Hey guys! I'm sorry if this blue balled anyone that was actually looking forward to an actual chapter. I have two things that I want to say. First thing is, please don't waste your power stones on this novel. There won't be an actual chapter for another 2 months or more. And that is the second thing I would like to talk about. As I have said before, personal reasons and university was what was keeping me from writing this. Thankfully the personal reasons have been taken care of and now only university is stopping me from writing chapters. I am just now understanding how difficult university is. So I am informing you guys that I won't be writing until winter break for me. I have about a month of winter break that I will hopefully be using to write new chapters. The reason it took me this long to give a status update is because of school. I felt that I should give you guys an update now because I have recently discovered great stargate fan fictions, namely "The Ongoing Journey", "Empress in the Shadows" and "StarGate: Galactic Imperium". I felt motivated to write this but I don't have the time. I am really appreciative of your support and again, please don't waste the power stones. I really don't care about them. I'm just a fairly new author doing it for fun. So once again thank you for your support and have a wonderful day!

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