Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 534 534. Survivors on the verge of collapse? It is his responsibility! An identity that cann

But at least, they still have a direction to work hard.

For Ares, at this moment, the situation is not that simple.

Their 8th Group Army is a soldier who is here to perform search and rescue missions. They are not someone who can retreat without any scruples when encountering difficulties and dangers.

If it is a normal mission, Ares's first priority must be to ensure the safety of its own personnel.

But now, the life and death of those scientific researchers are still uncertain in the mountain, and he cannot only prioritize the safety of military personnel.

Their mission is to rescue those scientific researchers, which is also an important factor that Ares needs to take into consideration.

If those things really exist, it means that the next mission environment is very dangerous, and there may be some situations that Xu Qing doesn't know about.

In this way, even if those scientific researchers are accompanied by some armed forces, their situation will be very worrying.

In the worst case scenario, they may have encountered something unexpected.

In other words, these search and rescue personnel have spent a lot of money, and in the end it is possible that everything will be empty.

So, should the four search and rescue teams advance or retreat?

Ares must issue the order within this short period of time.

Making correct judgments and giving the most appropriate instructions in a very short period of time is the responsibility of the top person in charge.

Once his order goes wrong, it is very likely that someone will die because of it. This responsibility is not insignificant.

If the psychological quality is not strong enough, it is absolutely incompetent.

Sometimes, it is very difficult to make reasonable predictions in the face of various difficult and unexpected situations.

But no matter how difficult it is, someone must do it.

This is what the senior leaders of military operations need to do.

However, if you look carefully, Ares is still so calm and indifferent at this time, without any impetuousness or anxiety.

Finally, he opened his mouth and gave an order: "Continue to send reinforcements, giving priority to the 3rd team. For the rest of the teams, those who can be contacted should stand by and wait for the reinforcement team to join them before taking action."

While listening to the instructions of his superiors, Owen began to use the optical brain to connect one by one.

From now on, he will be very busy.

With a superior like Ares Randall, Owen's work efficiency is not low at all.

While Owen was busy, Ares said again: "Before the signals of the teams are completely lost, try to find a way to convey the following information-if you encounter an unexpected dangerous situation, you can consider whether to abandon the mission .Everything is judged by the team leaders in real time. The fundamental principle is to ensure the survival of as many people as possible.”

Ares seldom said so many words at once, but at this moment, when performing tasks, he could arrange everything so meticulously.

The reason why he usually talks less is because he doesn't like meaningless words, let alone talk nonsense.

When Ares spoke, he was always on point.

Judging from the information gathered by the previous teams, the further you go inside, the more serious the signal interference will be.

In the interior of the mountain, there is still an unknown area, and it is completely impossible to draw a specific map.

No one knows what's going on - is there something wrong with this area? Or is there some kind of interfering substance somewhere else?

In short, if the search and rescue mission continues, the four search and rescue teams are likely to lose contact.

Then before losing contact, it is necessary to delegate the power of action to the team leaders, so that they can make specific arrangements based on the fundamental principles and specific situations.

If this is not made clear at the beginning, the team leaders will most likely be constrained from making a rash decision on whether to retreat after losing contact.

On the other side, somewhere inside the mountain, several scientific researchers were gathering in a space.

The dark interior space was illuminated only by a small flashlight, so it was impossible to see the surroundings clearly. Only some figures could be vaguely seen.

But even this flashlight is the only power equipment they have left.

Logically speaking, it should be used sparingly.

But dark spaces are more likely to breed fear and anxiety, so many people still suggest turning on at least a flashlight.

"What now? Food and water are almost gone." One of them said, his voice sounding very anxious.

His words were so straightforward and revealed the difficulties these people were currently facing, causing the people around him to fall silent for a while.

After a long time, someone finally answered and said, "What else can we do? We can't go out. Those things outside must still be there."

In the words, there is quite a hint of self-abandonment.

At this moment, another person spoke again: "Xu Qing was lucky to escape. At that time... it would be great if more people could go out together."

At this moment, the person speaking, how much he hopes it is him who escapes!

Faced with this desperate situation and encountering so many terrible things, ordinary people like him are most likely to have a psychological breakdown.

Thinking back now, if time could be turned back and go back to that time...he would definitely be the first to escape, even if he had to leave others behind!

In such a life-and-death situation, people's hearts are the easiest to change.

Not many people in the world can face death calmly, especially those who have not experienced professional training.

Unlike regular soldiers, they have developed a will as strong as steel through rigorous training day after day.

Perhaps this person's words speak to the voices of others, and the already difficult situation now makes the atmosphere even more subtle.

Everyone's hearts were further impacted.

Perhaps, they are only one step away from collapse.

Escape seemed impossible.

It's self-evident what the ending is, but no one dares to think too much about it.

Under the faint light, someone coughed twice, and a slightly old voice sounded: "That child Xu Qing, it's good to be able to escape. Don't think about it so much now, everyone, talk less and keep your strength." .”

This person is Professor Ge Qing, the general leader of this scientific research team.

He is already very old and his body is not as strong as young people.

And because of being trapped in the mountains for a long time, eating and drinking are very bad, so the voice at this time not only sounds old, but also a little hoarse.

However, after all, Professor Ge Qing is an intellectual and an older person with richer life experience.

Therefore, even if he encounters such a desperate situation, he is still much calmer, far better than other young people.

Professor Ge Qing is very powerful in his professional field, so he is also quite prestigious in this research team.

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