a brick and stone hut.

Raised his hand and knocked on the door

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