Super Gene Optimization Fluid (Super Gene Optimization Solution)

Chapter 496: Ghost Shadow’s Past and Present Life

"Doudou is now the king of all robots!" Zhan Xing said solemnly. arrive

Doudou seemed a little embarrassed. He had not adapted well to his new identity. To him, he was still the service robot who cooked and washed clothes for Xia Fei. It didn't matter whether he was a king or not. Being a guardian goddess When he told Doudou that accepting this new identity would be very beneficial to Xia Fei, Doudou agreed although he was a little embarrassed.

"Of course, the command sequence is only for late-stage non-mechanical robots. Mengtian, myself, and the goddess do not belong to this sequence." Zhan Xing explained.

Xia Fei expressed his understanding of this. Being able to let Doudou obtain the first rank of ordinary robots is already a great trust placed in him by the guardian goddess. The mechanical race once had its own civilization, and they should become equal existences with humans.

"Except for us, other robots are produced with the help of humans. They should be jointly led by the machine race and humans. The goddess has occupied the highest command authority for many years. Now it is appropriate to return the power to humans, and it is also for you. of trust and repayment," Zhan Xing said lightly.

Doudou's obtaining the first authority also means that Xia Fei has the super authority to command the army. After all, Doudou's system recognizes Xia Fei as the master and is extremely kind to humans, so he will naturally obey Xia Fei's orders.

In a sense, this is also a check and balance. Xia Fei trusted the robot to achieve today's results. As long as he continues to trust Doudou, he will be able to gain the right to command the army. If one day Xia Fei no longer trusts Doudou, Trust, this power will naturally be abolished.

The reason why the Guardian Goddess did not hand over the first command to Xia Fei but to Doudou must be for this purpose. She hoped that Xia Fei would continue to trust the robot.

Xia Fei looked behind Zhan Xing and asked curiously: "Where's the ghost? Why didn't I see him?"

Zhan Xing frowned, "The goddess wants to explain to you personally about him."

He handed Xia Fei a communicator and told him to find a deserted place to meet the guardian goddess alone. Xia Fei took the machine and came to his training room.


The communicator was opened, and the holographic projection of the guardian goddess appeared in front of Xia Fei.

"Goddess." Xia Fei said with a smile.

"You still call me Sophie, that's my name in the Machine Clan. Now we are partners. You don't need to call me goddess. Besides, you are about to go to the world of laws. If you can see your father, he will not know how to protect you." Who is the goddess?"

"Okay, then I will call you Sophie from now on."

"I need to explain to you about Ghost Shadow. His existence is the biggest mystery in the universe. I am trying to understand why I know his existence. After careful search, I found that there is a program that my father installed for me. This program is specially designed for the soul system. When I saw the ghost for the first time, this program suddenly started. I could hear every word he said and see his appearance clearly. "

"You and the ghost can communicate because your lives are connected. Everyone has a soul in their body, and your body is connected to two souls. This is also an incredible thing."

Xia Fei shrugged, "I still haven't figured out what a soul is."

Sophie said: "According to the information left by my father, the soul is just a way of speaking for human beings. In the universe, the existence of the soul is usually called the immortal spiritual body. It is a kind of energy generated by the ultimate spiritual power, which can be concentrated in some On special energy carriers, such as the moiré stone where the ghost exists.”

"What puzzles me is that Guiying was just an ordinary hidden power user during his lifetime, far from reaching the point of spiritual immortality, but why did he become an immortal soul? I haven't figured this out yet, so I I want to keep him by my side until I find out.”

Xia Fei lit up a cigarette. Sophie's explanation was easy to understand and reasonable, but Xia Fei smelled something different from her words.

"Could it be because Guiying killed a very important person before his death, but when I asked him for details, he was still unwilling to speak."

Sophie said: "The reason why the ghost shadow can exist in an immortal spiritual state in the end involves many factors. I am trying to eliminate the irrelevant ones and find out the key reasons why he can die and live again."

Xia Fei smiled slightly, "Sophie, with all due respect, your interest in Guiying seems a bit unusual. Take me as an example. Guiying and I have been together for a long time, and I don't understand why he behaves like this." The form exists, but I can accept it by default and try not to worry about the reasons. You just glanced at the ghost and worked hard to study it. Is it a little too obsessed? "

Sophie was slightly startled and whispered: "Because I see the shadow of my father in him."

"Father? The source is also an immortal spiritual body?"

Sophie nodded, "It's very similar, except that Father's carrier is a machine, while Ghost's carrier is a moir stone."

Xia Fei nodded heavily. The source became more and more mysterious. The founder of mechanical civilization was an immortal spiritual body existing in a mechanical body. No wonder the guardian goddess was so interested in ghost shadow. It turned out to be related to her father.

"Please don't tell anyone about this matter."

Xia Fei nodded, "Don't worry, even if I tell others that there is an immortal soul beside me, they will only call me crazy."

Sophie nodded and said: "Anyway, I still need the ghost to stay with me for a while. You will send him back before you set off. My father is very important to me and the entire mechanical clan, so I want to know as much as possible." information."

Xia Fei smiled and said, "Guanying is very sentimental and nagging. Just let him stay with you and I will be happy and peaceful."

Of course, this is not true. Xia Fei has long been accustomed to discussing things with Guiying. Although most of the results of the discussion are that he insists on going his own way, he is really uncomfortable without him around for a while.

"In return, Guiying will get the Yao herb information and Yao refining knowledge in my system. These data were all left to me by my father. As a machine, I have never used it, and I don't know the pros and cons of this knowledge. But Guiying is very fascinated by these refining data and seems quite interested."

Since Yuan is a machine with a soul attached to it, he must have had a good level of cultivation back then. Otherwise, he would not have been able to create a mechanical race single-handedly. Guiying can be called an expert in the Yao refining system, and the data that can fascinate him must be extremely high. profound.

There are gains and there are losses. Although Xia Fei left Ghost Shadow for a while and felt a little empty, thinking that he would be able to learn a lot of refining knowledge and return to him in two years' time, Xia Fei was full of expectations.

There is also the mysterious source, the mysterious Law Warrior, the mysterious Peacock Blue, all of which make Xia Fei yearn for the world of Law. The answers to all questions may be hidden in the unknown starry sky.

Xia Fei paused and asked, "How is the matter about the creation of Titan?"

Sophie stretched out her hand to call up some pictures, and saw that a huge metal shipyard was being built in the deep sea of ​​stars. It was just a few keels and the length reached an incredible level!

Hundreds of millions of robots are busy at the construction site day and night. The return of the patron goddess makes everyone happy. They devote themselves to work with redoubled enthusiasm and work hard to realize the great dream of building Titan.

"In another year and seven months, the first dock will be completed. The size of the Titan battleship is so huge that it is like several planets put together. A lot of preparation work is required. The smelting of metal alone requires Spent a lot of time."

Xia Fei nodded. Thanks to the human troops entering the battle, Nicole Sawyer had already concluded that it was impossible to build this kind of first battleship in the universe with human power. You know, what Xia Fei showed her was just a shipyard. Don't even think about the blueprints, engine components and firepower components that have demanding technical requirements.

"Mengtian is researching other components of the Titan battleship and considering what technology to use for production. There are 19.83 million blueprints, which will keep him busy for a while."

Xia Fei was suddenly startled. He only knew a lot about the large number of blueprints. He had never counted the exact number. He never imagined that it would be as huge as nearly 20 million blueprints!

"According to my estimation, it will take about four years from now until the first Titan-class battleship is launched. Of course, depending on the construction and research progress, this number may fluctuate within a year. With the experience of building the first ship , the manufacturing time of the second and third ships will be much faster.”

Four years is a long time, but you must know that this is the largest battleship in the universe in history under construction! none of them!

The size of the Titan-class battleship is as wide as several planets connected together! Not to mention the required level of technology, the first Titan was launched in four years, which was already much faster than Xia Fei expected.

Xia Fei even imagined that he had a fleet of Titans, arranged together as spectacularly as a galaxy! Full firepower can make the black hole eclipse!

"Then I'll leave it to you. Only when you are strong can you not be bullied by others. This is an eternal truth." Xia Fei said.

"One more thing." Sophie added: "I plan to remove the twin towers built by Xian Na in the Blood Candle Empire. What do you think of this matter?"

Xia Fei thought for a moment, "Whether we remove it or not, using nanorobots to open the seventh brain domain is not a long-term solution and will cause great harm."

The guardian goddess, Sophie, now obeyed Xia Fei's words and immediately decided to remove the Tower of Curse. This was not a good thing for the Blood Candle in the short term, but in the long run, the benefits outweighed the disadvantages. Besides, Xia Fei is now a big financial supporter. By purchasing Blood Candle Alloy, Blood Candle people don’t have to worry about hunger.

After closing the light curtain, Xia Fei sent away the battle star again. Doudou and Xia Fei set off to return to the Jedi Star Territory. He didn't want to waste time here, because Avril was going home soon, and there would be another meeting in Xia Fei's residence in Nansi Lake. Restore the laughter of the past.

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