Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 539 539. Reckless? TiFe3 and CrC5 of element diversity? Interstellar matter encompasses ever

Sure enough, as Charlotte had guessed at the beginning, the pyramid occupied more than just this mountain.

It also extends all the way across, occupying the inner space of other mountains.

It is bold and shocking, and its volume is temporarily incalculable.

It's just that part of the other areas of the pyramid is hidden in the mountain, and its edge area is closely connected with the mountain, and it is still impossible to go all the way to find out.

If you really want to find out, you can only find a way to enter the interior of this pyramid.

In this way, it is possible to follow the internal path of the pyramid and reach other blocks.

After figuring out this fact, what Zhang Lianping needs to consider is whether to take people into the pyramid.

He checked his equipment again, and all the equipment still had no signal, including the optical brain in his hand.

Not only him, but other people's equipment is also the same situation.

In this case, he has no way to contact his superiors.

All decisions need to be made by Zhang Lianping himself. He must decide what to do next based on the various conditions on the scene.

Thinking about the content of this mission and the meaning conveyed by the superiors before, it should be to let them protect themselves first when they encounter a particularly dangerous situation.

Zhang Lianping entered Zhan Zhi 8 a long time ago, he is a very experienced soldier.

Judging from the past missions, similar to this kind of search and rescue mission, if you encounter an extremely dangerous situation during the mission, it is not suitable to fight hard.

Since Ares Randall took over as Zhanzhi 8, he has always acted safely and will not risk the lives of his subordinates.

But judging from the current situation, it is not extremely dangerous.

In this way, after Zhang Lianping considered for a while, he finally made a decision—to find a way to enter the interior of the pyramid first.

The woman they rescued before was crushed under the gravel on the way here.

If the direction is not wrong, those scientific researchers are very likely to exist on the path of this direction.

And at the end of this road, only this pyramid is left.

In other words, those scientific researchers are very likely to be inside the pyramid.

Counting the time, the mission target has been trapped for a long time, and the time is already very tight.

Their search and rescue team 3 must seize every minute and every second to rescue.

If we retreat now, we can certainly send more people over, and the task can be more assured.

But time waits for no one, and that will also delay the best time to rescue.

Zhang Lianping has performed quite a few missions, and based on the current situation, he made a judgment to continue the mission.

The rest of the search and rescue team can also understand the captain's arrangement, after all, this is a judgment with reasonable basis.

Now that we have decided to continue the mission, we need to find a way to enter the pyramid.

After a rough inspection just now, they found that the material used to build this pyramid may be unusual.

At this moment, among the people of the 3rd search and rescue team at the scene, no one can recognize this kind of building material.

However, although they haven't figured out what the source of this material is, based on past experience and observations from many aspects, they can basically determine that this material must be stronger than ordinary mountain rocks.

It should be some kind of special metal ore, and it's an uncommon one.

It's a pity that when they came in to search and rescue, members of the environmental exploration team didn't accompany them, so their search and rescue team 3 couldn't figure out what kind of metal ore it was.

However, they also carry some simple equipment with them, which can roughly detect the inner composition of these building materials.

Through a little testing with professional equipment, even if the results are not so professional and detailed, you can still know everything.

It took Zhang Lianping and the others a little time to answer the doubts in their hearts after the test.

It turned out that this unknown building material contained a large amount of TiFe3 element.

This is the name of this special element in the interstellar era.

In the interstellar era, there are so many star fields, galaxies, and planets, and there are countless creatures, plants, and minerals.

Even ordinary cats and dogs, on so many planets, have already derived many variants.

All things in the interstellar era can be said to be all-encompassing.

Therefore, the composition of various substances is also more diversified.

As far as the types of various minerals are concerned, there are many more than those on the earth, which is completely unmatched by the diversity of elements on the earth.

Charlotte had never heard of this element before, and only after coming to the interstellar era and entering the Gevos Military Academy for systematic study did she know a thing or two.

Charlotte is not a professional in this area, and the reason why this element is special enough to be remembered by Charlotte is because of its remarkable characteristics.

When the amount of TiFe3 reaches a certain level, the substances composed of it can interfere with the signal to a strong degree, or even shield it.

This also explains why they completely lost the signal after they traveled deep into the mountain-because the search and rescue team 3 was getting closer and closer to the pyramid.

Looking around, the exterior of this pyramid is almost entirely made of this special metal ore.

And this unknown material contains a large amount of TiFe3 element inside.

Therefore, even if the search and rescue team 3 carried special equipment, they would not be able to detect the internal paths of this area.

Not only could the internal signals of this horrifying, huge and towering pyramid not be transmitted at all, but even the areas around the pyramid were affected to varying degrees.

However, fortunately, although this element is quite special, it does not have the characteristics of a car pit and will not cause harm to the human body.

Otherwise, if the raw materials used in such a large pyramid are harmful to the human body, they will suffer.

However, the current situation is more than that simple.

Among the unknown materials used to build the pyramid, in addition to containing a large amount of TiFe3 elements, there is also the element CrC5.

CrC5 is also a unique element of the interstellar era, and its characteristics are also very obvious.

Generally speaking, the more of this element in a certain substance, the harder the substance will be.

In other words, it is very difficult to damage it with brute force.

Today, among the unknown metal minerals used in this pyramid, there are a lot of CrC5 elements.

Zhang Lianping and the others still don't know the thickness of the outer wall of this pyramid. If the wall of the pyramid is particularly thick, it may be difficult for even a device like a "pangolin" to break it open at a fixed point.

Although the search and rescue team 3 also carries a certain degree of heavy firepower equipment, the risk of using this equipment rashly in this mountain is extremely high.

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