After returning to his room, Liang En immediately studied the newly acquired diary. After a brief study, he was basically sure that there was no mezzanine or password in it.

Thinking about it, the other person's diary is just for venting his emotions, and usually he won't hide any secrets in it.

For ordinary people, this is the result of the final investigation, because even if all the current evidence is used, at most, they can know what kind of person Mr. Carter is.

But for Liang En, this is just the beginning. Because the diary had an accurate time, Liang En quickly used the [Appraisal (R)] card on the diary.

The reason why he chose this card is also very simple, because through the date on the diary, he can quickly determine the approximate time when Mr. Carter hid the treasure. In this case, he can make observations through this time point. .

[Appraisal (R)] After the card was used, a new picture appeared in Liang En's mind. Soon, he realized that the observer of this picture was fixed on Mr. Carter's diary.

"This is interesting." Liang En used this diary as his observation point to observe the surrounding situation 360 degrees with his naked eyes.

Judging from the size of the diary and the contents above, Mr. Carter should have carried the diary with him to ensure that it would not be discovered by his accomplices.

This also provides Liang En with a convenience, because in this way, as long as he looks through this diary, he has a high chance of seeing what the treasure hidden by Mr. Carter is.

Because he didn't know the specific time when Mr. Carter hid the treasure, Liang En positioned the time anchor point to the day when the other party recorded the incident and one day before and after.

After all, this diary is written for Mr. Carter himself, so it is natural for him to write down the diary when he feels the mood, instead of writing down the matter in this diary only for himself after several days.

Very quickly, Liang En determined the start of the entire observation time, and then used the fast forward function of the card to browse the situation of the past three days. Sure enough, about half an hour before the other party recorded the diary, Mr. Carter took out He picked up his pipe and left his companions, went outside and started smoking.

Liang En immediately discovered that the other party's location should be near the temple he went to before, because the roof of this temple looked very distinctive, and the roof of the temple could be seen in this memory.

In addition, several hills around the temple were also seen very clearly in this memory. On the other hand, it was confirmed that the location of the other party should be on a hill near the temple that could be used as a commanding height.

Obviously, this group of people staying here may have some bad intentions towards the temple. But at that time, the Varma family was still a native king, so there were many native soldiers stationed here.

For the criminal gang that Mr. Carter belongs to, what they are good at is fraud rather than theft, let alone robbery, so the other party should have finally given up on the temple.

As for the reason for having bad thoughts about the temple, it is also very simple. As long as you walk around, you will know how much wealth the local Brahmins have donated to the temple, and such a large amount of wealth will hardly arouse people's greed. It's impossible.

However, in that era, the heavily guarded temple and the surrounding devout believers formed a solid defense. No matter how greedy they were, this group of criminals from the UK would not extend their claws.

Because anyone with a normal mind will realize how risky it is to steal something from here. Even if you succeed, you will probably lose your life.

Although Indians are not traditionally an enterprising nation, judging from their religious piety, the risk of tampering with the temple is absolutely huge, and it is definitely not worthwhile in terms of input-output ratio. .

So the criminal gang finally chose to excavate an abandoned royal temple, which was the one Liang En and the others found before. The next thing Mr. Carter remembers is that after finishing his cigarette, he went to the excavation site and conducted an inspection.

However, at this time, the excavation site was obviously almost complete, so Mr. Carter really just looked at it and did not dig.

But in the process of looking at it, he found an excuse to go to the toilet and left the sight of others, and then hid a wooden box that had been hidden in his backpack not far from the excavation site.

"It was randomly hidden in the rain forest. I can only hope that those things are not easy to rot or rust. Otherwise, they will definitely be rotten after more than a hundred years."

After watching George Carter in this memory sneakily take out an ordinary small wooden box from the stone crevice outside the ruins, put it in the hole of a banyan tree and sprinkle some dead branches and leaves on it, Liang En prayed silently in her heart.

Because according to Liang En's knowledge, this kind of rainforest climate is the least conducive to the preservation of various items, so by then he felt that even if he found this hidden item, it might not be valuable.

But even so, after Liang En finished observing this period of history, he immediately took Joan of Arc, Fan Meng and four servants to the ruins, ready to see what the hidden thing was.

Because important relics were discovered, the Indians opened a road in the jungle for the convenience of transporting various supplies. Although this road is a bumpy dirt road, it can already allow three-wheeled motorcycles to travel.

But then again, riding a motorcycle in a place like this is definitely not a good idea. Although Indians are indeed very good at riding motorcycles, it doesn't make people's butts feel any better.

Anyway, when Liang En got off the car near the now bustling ruins, he could clearly feel that his legs and feet no longer belonged to him. As a result, he stood by the Bodhi tree for a long time before he recovered.

At this time, the entire archaeological site was already crowded with people, and it looked like a bustling square. In addition to the people who came to conduct archaeology, there were also some specially sent security personnel.

After seeing Liang En, these people greeted him one after another, and after returning greetings one by one, a few of them followed Liang En to the treasure location not far from the archaeological site.

After a long period of time, this treasure hiding place has turned into an open space full of plants, but the banyan tree still stands in the center of the entire open space, and it is much larger than the impression.

After all, the banyan tree is a tree that can survive for hundreds of years, so it is not impossible for the treasure-hiding banyan tree to survive to this day, but it also brings a lot of trouble to the subsequent actions.

The biggest trouble was the hole in the banyan tree. Not only did it not expand and eventually turn into a hollow banyan tree as Liang En had imagined, but it gradually grew and sealed the original tree hole.

"Okay, I think this is it." Liang En looked at the banyan tree and sighed, then said. "I think our target should be here. Let's look for it and see if there are any traces of humans."

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