Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 443 That guy

If there is a Creator in this world, then He seems to be very paranoid. In 90% of biological circles, males are the active party in courtship.

From kittens and puppies to tigers and lions, males always spare no effort to show their charm or strength during the mating period. Even in the ant colony, the female is several times larger than the male, and the male ants still have to be in chaos. Among the pheromones, the mating information released by female ants is found to demonstrate their abilities.

Human beings naturally follow this weird setting, but in the long process of evolution, men have habitually begun to hide their possessiveness in gorgeous clothes or so-called gentlemanly demeanor.

The name of this male secretary is not that important, but he can indeed be said to be handsome, and he also has a perfect figure and outstanding work ability.

As for Catherine, regardless of her family background, appearance, status, status in the Academy of Life Sciences, or her ability as a second-level contractor and her former position as a battle nun, she can become the best among most women.

As for her somewhat cold attitude and overly capable and strong personality, for some men who are not confident, this will naturally make them feel ashamed and stay away; but for those men who have some strength, it will arouse them even more. desire to conquer.

Just like the secretary next to me at this time.

Catherine was still flipping through the report in her hand, as if she hadn't heard the other party's inquiry. However, the secretary did not flinch because of this, but continued to stand beside her unhurriedly, waiting quietly for her to finish reading.

The silence lasted for a long time, and the short-haired woman in front of him finally put down the document in her hand.

"Ms. Catherine, are you free today? Can I invite you to dinner?"

The secretary said the same words twice in a row, but because of the soft tone and the hint of apology, the words didn't seem annoying.

Catherine turned around and looked calmly at the sincere and smiling face of the other party.

This secretary has been with me for a long time. In fact, since he took over as the person in charge of supplying the soul visual device, this person has been by his side. Counting it all together, it has been more than a year. And with the help of the other party, I gradually became familiar with the entire process of the matter, and gradually became qualified for this extremely busy position.

Hard-working, smart, with very distinct opinions and demeanor, and for a long time, he has been handling the most boring and difficult tasks for himself.

It seems that I should show some gratitude to him, both emotionally and logically.

Of course, the other party has never expressed any desire for promotion or salary increase, or for revenge.

Except for this sudden dinner invitation.

Catherine hesitated for a moment.

"Okay." She responded to the other party, but solemnly deepened her tone and emphasized: "You have indeed helped me a lot at work. I have never made time to thank you, so this time I chose a place. please."

The School of Life Sciences is not a building or a company, but a city, so naturally there will be restaurants of various grades. Among them, Erin's Bar is undoubtedly the most expensive, but it is more like a private place for talking outside work. , so Catherine chose to eat on the top floor of the more traditional and formal Milton Hotel.

The high-altitude restaurant has 360-degree floor-to-ceiling glass windows and soft and soothing music. You can see the lights of the entire School of Life Sciences just by turning sideways.

Luxurious enough, decent enough, official enough.

"Looks like I'm late."

Catherine said, sitting opposite the man. She was wearing the most ordinary clothes, not even a skirt. She looked no different from usual. On the other hand, the secretary in front of her was much more serious, whether it was a tie, a suit, or a shirt. The golden hot stamping on it showed that he had put a lot of thought into tonight.

However, after seeing Catherine's ordinary attire, he still didn't feel any displeasure. He just smiled and said: "I came too early. I can't let a lady wait for me, especially since she is my boss."

Catherine smiled lightly and smoothed her hair on her forehead.

How old is she?

28 years old?

Or already 30 years old?

It seems that a long time ago, when she was a clergyman, she did not pay too much attention to this matter, and after her father's death, she did not care about her age even more during her busy work.

Sometimes, she even forgets that she is a woman.

Time passed silently like this. Because the contractor's body was born with stronger anti-aging properties than normal people, she still looked young and her skin did not have any wrinkles or blemishes. However, her temperament was no longer the same as before. A battle nun with a violent personality, but more like a strong woman with some kind of responsibility.

The man in front of her looked at her, and gradually became a little crazy. Although this expression should not appear on the face of a professional elite, and he had been with Catherine for so long and saw her every day, but he still felt that the woman in front of him It is so charming. Under the light music and soft lights in the restaurant, it makes people feel a little nervous, their heartbeat is racing, and they are at a loss.

Fortunately, he quickly suppressed the throbbing in his heart so that it wouldn't be too embarrassing.

Soon, the exquisite food was served. The quality and taste were probably worthy of the price, but Catherine didn't care about it. She just quietly used the knife and fork in her hand, occasionally looking out the window, and then subconsciously glanced at it. In a small street, I remembered that a few years ago, I and Sherlock met a frontline officer on that street, and then Sherlock had a fight with him, which shattered several surrounding windows.

When she thought of that guy dying like this, she felt a little lonely in her heart. She didn't know where this emotion came from. The guy didn't have much interaction with her, and the time they spent together was only a short time. of months.

However, he still died.

Never see you again

“Although working meals can replenish the nutrients needed for the day, eating still requires some sense of ritual. I have always believed that people cannot work for the sake of work. All efforts and persistence are ultimately to enable one to have a better life. "

The man chewed the food in his mouth carefully, then smiled.

Catherine moved her gaze back from the window, then looked around subconsciously, and found that after such a long time, there were still no other guests in the restaurant.

"It seems a little deserted today."

"Sorry, I've got this covered." The man responded awkwardly.

Catherine was silent. Although she had emphasized that this dinner was to thank her for work, it seemed that the other party did not think so.

But strangely, she didn't feel dissatisfied or happy about the other party's somewhat presumptuous behavior. She just felt extremely calm, just like the solid frozen water, without ripples or joy. It won't flow because of anything anymore.

"You tell me, I'll listen." Time can't stay silent forever, Catherine finally said.

This simple sentence once again made the man in front of him feel slightly palpitated. He laughed to himself because of his unreasonable nervousness:

"In terms of work efficiency, I should be as direct as possible, so I probably like you. I wonder if you can try to date me."

Catherine looked at the uneaten food on the plate without raising her head: "I'm a little surprised that with your ability, you actually said these words without any modification."

"I'm a little surprised too." The man smiled helplessly: "But my sense of humor and chatting skills seem to be a little out of shape today. Although I don't want to admit it, I'm nervous."

In fact, based on the various conditions of a man, under this situation, most women should have some reaction to his advances.

But Catherine remained calm. She didn't even raise her head to look at the other party's sincere eyes. She just thought of her father and the few interactions he had with her.

There is no doubt that Professor Charles Darwin is not a qualified father, but like all fathers in the world, he has a very stubborn and lofty wish.

That is, my daughter will marry a good man in the future, be loved, cared for, and have a happy life.

For some reason, Catherine suddenly felt that she didn't have time to verify whether a man was good or bad. She didn't have the heart to get in touch with a stranger and then slowly taste his character. She didn't even want to think about it. How to be considered a [good man].

As for a happy life, she is very satisfied with her current life, working, eating, and sleeping. She is very peaceful. Although there is no joy, she also has no negative emotions such as sadness or fear. From the perspective of stable performance at work, this A stable life should also be called happiness.

So she smiled and shook her head: "I don't think it's necessary."

"Isn't it necessary? But you are a woman after all. You have to get married? You have to have a family." The man said slightly confused.

Catherine still shook her head. Maybe all women would have this expectation, but not herself.

"I'm not getting married." Her tone was calm.

The man was slightly startled, but seemed to have thought of something again, and smiled apologetically: "But you should know that I will not give up."

"That's your business." She responded: "But please don't affect the work, whether it's yours or mine, otherwise, I will have no choice but to fire you."

Late at night, the holy city of Jerusalem.

Moran walked through the slightly dark corridor, holding a cup of coffee in his hand.

In the past few centuries, there has never been night in the Holy City. Those specially bred sunflowers, watered with specific demon blood, can release a soft light, and when tens of millions of flowers are covered The Holy City, combined with the huge refracting mirror at the top of the shrine, can make the city bathed in golden light all the time.

But since a year ago, the youngest Pope in history suddenly ordered to stop the sowing of sunflowers.

This order undoubtedly caused a collective uproar among the higher-ups of the Holy See. Many high priests knelt down in front of the Pope and prayed at the top of their lungs, saying that the sunflower was the symbol of the Holy See and a sacred object of people's faith. Thousands of believers come to Jerusalem to worship every year. If the sacred light disappears, what is the meaning of people coming here?

But no one can stop the Pope's edict. This man who has just reached 30 years old may not be the most dominant person in the history of the Holy Spirit, but he is definitely the one who will be remembered and praised the most.

If nothing else, just because after he succeeded to the throne, the human expedition also started. If nothing unexpected happens, the war between humans and demons will end before he abdicates, and then this pope will inevitably become history. A shining point that cannot be ignored.

Of course, this is not to say that the Pope was born in a good time. In fact, everyone knows that without the Pope’s succession, the gap between religion and government will not be eliminated. According to legend, the resignation of Augustine the Great and the death of the new king will not be eliminated. His appointment, the formation of the expeditionary force, the implementation of the wild demon control plan, and other events all have the shadow of this young pope.

After pushing open the door of a small room, Moran walked in slowly, then placed the coffee in his hand in front of Moriarty.

There was a bitter taste wafting out, without any fragrance. In fact, Moran knew that this cup of black liquid was more like medicine than coffee.

After the master became the pope, all areas of the empire seemed to be developing in a good direction, but his body became weaker and weaker. Looking at the increasingly thin body, Moran had many words in his heart, such as One more day of rest, maybe half an hour more sleep every day, but she knew these words wouldn't be of any use.

"It's been a year, and those old guys haven't stopped yet?" Moriarty put down the document in his hand, picked up the potion on the table, and drank it in one gulp. The bitter liquid went into his throat, but There was no movement on his face.

"Not yet. There was still a quarrel in the parliament hall yesterday, saying that the light of the sunflower represents the holy light. If there is night in Jerusalem, doesn't it mean that the holy light will also disappear sometimes?"

Moriarty looked at the night outside the window. In fact, since he was a child, he found those bright flowers a bit annoying, always on, making it difficult to sleep.

Now I finally sleep a little more peacefully.

"Do those old guys think that if we no longer sow sunflowers, people will think that the Holy Light will disappear one day?" The not-so-tall man murmured, not knowing what he thought of, and smiled bitterly: "I originally thought Wait, one day, he will definitely look shocked at me, but I didn’t expect that he would die earlier than me.”

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