Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 444 Not for Sale

Sherlock's death may seem unexpected to some people, but to those who knew him, it was a matter of course.

This arrogant and paranoid bastard has no moral ideas, but he has a certain pathological persistence in the commission he has accepted. If he says that he wants to ensure the safety of Miss Nightingale, then he will really do it for the client. Give it your all.

This even includes his own life.

But as mentioned just now, this paranoid guy has no moral concepts, and he has no sense of ethics. He may not even know that his death will bring unforgettable sorrow to so many people.

Jerusalem is not big, but as the holy land of the Holy See, it is certainly not small. In a white palace more than 20 kilometers away from the Pope's residence, Saint Leticia finally ended her busy day and unloaded I got rid of the tedious white dress that I was still required to wear every day, sat on the chair, and looked at myself in the mirror in a daze.

The entire room is decorated very luxuriously. This is Mrs. Hudson's fourth year as a saint, but she still has not adapted to this overly gorgeous decoration. It seems that everything is for appreciation, even the surroundings of the bed. They are all inlaid with glazed crystals, making it uncomfortable to lie on them.

Therefore, she likes to work in front of a simple wooden table every day. The lamp above her head is replaced by the light bulbs that can be seen everywhere on the street. The light yellow light is a little weak, but it does not change with the crystal lampshade. And the swaying seems particularly firm.

Now that the government forces and the Crusaders have united, the internal situation of the expeditionary force is harmonious, but there will still be some minor frictions between the military units in the rear, such as which battle killed more people, or what is the ratio of weapons? If there is no unified distribution, for example, why don't those third-level great contractors pass on their experience in controlling demons to the wild controllers? Is it because the armies of both sides are not honest enough?

Although it has been emphasized many times that there is a big difference between the natural contractors and the newly promoted controllers, so there are some aspects of their experiences that are not universal, but those senior military officials sitting in the office are unwilling to accept it. This statement has led to some very simple problems that have not yet been solved.

Moriarty has been busy with other things since he visited the Temple of Holy Light half a year ago and promoted the servant of God to join the expeditionary force. Therefore, the affairs of the expeditionary force fell on Mrs. Hudson's shoulders. .

Well, anyway, she usually travels between major dioceses. Now, she is constantly going back and forth between major military headquarters, and she is quite familiar with the journey.

A few months ago, she passed through London, so she stopped by her house on Baker Street.

The furniture inside had not been cleaned for a long time. Through the window, she could see some dust on the sofa and table inside. The soup pot in the kitchen had not been moved. This reminded her of the man named Sherlock four years ago. The guy was still her tenant, and she had dinner with him on that table, beef and potatoes, birthdays, heavy snow, and tears streaming down her face as she leaned against the door.

Everything seems so far away.

So far away that life and death separate us.

"Your Highness, the airship is ready, it's time to leave." The nun in white on the side reminded tentatively.

Mrs. Hudson turned around, her expression calm again.

"Well, let's set off."

That day, the gorgeous carriage disappeared into the early morning fog in London.

One day after that, Irene Adler found her through a letter and said that she wanted to buy the small apartment. The price she gave even the Holy See herself was a little surprised, but Mrs. Hudson refused. , she didn’t know what else she missed about that small room, but she didn’t sell it, but after that, she never went back to Baker Street again.

Wind, frost and heavy snow have always been the main theme on the battlefield.

Even those explosive bombs that emit terrifying heat, the smoke and flames everywhere, and the boiling blood are only temporary after all. When the battlefield ends within a few hours, everything will be taken away by the wind and snow.

In the face of nature, the technology that humans are proud of seems not so worth mentioning.

After a great battle in the smoke-filled snow, small ponds have been melted out of the ground. Boots walked through it, making soft sounds. There were damaged chariots on both sides, and the marks of sharp claws were clearly visible on them. , some small demons were blown into the sky, then fell down and broke their spines. They kept roaring and refused to die. The dull sound of gunfire seemed to be heard in the distance. The starry sky above was covered by smoke, and the Milky Way occasionally leaked out. The corner of the enemy seemed to be frightened by the loud sound during the battle just now.

This is a must-pass road on the expedition route, with mountain peaks on both sides. Since the big avalanche a year ago, the empire's expedition explorers have been very careful to include mountain collapse, a natural disaster that has not been seen once in hundreds of years. In the planning of the march route, some brand-new frontline tanks slowly rolled through the area where the fierce battle had just taken place. The soldiers beside them walked amidst the roaring sound of engines, cautiously looking for whether there was anything hidden in the corpses. The devil who never died.

The top priority research and development direction of new energy is naturally front-line military weapons. Therefore, after more than a year of exploration and trial period, these new high-function tanks have become a powerful combat force that cannot be ignored on the battlefield. Coupled with those The combat power of the demons controlled by humans and the expeditionary force can almost crush all the demons in their path. Even if they fight against the demonic tide head on, they have no fear.

"Medical team, there are wounded here!"

A soldier who was cleaning up the battle after the war found a comatose human warrior under the corpse of a demon. Half of his body was pressed under the heavy demon body. When he was pulled out, he was already dead. The flesh and blood were blurred, and it was impossible to tell how many broken bones there were. Only the weak heartbeat continued tenaciously.

Several field doctors rushed here quickly. Although these frontline doctors were called the frontline medical team, their number had reached more than 30,000, distributed in various areas along the expedition route, and their predecessors were actually It was the small medical consolation group that Nightingale organized on the front line two years ago.

Like all doctors, these people still wear those black leather robes and funny eagle-beak masks. This is a tradition of this era. The most important thing is that the physical fitness of these medical soldiers cannot be the same as those who have gone through it. Compared with professionally trained soldiers, wearing this way will keep you warmer.

Don’t sleep too late, I’ll post the rest when you wake up tomorrow

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