Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 535 Unbelievable stuff! There are not many who can fight!

If it weren't for Professor Ge as the backbone, others might not be able to bear it long ago.

Once a person loses his basic sense, he will accelerate his own destruction.

Speaking of which, Xu Qing was able to escape because Professor Ge Qing helped her at the critical moment.

For this reason, when Professor Ge pushed Xu Qing away, his leg was almost bitten by those things.

In that life-and-death situation, Professor Ge did not consider personal life or death at all.

In his eyes, even if one more of these young people who still have a bright future can escape, that would be good.

He really is a respectable person.

It's a pity that the situation was so critical at that time that the rest of the scientific research team did not have time to do anything else.

Except for Xu Qing, everyone in their group was trapped here.

Not only that, the scientific research team also suffered casualties - two people died on the spot, another person was seriously injured, and another person was slightly injured.

This is because the military escort team worked hard to protect them and minimized the damage.

At this cost, the military force responsible for escorting them has also been greatly reduced.

Of the entire action team sent to escort, there are only three people left so far.

Professor Ge feels very guilty for this, after all, he is the general leader of this scientific research team.

This time they will choose the Sandra star for research, which is also the plan he proposed.

In this way, including the casualties of the team members and the military personnel who sacrificed their lives to protect them, they have all become the reasons for Professor Ge Qing to blame himself.

However, Sandra Star is extremely necessary for Professor Ge's research.

Because he knew that this place was located in the D-level desolate star field, Professor Ge also did a thorough investigation before coming.

According to the currently known data, apart from the most significant and dangerous climate conditions, there seems to be nothing special about Sandra.

However, just in case, Professor Ge applied for assistance from the military.

But he didn't expect that there was such a dangerous situation hidden in this rolling mountain range.

He didn't even know what the building they were currently staying in was...? Why does such a majestic and magnificent building appear in the mountain for nothing?

Even though Professor Ge has lived a long time and has a relatively rich reserve of knowledge, he still has no idea about the various situations they are encountering at the moment.

However, he kept these worries in his heart and did not speak out, which would only increase the pressure on everyone.

Professor Ge's comforting words just now calmed the anxiety of most people.

However, some people are still uneasy.

"Are those things still at the door? Should we send someone out to have a look?" the man tried to speak.

However, as soon as he said this, someone next to him retorted: "Are you crazy? Go out again? It is hard to find this safe place now. If we go out again, we will all die!"

Those things must still be outside, as long as the door is opened, they will all pour in!

Although it sounds like there is no sound now, there is no guarantee that those things are not waiting for an opportunity to ambush.

It's a matter of life and death, survivors like them can't take this risk!

It was for this reason that the group of them did not dare to make any big noises, and their voices were deliberately lowered.

There are now only three military personnel responsible for protecting them, and the armed forces are simply useless.

"What are you afraid of? Isn't death the most? We are trapped here now. Once the food and water are used up, we will not escape the end of death!" Soon someone said, "Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain." , it’s better to rush out and fight while you still have some physical strength, maybe there is still a glimmer of life.”

Stretching the head is a slash, and shrinking the head is also a slash. Some people hope to fight with their backs.

Trapped in this place for a long time, the dark indoor space, and the lack of food and drinking water, everyone's psychological endurance is at the limit.

Fortunately, the people trapped now are all men, otherwise just solving the problem of going to the toilet would be enough for them to have a headache.

Even now, everyone can only reduce the frequency of bowel movements by eating and drinking less.

But even if there is oxygen circulation in this space, they have done their best to temporarily divide different functional areas, but eating, drinking and drinking are all in one place, and the unpleasant smell cannot be avoided.

This is undoubtedly worse for the survivors, and it will test their psychological endurance even more.

However, in special times, no matter how harsh the environment is, everyone can only endure it.

In such a terrible environment, there are not only one or two people who want to break out and go out to see the situation.

Of course, everyone has their own ideas, and some people want to maintain this moment of peace.

"Wait and see, maybe Xu Qing will find a way to save us after she goes out?" Someone tried to think in a better direction.

Such ideas are generally conservative.

And the reason why everyone has conservative thoughts now is mostly because they have seen the horror of those things with their own eyes.

No, they're even uncanny.

The research team led by Professor Ge Qing does not study biology, so no one can tell what those things are.

Due to the horror of those things, when there were many people before, many members had already died, including those military personnel who were in charge of guards, and their scientific researchers.

Those things are really strange, and also very dangerous, and the number is not small.

All these things caught them off guard without any preparation.

Before, even the accompanying armed soldiers were no match for them, let alone the remaining ones.

Among the survivors, few can really fight.

If they want to go out rashly now, it is very possible that their entire army will be wiped out this time.

After all, everyone is hesitant between being content with the status quo and going out to fight for a chance.

"What solution can she think of? It's good if she can escape! How can we pin our hopes on her?" Some people still have a little rationality and know how to make judgments based on objective conditions.

However, Yang Yiming, one of the three surviving military personnel at this time, finally said: "Everyone hold on, if we lose contact, according to normal procedures, the military will send reinforcements, we just need to hold on until Then it will be fine.”

As a member of the military, Yang Yiming knew that the military had standardized procedures for certain situations.

Since this scientific research team belongs to a research institution of the military, and they applied for escort assistance from the military before setting out to conduct research, they will definitely go through this series of procedures.

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