Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 538 538. Egyptian or Mayan Pyramid? Mysterious and breathtaking! The technological boundary

When fighting alone, the soldier will not have a mecha as a protection like a mecha master.

Therefore, soldiers wearing only special combat uniforms must be more careful when using the "Sound Tread".

If you fail to maintain a good balance of your body during high-intensity bouncing, you will easily fall over.

Excellent sense of balance is the prerequisite for using "sound pedal".

Otherwise, if you stumble in the air, it will not just be an embarrassment, but you will probably be seriously injured.

This is the boundary of technology. Any technology must follow objective laws in the process of application.

There is no technological product that can easily bring about the effects of various fairy arts and supernatural powers.

After all, reality is not myths or fantasy novels.

Human beings have never been supernatural beings.

This is why human beings must persevere in their efforts and always keep the pace of exploration.

But to skillfully use "sound pedal", it is necessary to accumulate a lot of experience.

For example, the reverse thrust of stepping on an ordinary wall, the reverse thrust of stepping on rocks, and the reverse thrust of stepping on wet and soft soil are different from each other.

In addition, such as how to better adjust the strength of the legs during use, achieve a better cushioning effect, and reduce the wear and impact on the knees and other parts during the use of the equipment, these need to be carefully considered during actual use. , adjusted slowly.

Of course, if the user has a very strong real-time computing ability in mathematics, he will be able to take advantage.

Different planets have different gravity values, coupled with the quality of individuals and equipment, so the speed of landing is also different.

In the process of stepping on the point in the air, by adjusting the angle and strength of the foot, the speed of falling can be slowed down to a certain extent.

In this way, it is possible to avoid a high risk factor due to the continuous increase in speed and beyond the control range during the descent.

The actual environment is very different, and without enough experience, even "sound pedal" will not work well.

The seemingly easy "flying over the wall" and "walking in the air" are actually supported by powerful science and technology and combat strength.

This shows the difference in strength between the regular army and ordinary students.

Every time you step on a solid object, the "snapshot" will make an extremely slight electronic sound, which is due to the complex operation inside the device.

This kind of sound cannot be completely eliminated, and can only be reduced by the efforts of researchers.

This is one of the reasons why this equipment got its name.

A group of Charlotte and Eric landed from the hole above the cliff to the ground one after another.

The "tap" of the foot emits a slight electronic sound, which is transmitted to the sole of the foot through the metal device. The ground in this open area does not seem to be as hard as a rock.

As far as the strength of the reverse thrust is concerned, the tactile feel is somewhat similar to that of hardened mud.

After everyone landed on the ground, they did not move blindly, but continued to explore the surroundings.

It was not so obvious when I stood at the entrance of the cliff. Now I stand on the ground and look around, and I can find more details.

The cave entrance where Charlotte and the others were just now was not the only one around.

In this large open area, there are still some caves scattered on the surrounding cliffs.

Some of them are high and some are low, with different sizes and different positions in all directions.

No one knows what is inside these holes. Looking over them, they are just dark.

Charlotte guessed that maybe those holes were also connected to some passages.

I just don’t know where they are connected?

In order to eliminate various dangerous factors, everyone temporarily took back the "Sound Step" and began to explore the surrounding environment.

Zhang Lianping sent people to check the cave entrances closer to the ground, but found nothing dangerous.

However, they saw some messy traces at a certain hole close to the ground.

Charlotte also saw it. It was mostly gravel, but the quantity was not large and the size was not large. They were scattered here and there.

This situation is somewhat concerning, but at the moment, it is not the most important thing.

At this moment, the unknown building in the distance is what needs to be explored most.

Seeing that there was nothing special happening around them, Zhang Lianping and the others walked towards the majestic building step by step.

When I looked down at the entrance of the cave just now, I didn't realize how big the open space was.

Now that people are standing on the ground and looking towards the dome, this space seems even more huge and empty.

Not only that, the place where they were at this time was actually quite far away from the artificial building, and they had to walk for a while.

Eric has been standing next to Charlotte. This is his subconscious behavior.

He and Charlotte were both interns of Gvos. They had played such large-scale friendly matches together before, and they had a deeper friendship with each other.

Therefore, in such a strange place, Eric would always subconsciously want to take care of her more, even though Charlotte probably didn't need it.

These are Eric's subconscious behaviors, perhaps even he himself is not aware of them.

Just like Ares Randall, whom he admired, he has never been a talkative person.

The group of people continued to walk forward, and it took a while before they arrived in front of the building.

Now, everyone finally saw it clearly.

But, what is this... in front of me?

I couldn’t tell what it looked like, but it was an architectural style that these people had never seen before.

In Charlotte's eyes, it looks a bit like an Egyptian pyramid and a bit like a Mayan pyramid. Its style is almost a combination of the two.

Let's call it "The Pyramid".

However, in terms of mystery alone, this pyramid seems to be far better than those on earth.

Standing at the bottom of the pyramid, looking up, you can feel the majestic power more vividly.

To house such a building in the mountain is really mind-blowing, and the momentum that hits you is overwhelming.

Looking at the materials used in this building, it is black with green, almost a dark green.

The surface of the material is polished very smooth and has a very glossy feel.

Not only that, if you look closely, you can see that there are many strange runes on the surface of the pyramid.

Buildings that appeared inexplicably, with inexplicable materials, strange architectural styles, and weird runes on them...

All these factors highlight the mystery of this pyramid.

What exactly is inside this pyramid? Everyone has more or less doubts in their mind.

Zhang Lianping took other members of the search and rescue team 3 and carefully inspected the building.

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