After finding the things, Liang En and the others walked around the entire temple and visited for a while before returning to the Varma family's mansion.

As soon as they entered the door, several people came to the temporary lounge in the room as quickly as possible, then took out a series of special tools and began to open the wooden box.

The previous owner of this wooden box obviously wanted to store this thing for a long time, so for the convenience of protection, the box did have some anti-corrosion facilities.

To give the simplest example, after careful inspection, Liang En found that the outside of the box was wrapped with a thick layer of beeswax, obviously to prevent air and water from entering the wooden box.

After carefully removing the beeswax, Liang En opened the wooden box with everyone watching. Inside the box were layers of textiles.

"This is the turban used by us Indians, and it is also the turban of some people with low social status." After unfolding the white textile, Mr. Varma immediately recognized what it was.

"It seems that the situation that the person who hid this thing encountered was so bad that he had to use everything he could find to preserve it."

After hearing what Mr. Varma said, Liang En nodded thoughtfully. After the headscarves were taken off, the contents inside were finally revealed, but unexpectedly there were no treasures inside, only a small book with a brown cover.

After seeing the book, Varma seemed a little uninterested. To a layman like him, the characters were dazzling gold and silver jewelry or handicrafts with long heritage, and this small book did not meet any of the above.

However, this thing was indeed very valuable to Liang En, because after opening the notebook, Liang En discovered that the notebook contained a diary written by George Carter, which contained a large number of valuable records.

Because there is not much difference between the English above and the English spoken today, a few people just stayed in this room and read the diary one by one. By the time they had dinner, they had already figured out the ins and outs of the whole thing. It's almost done.

This George Carter was a middle-class man who lived in the Victorian era. He had received a university education and became a bank clerk. He was considered a relatively upper-class person in that era.

It's just that people's desire for wealth is endless. As a result, Mr. Carter not only lost all his wealth during a speculation business, but also owed a large debt to the bank.

That era was completely different from now. For example, in that era, when banks were collecting debts, they would basically use violence to collect debts, and even death was not impossible.

So after losing his wealth, Carter immediately gave up everything and ran away. Then he joined a criminal gang and used his previous experience to create various fake documents.

Everything went very smoothly at the beginning. In just half a year, they defrauded more than 10,000 pounds, which was not a small amount in that era.

The money allowed them to live a truly wealthy life, and it also made them determined to stay in London, the richest place in Britain at the time, so that they could continue to defraud.

Because of professionals like Carter, their fraud activities were often successful, and they accumulated a large amount of money.

However, in the following period, because they had been committing fraud around London, Scotland Yard quickly focused on them and launched a series of hunts. In the process, some of them were arrested and exiled to Australia.

Although the British police were indeed slow to respond in the early days, because they defrauded wealthy people, they were hunted down intensively, and in the end they had to take refuge in India.

This should also be considered a common phenomenon from ancient times to the present. Excellent talents and resources flow from underdeveloped countries to developed countries, while garbage flows in the opposite direction.

After coming to India, this group of criminals will naturally not work hard to make money, but will soon continue their fraud career from employment.

And this time they seemed to be even more at home, because as British people, they were born into the upper class in India at that time. At the same time, the locals were not very prepared for the new scams from London, which made their local operations seem very smooth.

But more than a year later. There are differences among this gang. If someone wants to make enough money now, they can start a new life in places like Australia, Canada or the United States.

Others feel that this place has too many people and too much money. At the same time, making quick money has become a habit, so it is no longer suitable for ordinary people's lives.

At the beginning, the arguments between the two groups were limited to arguments. But as they make more and more money, fewer and fewer people are willing to return to ordinary life, until finally Mr. George Carter is still willing to return to ordinary life.

But at this time, Mr. Carter has become an unreliable factor in the gang, and therefore the entire team is in an increasingly dangerous situation.

Of course, as an absolutely high-IQ talent of that era, Mr. Carter was also aware of this and made targeted preparations. For example, at the end of the diary, he stated that he planned to flee with the biggest gains in the near future.

Although his escape plan was not stated at the end of this diary, judging from the final result, his plan obviously failed.

At least he didn't leave the gang and go to Australia or Canada to start a new life as he said in his diary. Instead, he became a pile of bones in the secret room of this abandoned temple.

Fortunately, there was still some goodwill between the two parties in the end, so the group did not search Mr. Carter's body after beating him to death, so these precious items were kept until today.

“Sometimes when you take a wrong step, it’s the beginning of disaster. It’s impossible to go back in the middle, so we’d better think carefully before doing everything to avoid fatal problems.”

After reading the contents in these notebooks, Jeanne was the first to break the silence and speak out, and the others also nodded with sympathy.

Through this diary, they also knew how this Mr. Carter blurred a good hand, and the truth behind it was of great value to everyone present.

For Liang En, this book was also a reminder that Mr. Carter should hide certain valuable things.

"I'll leave this book to you, Mr. Liang." After Liang En said he wanted to use this book to hunt for treasure, Mr. Varma immediately pointed to the book and said.

"Just remember to show me what you find. To be honest, I envy explorers like you. Unfortunately, I still have family matters to do, so I really can't do anything so recklessly. "

"Thank you very much for your generosity, Mr. Varma." After taking the notebook in the box, Liang En smiled and thanked the other party. "If I find anything, I will notify you as soon as possible."

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