Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 540 540. Mausoleum or Sacrifice? Mysterious planetary civilization? Violation and unnaturaln

Unless it is a last resort, it is best not to use firepower to attack, otherwise it will easily cause landslides inside the mountain.

In particular, this space is likely to have changed its original structure because of the construction of this pyramid.

Perhaps, this area is only maintaining a weak balance at this time.

Once it suffers a strong impact, the entire mountain, or even the contiguous mountain range, will cause a serious chain reaction, and it will collapse in an instant.

Because of this, everyone in the 3rd search and rescue team dispersed to check carefully, trying to find some hidden mechanism or the like.

In this case, they can enter more easily.

If you think about it carefully, those scientific researchers who have lost contact, even if they are accompanied by military guards, are definitely not as good as the search and rescue personnel of Battle Branch 8 in terms of weapons and equipment.

If the scientific research team is really in the pyramid now, it is likely that they have found some kind of mechanism to be able to enter.

Charlotte and Eric also walked around the perimeter of the pyramid.

I don't know what kind of technology is used to make this pyramid. In short, Charlotte feels that it is more well-crafted than any pyramid seen on the earth.

The pyramids on the earth are mostly made of stone because they were built for a long time.

But the pyramid in front of me is not like this. The unknown material it uses feels more like some kind of metal.

Those dark green metal materials are stacked together tightly.

Even if Charlotte stands by and observes carefully like now, he has to praise that the fit of each block is perfect.

Except for the mysterious patterns all over the pyramid walls, Charlotte could hardly see any grooves or gaps in the walls.

She looked at the mysterious patterns, they seemed to be more than just decorative.

Some patterns, mainly large line patterns, should be for decoration.

But in addition to these decorative patterns, there are some more regular symbols hidden on the tower wall.

They seem to be very regular, as if they are some kind of text symbols.

Charlotte is very observant, and she has discovered some potential connection between these symbols after just looking at them for a while.

From Charlotte's point of view, there are many symbols that look very similar, or even exactly the same—should it be the repetition of a certain character symbol?

But what kind of text is this? Charlotte had never seen it before.

The languages ​​of the interstellar era are very diverse. Except for the language of the imperial capital as the official language, other star fields, galaxies, and planets have more or less their own unique local cultures, including writing.

In the interstellar era, there are still many things that Charlotte doesn't know.

Stretching out her hand, Charlotte tentatively touched the outer wall of the pyramid—it felt cool to the touch, and the surface was very smooth.

Charlotte observed very carefully. In addition to the touch of this material, she also touched the dust on the outer wall of the pyramid.

Although the dust particles are very small, they have fallen into a thick layer.

Looking at the engravings of those graphic symbols, it seems that they have been engraved for a long time, and they are not recent marks.

There is no doubt that this pyramid should have been built for a long time and has a certain historical age.

Unfortunately, this situation is very unreasonable.

Charlotte's brows and eyes were flat, but her brain was concentrating on thinking.

From the current point of view, the construction techniques of this pyramid are probably very advanced.

If it really was built many years ago, how did it have such technical means back then?

Charlotte couldn't figure out this question, so she gradually lost her mind looking at the building.

Eric next to him noticed it and asked, "What's wrong? Did you find anything?"

Seeing Charlotte looking at the pyramid with a serious face, Eric thought she had discovered something new.

After all, Charlotte has always seen things sharply, and can always detect things that others ignore.

Charlotte's eyes were still fixed on the pyramid, and at the same time she looked up at the top, and said casually: "It's nothing, just take a look."

The pyramid is very tall, almost as tall as the mountain.

And the peaks in this mountain range are not at the level of low hills.

Pyramids can have such a scale, it is quite bold.

At least Charlotte couldn't see the top of the pyramid clearly when she looked up.

The light source of the small searchlight on the helmet is not strong enough, and the natural light streaming down from the top of the mountain is not strong enough.

They also used other lighting equipment to coordinate with the natural light to roughly see the many details of this area.

But the ground is still too far from the top of the mountain, and I can't really see the situation on the top of the mountain.

Seeing Charlotte looking up, Eric also looked up following her gaze, and then said: "Maybe the official entrance is not here."

Hearing this, Charlotte turned to look at him, and the meaning of "willing to hear more about it" is self-evident.

Does Eric know this kind of pyramid? Charlotte reacted quickly.

But when the members of the search and rescue team 3 discussed with each other just now, he didn't speak.

Facing Charlotte's question, Eric said: "I've read books on this before. The functions of buildings in this style are relatively concentrated. In some planetary civilizations, they are used as important figures. Tombs, or some kind of sacrificial place, generally speaking, this is the purpose.”

Hearing what Eric said, Charlotte understood.

It turns out that in the interstellar era, there will be civilizations similar to the Egyptian pyramids and Mayan pyramids on earth.

Thinking of this, Xia Luofu added: "That should be a period when technology was not yet developed, or even a relatively primitive era. People are born out of awe of nature and trying to conquer nature, and this kind of culture is born."

After being reminded by Charlotte, Eric quickly understood what she was concerned about.

"That's right, looking at the shape of this pyramid, it should be made of very special metal. If it was built a long time ago, just in terms of cutting materials, humans at that time would not be able to complete such a large-scale construction .” Eric analyzed.

What he said was where Charlotte was puzzled.

The huge pyramids inexplicably appearing in this mountain range make people feel unharmonious and unnatural no matter what.

Who built it here, and for what reason?

It's a pity that not only Charlotte, but also the rest of the search and rescue team 3 couldn't figure out why.

Next to it, Zhang Lianping and the others walked around part of the outer area of ​​the pyramid.

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