Since 1983

Chapter 966

Historically, "The Promise" was a key promotional work of radio and television, and it was indeed on "News Network".

Now you have to wait.

Everyone is waiting for the news of "Earth Cannon", and Xu Fei didn't do it on purpose. The post-production work is really too long, and he has already sped up as much as possible.

Tianxia Film and Television's work this year, the Spring Festival file "People on the Journey" at the beginning of the year, achieved a box office of more than 70 million with its super high reputation and small popularity.

For the summer file "Waiting Alone", the original version was unable to promote, with only a few million scores, but now it has more than 30 million.

In October, there will also be a "Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles", starring Takakura Ken, a pure literary film. Under the influence of Lao Mouzi, there are actually more than 30 million.

And at the end of October, "The Promise" did not receive a reply from the radio and television, but other activities had to go on as usual. Like "Heroes", it's a cramming-style publicity, and at the same time it's officially finalized:

December 15th!

After another period of time, "Earth Cannon" was finally done.


Xu Fei has been staring at the post-production finishing recently, and sending the copy to the film bureau is only the beginning of the next stage.

And he took advantage of the short rest time to invite Zhang Guoshi to a very mysterious place: China Astronaut Research and Training Center.

Established in 1968, it was called the "Institute of Cosmic Medicine and Engineering" at that time, and it was unrestrained in the second year.

At first there was no fixed location, and many universities were its offices, and later it was located in Haidian. In the 1970s, a "Dawn 1" manned spacecraft project was launched, and it was quickly dismantled.

Under the conditions at the time, it was impossible to realize!

It was not until the end of the 1990s that manned spaceflight was put back on the agenda, and 14 astronauts were selected from more than 3,000 pilots, and a three-step space strategy was formulated.

Later, in 2020, Changwu will land on the moon!


The car stopped under the building, and a man in his 40s greeted him warmly: "Director Zhang, Teacher Xu, welcome."

"Oh, dare not dare!"

"It's too polite of you to come out in person!"

The two quickly greeted, this is the first Chinese who flew into space in 2003 - Yang Liwei, the current deputy director of the training center.

"Director Yang is from HLD, we are fellow villagers."

"It's not a city."

"The whole Northeast is a fellow countryman, do you understand?"

The three of them walked in, and Xu Fei smiled and said: "We filmed "Earth Cannon" and invited a teacher from the center to guide us, and then we got to know each other."

Then he said to Yang Liwei: "I'm sorry to trouble you today, but I mainly want to visit it, and it may be used in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games."

"No problem, no problem, everyone should do their part at the opening ceremony."

Guided by Yang Liwei, he kept introducing the people inside, letting them see what they could see, especially the "floating" weightlessness of the astronauts.

Two more were specially introduced.

"Fei Junlong!"

"Nie Haisheng!"

"I know, I know, space hero!"

Zhang Guoshi strode over and shook hands quickly: "Is it okay for me to shake hands, no, no..."

"It's okay, we've adjusted."

Xu Fei was also very excited, and Barabara had said a lot.

These two happened not long ago. On October 12, Shenzhou 6 was launched with two people on board, and returned successfully on the 17th.

The landing site is in a place of NMG, but there are no two blind people watching by the side, and even went to carry other astronauts...

This is called "many people and multiple days", and it is the second step of the manned spaceflight project.

Xu Fei and Zhang Guoshi walked around for a long time and got a lot of useful information. Although the director of the opening ceremony has not yet been decided, they are already making comprehensive preparations.

Classical China, modern China, and future China will all eventually belong to the sea of ​​stars.

Before leaving, Teacher Xu pulled Yang Liwei alone and said, "I have another kind request, when "Earth Cannon" is released, I would like to invite everyone to watch it.

I will definitely not use you for publicity, and there is no media to take pictures. At most, I will mention one sentence in the text, which will not cause any trouble to you.

I would be very honored if everyone appreciates it. "

"Seriously, it's a good thing, we've always wanted to see it."

Yang Liwei was very happy, and said: "But I have to report something, and I will let you know as soon as possible."


Xu Fei's promotion has already begun.

Different from the overwhelming "The Promise", he used this opportunity to do a few small things, such as astronauts, such as announcing that Time Media will sponsor the "China Science Fiction Galaxy Award".

The Galaxy Award was established in 1986 and was jointly organized by "Science and Literature" (later renamed "Science Fiction World") and "Tree of Wisdom". After "Wisdom Tree" ceased publication, it was held exclusively by "Science Fiction World".

In an environment where most science fiction magazines have disappeared, it is not easy to persist until now.

He Xi, Da Liu, Wang Jinkang, Han Song, etc. are all on the list.

Just this summer, last year's Galaxy Awards were judged, and Liu from "Mirror" and Xia Jia from "The Bottle of the Fairy" won the awards... In 2005, Liu from "Caring for Humanity" and He Xi from "Born to Me".

In 2006, it was "Three-Body Problem".

""Earth Cannon" has been completed in the later stage, and special audiences will be invited to the premiere!"

"Times Media announces to sponsor the Galaxy Awards next year!"

"Tianxia Chinese Network joins hands with a number of periodicals to create an exclusive network for science fiction novels!"

Such news seemed tepid in the turbulent tide of "The Promise".

But everyone knows that Cannon Earth is finished.


It's the film bureau and the screening room.

It was all members of the review committee again, including Wu Mengchen, Han Sanping, Leader Zhao, Tong Gang and so on. Everyone was excited, as if they had experienced the feeling of watching an outdoor movie when they were young.

The projectionist was fiddling and fiddling, and several people were urging.

Finally, the screen lit up, and he held his breath...Leader Zhao's phone rang.

She answered the question in embarrassment at first, then frowned, helplessly, and hung up: "Stop! I can't do the trial today, take out the copy!"

"What's wrong?" Wu Mengchen asked.

"Leader Wang said to send it to Haizili immediately."


Everyone is speechless, let's go!

Leader Zhao ordered Tong Gang, Lao Wu, and Han Sanping to go together, and the rest of the review committee complained, and we had to go to the back row for review.

As a result, several people took the copy and went straight to Zhongnanhai.

It's still on the west side of Ziguang Pavilion, the small auditorium - buy a ticket to enter, this is the rule set by Wu Hao.

Old Wu and Han have been in China Film Group for many years, and have never met the big leaders a few times. Let's take a look today, okay, consciously find a corner to hold back.

Taking another look, Leader Wang is also holding back.

No nonsense, the seat is almost open, the big screen is lit, and "Earth Cannon" makes its debut.

132 minutes, relatively long compared to general movies, but these audiences don't feel it. Apart from watching movies, Wu Mengchen was also secretly observing the expressions of others, the more he watched, the more confident he felt.

Han Sanping didn't observe, the more he looked at it, the worse his complexion became, and he kept comparing, comparing, comparing with "The Promise"...!

He suddenly lost all confidence in "Red Cliff".

The whole process was basically quiet, with occasional exclamations, and the light from the screen flickered on everyone's faces, mixing everyone's gaze forward, upward, and flying into the sky...

Just like in the movie.

Leader Wang heaved a sigh of relief. He was very busy taking office, and Xu Fei was also busy there. The two of them hadn't communicated in detail yet.

But he knew that Xiao Xu had bubbled up in the era of Ai's leadership, and got rid of Ai, Sun, Tian, ​​and Xu!

Good guy, the iron-clad Xiao Xu, the flowing one.

The reason why radio and television does not have TV dramas to stand out is that they still have achievements in the film industry. Tianxia and China Film and Television have a share of the credit, which is gone.

Xiao Xu is auspicious!


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