Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 442 Dinner Together

People are always respected after death.

I don’t know if this is a fixed pattern of jokes that fate has given to human beings, or if it is some kind of effect that will inevitably be produced by the development of human society.

In short, the dead hero is the best hero.

Most of the things Shylock did were portrayed as great achievements, justice, wisdom, strength, and fearlessness. Even those incidents that started out from selfish and crazy reasons have become tearful after being whitewashed. Great dedication.

On the complete opposite side, the equally powerful contractor, Baskerville, appears to be very unknown. He was originally feared on the front line, but in this year, he seems to have rarely appeared. During missions, he rarely beat the soldiers around him to death.

He became much quieter.

The starlight in the sky has dimmed a lot deep in the Antarctic continent, not because after several polar nights or days, the stars in the sky have become scarce, but because the lights in the military base are too bright, illuminating the entire night like morning. The room is average.

In this year, the empire's strong execution power has basically completely replaced steam power with new energy. The expedition route has been completely demarcated. Resources from the empire's hinterland can be continuously transported to the front line, and huge construction lathes can be transported to the front line in half. Within a few months, the skeleton of a large military base can be completed, and with two weeks of post-filling, the base can be officially put into use.

This kind of efficiency has even exceeded the best expectations of the previous expedition plan. The military even proposed that people can be organized to cross the Redeker Strait and visit the rear of the battle line. This can further mobilize the people's enthusiasm for the victory of the war. , anyway, all the demons along the way have been cleared, and with the intervention of the servants of God, the Holy Light has spread over a large area on the Antarctic continent. The security behind the battle line is probably higher than in the city in the hinterland of the empire. .

On the streets of the city, in the center of the square, the parade banners held high still exist, but the imperial citizens marching are all smiling, and the workers who once worked day and night in the factories straightened their backs and shouted slogans. Big Brother, the purpose of these marches is not to accuse, nor are the banners written to express dissatisfaction with the government or a certain department, but slogans full of joy of victory or racial pride.

Humanity will eventually overcome all difficulties and stand on top of the world again

Amidst the constant shouts, in the street window, a new technological product that has just become popular - [radio] is constantly playing Mr. Franklin's victory speech.

I don’t know why, but the emperor who has been on the throne for three years seems to never like people adding titles such as "Emperor" or "King" after his name, even though he now has the title of "Emperor" in the hearts of the people. With extremely high prestige, the military's evaluation of him has exceeded that of all other emperors in holy history, including of course Emperor Augustine.

But this slightly bald, fat middle-aged man seems to have always regarded himself as a scientific researcher, and has continued to display his endless talents in the fields of new energy technology construction and finance. This political attitude, as well as a short period of time, The political achievements accumulated over three years have made him known as the first king surpassing Augustine the Great and became a symbol of the entire empire.

Someone once proposed that his statue be built on the cliff in front of the Imperial Council of Elders.

You know, this honor has only been given to Master Dante for hundreds of years, but now, people actually want to compare him with the old man who single-handedly carried the survival of the entire race in times of crisis.

This is really a bit exaggerated, after all, this middle-aged man has just become the emperor of the empire for three years.

What is even more surprising is that among the people, this proposal did not arouse much opposition.

"Today's battle report from the frontline shows that the vanguard army led by General Patton personally, after 13 days of arduous defense without retreating a step, finally occupied the important area at the entrance of the canyon, providing sufficient time for the connection of the Holy Light."

"So far, the expeditionary force has once again marched 440 kilometers towards the Gate of Hell, which is a 17% improvement over last month's progress. Since May, four military bases have been completed and put into use."

"The new radio communication device can already conduct real-time communication within a range of 3,000 kilometers around the expedition route, and is almost uninterrupted by wind and snow."


Etc., etc.

Humans are social animals, and the core of arrogance has been engraved into the genes of the entire race during thousands of years of evolution. These broadcasts that have been continuously heard in the streets and alleys since this morning, in this late autumn, which is getting colder, make people feel uncomfortable. People felt that the atmosphere had become warmer. The people holding slogans and shouting met face to face with the people on the road. They did not know each other, but they also hugged each other. Although the increase in wages did not meet expectations after the factory introduced new machinery, although the chicken The price has increased slightly, and although I just had an inexplicable quarrel with my wife, these are not that important anymore.

Victory is the main theme of this era, and those who lost their lives in the war, those brave soldiers, and those who were hailed as heroes will eventually become the past, and history must eventually look forward.

Different from the enthusiasm and cheers for victory in the hinterland of the empire, in fact, the atmosphere on the front line is still solemn and cold. These soldiers know that although everything is developing in a good direction, and the expeditionary coalition is moving towards victory step by step, but all Victory can only be won through the blood and corpses of human warriors. Under this general premise, soldiers are accustomed to remain silent and calm for the next battle before they get the real final victory. And accumulate strength.

Cold wind, falling snow, polar night, too bright lights.

In the established headquarters, some frontline war staff were still working on the next march sequence. The supply to the rear was delayed for three days due to a heavy snowfall. Although it did not affect anything, it still caused some abuse from the door. Came out through the cracks.

In an inconspicuous small building on the edge of the base, General Patton threw the choking cigarette butts to the ground and stamped them out, then drank half a cup of scalding hot water. The almost boiling temperature made his face pale. A slight hint of unhealthy red.

After commanding the gorge defense operations for 13 consecutive days, he was exhausted. Finally, when he had a chance to rest, he found that he couldn't sleep.

A creak.

The door of the room was pushed open, and a man wearing the most ordinary military uniform in such a cold place walked in. General Patton did not raise his head to look. Although there were no guards outside this small building, except for that many years ago, Except for the orphans picked up on the battlefield, no one would just open the door of their room casually.

Baskerville's face was unusually pale. He had the strong body of a third-level contractor to withstand extreme cold temperatures, but his eyes were filled with dark circles. He didn't know how long he hadn't slept. The glasses that were usually used to block his vision were no longer worn. The eyes that had to suppress the desire to kill were now full of exhaustion.

General Patton took out a stick of blues, lit it, and threw it towards him. The commander, who was no longer too young, caught it gently and took a slow breath.

It has been many years, and the spicy food is still the cruelest irritant to the trachea. Although I can no longer cough, I can't gasp for breath.

In this world, there are only three people who can draw out the blues with a sense of understatement and wantonness.

Lord Dante, General Patton, and Shylock.

Of course, there once was an old beggar who was inconspicuous on the street and half of his body was disabled, but this man was dead, and Baskerville did not know that such a man existed.

"A few days?"

"6 days."

A simple question and answer made General Patton fall into silence again. The boiling hot water in the cup evaporated white gas, making the thin general look like a lonely old man in his room, waiting for his relatives far away.

"You don't have to work so hard, it's okay to take a break once in a while."

Baskerville didn't hesitate much and slowly exhaled the smoke in his lungs: "I can still hold on. It feels good to keep getting stronger."

Over the course of more than a year, his voice became a little heavier, as if something was pressing in his heart.

Ever since he carried Lord Nightingale out of the demonic tide more than a year ago, the frontline commander seemed to have finally realized something. Therefore, he began to become taciturn, a loner, and even occasionally refused to send troops. Give yourself tasks.

Soon after, he began to come into contact with those soul-visualizing devices. He no longer took pleasure in tearing demons to pieces, but began to try to control wild demons, and became more and more eager. Those devices that could kill a strong man as long as he persisted for 5 minutes He actually had to resist the torture of dizziness, vomiting and even coma from soldiers for more than several hours at a time. He would not give up until he had a splitting headache all night long. After a year, he could sit on those huge tanks day and night. On the machine, it takes three to five days at every turn.

No one knew how horrific pain this long-term mental torture would bring to people, but Baskerville just kept persevering.

"I know what you are thinking, but if you collapse before reaching the gate of hell, it will be a major loss for the human expeditionary force." General Patton said calmly.

He was caring about the man at the door, but he still cared about the soldiers under him like a general: "If you keep overextending yourself like this, you may not live to be 40 years old."

"I don't need to live past 40 years old. Calculated at the current rate, we may only need one more year to complete the entire expedition route. By then, we will have to face endless demons. I After seeing that scene and even in the end, the expeditionary force soldiers might rush into that darkness and fight directly in hell.

In short, no matter what, human beings need a pioneer and a strong person as the sharpest and sharpest knife.

Lord Dante is already old, so in this world, I am the only one qualified for this position.

I need to get stronger. Keep getting stronger."

Baskerville is not a person who likes to talk too much, even in front of General Patton, but he talks a lot today, as if he is using this method to constantly brainwash himself so that he can Just keep persisting amidst that horrific mental torture.

A year ago, he saw the scene in front of the gate of hell, saw the dense demonic tide that filled the field of vision, saw the torn black curtain of incalculable size, and saw the man named Sherlock rushing in. The gate to hell.

That guy is the only man in his life, besides Lord Dante, that he still recognizes.

Although he would never admit it, he had to say that that guy had defeated him before, but if he had died, he would have died in the final battle.

Baskerville was not afraid of death.

He just feels that he should be stronger and do better. This idea may be because he wants to prove that the boy that Lord Dante once praised is really a powerful contract genius; or because he A thought has been implemented in him since he was a child, that is, he must give his last drop of blood for the victory of mankind; it may also be that he wants to make himself appear stronger than Sherlock.

Baskerville didn't know why he had such an idea.

I just feel that if Sherlock dies, then I have no choice but to become the next hero of mankind.

Imperial Academy of Life Sciences.

In a large production base for soul visual devices, countless lathes are working continuously.

Since the controllable technology of wild demons was successfully recognized by the military and government, the Academy of Life Sciences has once again become the most valued scientific research center in the entire empire. Hundreds of facilities have to be transported to the front line every month. As the number of conscripts increases, the demand for these soul devices is also increasing day by day. No one thought that one day, the Academy of Life Sciences would have such a close connection with the military and with the military. The victory of the human expedition is closely related.

"Miss Catherine, this is last month's supply report. Please take a look at it."

A rather handsome secretary handed a form to Catherine. Since the popularization of wild demon control technology, she has become the main person in charge of the production of this technological device. As the daughter of the previous president of the Academy of Sciences, She owns most of the equity in this technology capital. Since her father's death, her stubborn character has become more and more obvious. She is naturally tired of the disputes for interests. This style of dealing with things has gradually allowed her to win Respect from the older generation of scientific researchers.

The most important thing is that the entire Holy See only communicates with Ms. Catherine herself on matters related to the soul visual device, which leaves no possibility of her status being shaken, even if she has not been involved in any scientific research projects at all. Still so.

After receiving the supply report, Catherine silently began to read through it. A few years later, this former battle nun now looks particularly mature, and also very silent and cold. The hair that has been shortened reaches the roots of her ears, and she looks a bit unscrupulous. It's a woman.

But she is still beautiful after all

The secretary next to him was very tall and was wearing a valuable suit today.

He was behind Catherine, looking at her anxiously, biting the tip of his tongue with his teeth, and then made a difficult decision.

"Ms. Catherine, are you free today? Can I invite you to dinner?"

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