StarCraft Emperor of the Insects

Chapter 641 Colombia-The golden light appears

On July 9th, the first year of the Pusilan calendar, four days had passed since the Sahara massacre. Four days were enough for the Zerg's actions in the Sahara to be made public.

For the top leaders of major civilizations, the behavior of the Zerg has undoubtedly committed a serious crime against intelligent life. Although major civilizations do not explicitly stipulate the punishment for such crimes, as an existence that threatens intelligent life, anyone who is detained This hat, whether true or false, will become the enemy of all intelligent life!

The sudden attack of the Zerg made more people know that the power of the Zerg is not just about force. In front of the entire federation of life forms, they promised to invade Colombia in three months, but they showed up in less than a week. Columbia Galaxy made people scold the Zerg for their cunning, but also realized that the Zerg's strategic wisdom was no less than that of humans!

With strong strength, a cunning mind, and the ability to launch massacres without restraint, such an enemy is undoubtedly terrifying, and to deal with such a terrifying enemy, one must naturally use thunderous means!

Therefore, San Marcente gave the major civilizations more than a month to assemble. However, on July 9, in just one week, the major galaxies had already completed the mobilization of their armies, with a total of twenty fleets and nearly 10,000 soldiers. A battleship came towards the Columbia Galaxy with murderous intent.

In this unprecedented military operation, the San Marcente civilization did not deliberately hide its traces, so Ye Luo clearly understood the enemy's movements. However, he was not worried. His mind was completely focused on the fleet in front of him.

"My Emperor, the fleet in front of us is composed of the Fifth, Fourth and Royal Fleets of Colombia, three fleets, sixty battleships, one hundred and eighty cruisers, and three hundred and sixty destroyers. It is considered the Colombian fleet. As long as we defeat them with our final military strength, the entire Columbia Galaxy will be unimpeded for us!" Ye Chao bowed to Ye Luo who was sitting on the throne and reported.

Ye Luo glanced at the huge light screen in front of him that showed the strength of the enemy and ourselves, and simply said four words, "Drown them!"

Ye Meng, who was next to him, moved his mouth and wanted to say something, but seeing Ye Luo's expressionless face, he had to hold it back.

Ye Luo glanced at him, then glanced at the Ye brothers, Angelina and others, "In this battle, anyone can participate as long as they are willing!"

"Yes! My emperor!" Ye Luo rarely throws out all his power at once. He always likes to use seven points and save three points in case of accidents. This time he broke through the usual use of troops. Although the Ye family brothers were surprised, they were instantly Then I realized that Ye Luo was still angry because of Avril's death! Therefore, he will use the strongest troops and a devastating situation to make Julius understand how stupid his behavior is!

As the master's subordinates, since they understand the master's thoughts, they naturally need to work harder to give the Colombian fleet an irresistible blow! At this moment, everyone's eyes are burning with raging flames of war and overwhelming momentum!

"My Emperor, Julius initiated a communication request..." Ye Chao said suddenly before going into battle.

Ye Luo's eyes flashed with serious coldness, "Connect..."


"Ye Luo, you beast, you..." Julius's originally full of angry words just blurted out, but stopped because, in front of him, in the light screen in front of him, there was a cold look in Ye Luo's eyes. The blue-purple color seemed to pass through space and through a light screen, directly acting on his body. The anger in his heart was instantly poured out by cold water!

Then, he saw Ye Luo put his right index finger on his neck without saying a word, and gently stroked...

"Pfft..." the communication video ended, Julius's eyes suddenly widened, "Pfft..." a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he fell down on his back...

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty..." The Colombian flagship instantly fell into chaos...

"Whoosh whoosh..." And right now!

A total of eighteen terrifying golden lights shuttled from the end of the field of vision. Those golden lights seemed to be moving at the speed of light. When the captains of Columbia discovered these golden lights, the golden lights had already pierced their battleships!

"Raise the energy shield...boom..." The golden light hit the bow of the battleship, like a bullet, which was as devastating as an egg. From the bow to the stern, eight One destroyer, six cruisers, and four battleships were completely destroyed before their shields could even be raised!

This terrifying blow shocked everyone. At this moment, the Zerg fleet was still at least twice the range, so the Zerg fleet did not mutate the energy-devouring locusts. Similarly, the Colombian fleet did not raise the energy shield. After all, no one believed that From a long distance, the enemy's attack can hurt you...

However, it seems that the Zerg's rise along the way, the most indispensable thing is to create miracles!

"Buzz buzz..." The remaining captains no longer dared to be careless. Blue energy shields protected their warships from beginning to end. At the same time, the main guns began to charge, and the thrusters gradually accelerated to the maximum speed!

They didn't understand where the eighteen golden lights came from. Not to mention the field of view, even the radar did not show who the owner of the attack was. With such a powerful long-range warship sniper capability, as long as they were given enough time, the Zerg warships would not be able to do anything at all. If you need to take action, the Colombian battleship will be named one by one and shot in the head one by one!

However, what puzzled them was that the Zerg clearly had such powerful long-range attack methods, but they did not distance themselves from the Colombian fleet that was advancing at full speed. Instead, all the Zerg warships rushed towards Colombia at the same time, which made many captains feel sad. He kept muttering, could it be that the Zerg can only use this terrible long-range attack once? ?

Their idea was quickly shattered and they looked for Shuyuan zhoshyan. coBecause before the fleets of both sides entered the shooting range, the eighteen golden lights appeared again. This time, it was clear that the enemy was prepared for the golden lights. It was no longer a separate attack, but three combined attacks, six cruisers, and a main gun. Without being blasted out, it turned into a sky full of flames again...

"Rush over, hurry up, rush into the shooting range. As long as we and the Zerg warships are within range of each other and fight together, those long-range bugs will not be able to snipe us, hurry up!!!" Julius fell ill, and his subordinate The admiral in his thirties temporarily took over the command of the fleet. Under his crazy roar, the fleets of both sides finally entered the firing range!

"My emperor's anger must be appeased with the blood of the enemy!" Ye Meng clenched the sharp blade in his hand from a cruiser at the front of the Zerg fleet.

"Kill, die, my emperor's enemies should repent in purgatory!" Four single-molecule giant blades guarded both sides of Ye Lei's body.

At the front of them, Angelina had a frosty look on her face. She didn't say much else but said one word.



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