StarCraft Emperor of the Insects

Chapter 642 Colombia-The Power of the Sea of ​​Insects

"Kill!" Angelina shuddered and transformed into a terrifying giant poisonous spider. The barbs at the end of the eight spider legs shone with a biting cold light under the starlight. Her eight spider legs moved gently in the air, and the entire huge spider But the body instantly flew hundreds of meters!

"Kill!" A velociraptor rose directly from Ye Meng's body. The second level of awakening was activated. Ye Meng jumped onto the velociraptor. The human and insect merged into one, following closely on Angelina's left side!

"Kill!" Caroline also roared and transformed into a magic-eyed mantis. The eyes-like magic patterns on the wings on her back made those Colombian soldiers who were observing through electronic devices feel dizzy! Caroline spreads her wings and moves forward side by side with Angelina!

"Kill!" Claudia once again activated the power of the Dragon God. As a giant dragon emperor, she originally gradually fell behind the high-end combat power of the Zerg due to her limited potential. However, with a large amount of energy and the swallowing of a large number of high-level stars, she Beast Spirit Yuan, Claudia's potential has been fully developed, and her strength has jumped to the terrifying twenty-fourth level, which is the same level as Chicha, Thousand-Handed Demon Lord, and Alien Queen. At this time, the Dragon King spreads his wings. , more than 500 meters long, and with the tail, the length reaches nearly 700 meters. It is completely like a small Nidhogg!

"Kill!" The brothers of the Ye family went all out and suddenly took action. The beast body that was awakened at the second level and whose momentum was condensed went hand in hand with the main body. The tremendous pressure made the space around everyone start to shake!

"Kill!" Ye Chao was the only one besides Ye Luo who did not go to the battlefield. However, this did not prevent him from sharing the same hatred with his brothers and sisters. With Ye Chao's roar, hundreds of people ferried on both sides of the Zerg fleet. The attackers flew away, revealing the Zerg fleet under their cover...

Densely packed and boundless...

Hundreds of Hive Battleships, thousands of cruisers, thousands of Zerg Destroyers, as well as the number of three-eyed horses that may be in the millions, or even tens of millions, tens of thousands, their bodies are no less armored than a destroyer Cockroaches... Not to mention the small Zerg combat units surging around them like a tide, the number of these big guys is enough to make everyone in Colombia despair...

Gary, the general who vowed to command the fleet to defeat the Zerg in front of Julius in the palace of his home planet, this time the temporary commander of the fleet slumped down in his seat, murmuring with dull eyes, "Oh my God. , no wonder the Zerg don’t take the entire Pusilan Federation seriously, these fleets of his can already fight to the death with all the fleets of the entire Pusilan…”

Gary's absence prevented the captains from receiving timely orders. In the eyes of the frontline captains, although the endless Zerg warships and combat units were shuddering, the high-level Zerg sprinting at the front was shocking. They are desperate, making them feel that the other person is like an arrow shooting through the sky, trying to take away their lives!

Without enough strong men, it would be difficult for them to stop the high-level Zerg's ship-seizing tactics. Therefore, firstly out of the instinct of self-preservation, but out of strategic considerations, when the Colombian fleet was fully charged, those captains actually Issue an order without authorization, aim at those advanced Zerg, and fire!

"Boom, boom, boom..." The salvos of hundreds of main guns and secondary guns made the entire starry sky light up instantly. In the ocean of energy formed by the main guns and secondary guns, Angelina and others, who were originally so powerful, suddenly He has become a small boat floating in the angry ocean. A big wave can capsize him at any time!

However, Angelina and others kept moving around, as if they had clearly seen the direction of the fleet's cannon attack, and they managed to dodge all the main guns in three seconds. No one among Angelina and others was injured!

This result made several strong Colombians following Gary feel chills all over.

A volley of main guns is not like a volley of arrows. The power contained in one main gun is enough to cause strong vibrations in all the surrounding space during their flight. In other words, even if Angelina and others are in the first wave, The main gun passed by, and they would also fall into the space that shook after the main gun bombardment, as if they were stuck in a quagmire, making it difficult to move, and then they would be torn apart by the ensuing attacks!

However, that is just a should, not a fact!

With one salvo, all the main guns and secondary guns were in the process of recharging. The fastest recharging of the secondary guns also took at least ten seconds. Without the suppression of the main guns, it was more difficult for the secondary guns to pose a threat to them. Before the main gun was fully charged, Angelina and others had already appeared around the enemy fleet!

"Huh..." Among Nidhogg, next to Ye Chao, Cassandra breathed a sigh of relief. Her face was a little pale, and there were a few glistening beads of sweat on her hair.

Ye Chao couldn't help but admired, "Queen, although your ability is nothing special in terms of attack, in terms of prediction, it is simply unbelievable. With so many main guns and secondary guns, before launching an attack Predict their attack trajectory, look for a glimmer of life in the trajectory, and then inform Queen Angelina through the Zerg network. How unimaginable this is. We have all been attacked by main artillery before. To be honest, one shot will go down. , Ye Meng and Ye Zhang lost half of their bodies. If my emperor hadn't rescued them in time, they would have been doomed. From then on, we stayed away from the main gun, just like other strong men. However, with your assistance, Those powerful straight-line attacks can no longer be an obstacle to our Zerg’s progress!”

Cassandra glanced at Ye Luo behind her without any trace, and shook her head lonely, "No, my ability to predict is not strong enough. If I could predict Avril's disaster, she would not be..."

"..." Ye Luo, who was sitting behind them with his eyes closed and concentrating, sighed softly and appeared next to Cassandra in an instant. He gently hugged Cassandra's delicate waist, "Cassandra, I I have never blamed you, this matter is not your fault..."

Cassandra also sighed and leaned her body against Ye Luo's arms.

Ye Chao wisely ignored the two of them and devoted his energy completely to the Zerg network.

"Now that the enemy has attacked, we can't let the enemy underestimate us! All Hive Battleships, Zerg Cruisers, Destroyers, main guns, secondary guns, joint salvos!"

An order was immediately transmitted throughout the Zerg network!

United salvo! It uses the characteristics of the Zerg network to contact various units at all times to achieve an instant joint attack. To put it simply, an ordinary salvo will cause each Zerg warship to automatically lock the target and launch an attack. This kind of attack mode, it is very likely that multiple Zerg warships will attack one enemy ship, and the extra main guns will be wasted after destroying the enemy ship, or that fewer Zerg warships will salvo one warship, resulting in one bar of energy missing the opponent's shield. Destroying it gives the opponent time to replace the shield battery.

Joint salvo, which is based on the accurate data obtained by the Zerg Hive Union King, automatically allocates the Zerg fleet to attack the target. For example, the attack power of a secondary gun is 1, the attack power of the main gun is 5, and a Columbia If the cruiser's energy shield value is 20 and its armor value is 10, then the joint attack force automatically allocated by the Hive will be composed of attack values ​​​​of 1 and 5 to form 30 attack power. It can defeat the energy passport and armor in one fell swoop to kill the opponent. But it’s a terrible purpose without wasting any energy!

The arms of the Zerg are all elites who have been tempered for thousands of years. If the king of insects only has the ability to detect, it will not always be the main gene and used by the masters of the past generations. This joint attack officially demonstrates their super ability after joining forces with the insect nest!

"Boom, boom, boom..." The Zerg battleship's main guns fired like brilliant fireworks, lighting up the starry sky again!


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