Chapter 497: From genius to mediocrity

Today is the day Avril Lavigne returns. A Gaia Company Ishtar-class heavy assault ship quickly landed on the water of Nansi Lake. A small shuttle carried Avril Lavigne and Sarah to the shore. Xia Fei, Mao Qiu, Doudou Already waiting there.

Avril walked off the shuttle with a smile. Doudou hurriedly rushed out to help Avril carry her luggage. Avril was pleasantly surprised by Doudou's new appearance, "Huh? Doudou, why do you look brand new? You look much more energetic."

Doudou rubbed his head in embarrassment. Now that his engine was powerful, he didn't feel tired at all while transporting luggage back and forth.

"You seem to have lost a little weight." Xia Fei smiled and walked over to hug Avril and said kindly.

"No, I have gained some weight. My father and grandpa made so many delicious foods, so I ate more when I was greedy." Avril said, leaning on Xia Fei's shoulder with a kiss.

Sarah still dressed in a masculine style. As the commander of the transport fleet, Sarah didn't have many opportunities to wear skirts on weekdays. Seeing Xia Fei and Avril's intimate behavior, a sense of sadness flowed through Sarah's heart, and her face It's somewhat unnatural.

"Let's have dinner together. I asked someone to prepare some crystal shrimp from Nansi Lake." Xia Fei said to Sarah.

Sarah shook her head and said wisely: "The fleet will unload its cargo overnight tonight and will leave for the Alliance again within three days. We will talk about it when we have time."

A small farewell is better than a new love. Although Sarah is still not used to politeness, she still has good taste. She declined Xia Fei and Avril's hospitality and drove the battleship back to the base.

"How is Sean's health?" Xia Fei asked.

"It's nothing serious anymore. Traveling around for a long time during the war caused old heart problems. I need to rest for a while."

Avril suddenly noticed that Mao Qiu seemed to be trying to avoid her, and tiptoed towards the room, so she ran over and picked him up, "Little Mao Qiu, do you miss me?"

Holding Mao Qiu's soft face with both hands, Mao Qiu squinted his face, full of helplessness.

"I brought you a lot of delicious food."

Mao Qiu was even more speechless, looking at Xia Fei with tears in his eyes, as if begging him not to let him taste the unpalatable snacks.

But Xia Fei didn't care what Mao Qiu thought, and said with a smile: "Mao Qiu will definitely like it, right?"

Stars suddenly appeared in his eyes, and Mao Qiu hurriedly nodded in agreement, looking sad and angry.

After dinner, Avril and Xia Fei were lying on the bed. The moon outside the window was like a curved hook, and the lake was filled with waves lapping at the shore. The sound was soft and sweet.

"I went back to see Nicole this time."

"Nicole Sawyer?" Xia Fei frowned, suddenly having an unknown premonition.

"Well, Nicole and I have known each other since childhood. In fact, she has a very good character, but her personality is a bit like her father, who likes to go to extremes." Avril said while lying next to Xia Fei to secretly watch his reaction.

"Oh." Xia Fei said indifferently.

"Nicole seems to like you very much."


"Sarah often asks about you too."


No matter what Avril said, Xia Fei pretended to be absent-minded, but in fact, he had already guessed Avril's thoughts.

"Xia Fei, the alliance allows polygamy, have you ever thought about it..."

Before Avril could finish speaking, Xia Fei stopped her.

"It's better not to mention this matter again. Having you by my side is enough." Xia Fei said affectionately.

A warm current passed through Avril's heart. The more Xia Fei loved and cared for her, the more she thought about Xia Fei.


"Nothing to worry about."

Xia Fei pressed the button beside the bed, and the ceiling slowly opened, revealing the panoramic glass skylight, and the starry sky reflected into the bedroom, making it extremely bright.

"Is the sea of ​​stars beautiful?"

"Well, it's beautiful."

"Do you know how big the universe is and where its end is?"

"I don't know." Avril said, shaking her head gently.

Xia Fei spoke very seriously. Avril looked at Xia Fei with a smile. Whenever Xia Fei became serious, he would always show an indescribable freedom and heaviness, which Avril was particularly attracted to.

"Do you know how the universe was formed?"

"have no idea."

"Do you know who controls this vast sea of ​​stars?"

"have no idea."

"Do you know what height a warrior can eventually reach?"

"have no idea."

"Do you know how many intelligent races there are in the universe?"

"have no idea."

Xia Fei picked up Avril and looked at her affectionately.

"I don't know the answers to these questions, but I really want to know these questions in my lifetime. People's energy is always limited, and so am I, so I will focus more on exploration and pursuit, not on other things. To spread my energy, I only drink from three thousand cups of water."

Avril nodded heavily. Most girls would not like men who had no ideals or ambitions. She was not as curious about everything as Xia Fei, but watching Xia Fei work hard to pursue it was a kind of happiness.

"I support you to follow your own path, but if you want to find me a sister, I won't refuse." Avril said with a little fox look.

Xia Fei was very puzzled, "Didn't I make it clear enough?"

"I...I can't bear it alone." Avril buried her head in the quilt and said with a red face.

Xia Fei was speechless for a while. He was a powerful supernatural warrior, but Avril was just an ordinary person. She didn't even open the seventh brain domain. Many rich people were like this. It would be great if they could open the seventh brain domain through practice. No. If possible, they would not give their children genetic optimization fluid. After all, a one percent risk is also a risk, as is the case with Avril Lavigne.

"This is really a problem." Xia Fei shrugged and said to himself.

The construction of the Jedi Star Territory is getting faster and faster. High-rise buildings are rising one after another out of thin air. The water of Nansi Lake has nourished the formerly dry land. Green plants are growing rapidly. The new earth is full of green. People call this Only Xia Fei himself understood Xia Fei's miracle. In fact, all of this was brought about by the white elf heart.

Not only the New Earth, the water from Nansi Lake is also used to transform the environment of other barren planets. More and more planets are full of green. Although they are still far from the standard of an A-class planet, there are already many places where resistant plants can be grown. Drought crops, even without supplies from the Alliance, the Jedi Star Territory has been able to get rid of famine.

More and more farsighted businessmen are aware of the business opportunities in the Jedi Star Territory. They bring their families to the Jedi Star Territory to build factories, open restaurants, repair shops and other service institutions. Quantum Company's powerful transportation fleet is theirs. With the logistics guarantee, the number of fleets quickly expanded from 1,200 cargo ships to 3,000 ships!

This is definitely a huge quantity. You only need to pay a small freight fee to transport the goods from the Alliance to the Jedi. There is no need to organize a fleet to transport the goods yourself, which greatly facilitates the trade between the Jedi and the Alliance.

At the same time, the reconstruction work of the earth is progressing smoothly under the leadership of Wu Long. After all, it is much simpler to rebuild a planet than to open an entire star field, and the earth itself is within the territory of the alliance, so transportation is convenient and fast.

It has been a long time since Xia Fei disappeared from people's sight. People gradually began to forget about this former God of War, a hero who single-handedly saved the entire alliance. He seemed to have suddenly disappeared and never appeared again. News section.

Life in Nansihu is peaceful. Xia Fei enjoys the time he spends with Avril. They talk to each other every day. If something happens, just make a phone call and his right-hand assistants will handle it. This is simply a fairy-like life.

But Xia Fei himself knew that peace would always be short-lived, and as time went by, the date for him to set off again was getting closer and closer.

During this period, Yu Hua once visited Xia Fei. It seemed that he was more interested in the mao ball. The mao ball's shape had changed from a basketball to a chicken egg. Yu Hua was actually very satisfied with this and repeatedly reminded Xia Fei of the agreed time and asked him to do it. Be prepared, as soon as the time comes, you will come and take him away in person.

Avril didn't know yet that Xia Fei was going to the world of laws. The time she spent with Xia Fei was dull but exciting. She was already addicted to it, and every day was like soaking in a honeypot.

Xia Fei wanted to tell her countless times that he was about to leave for a long distance, but every time he looked at her sweet smile and couldn't speak out, the time was delayed until three months before departure.


The Vampire once again arrived at the edge of the Jedi Star Territory.

After the two battleships docked, Zhan Xing strode onto the Vampire, holding the Moirite that had accompanied Xia Fei for many years in his hand.

Xia Fei put the moiré stone around his neck, and Guiying waited quietly. Old friends naturally had a lot to say when they reunited, but Xia Fei and Guiying were not in a hurry, they just stared at each other.

"This is the final optimized Black Bat Radar. It has perfect 1,980-bit encryption. No one can peek into the communication using it, and the power has been adjusted to the limit. I believe that even if you arrive in the world of laws, Being able to use it to make contact.”

Zhan Xing said and put down three metal boxes. Each box contained a new model of Black Bat radar. This system has been optimized by Xia Fei, Sophie and Mengtian, and its performance has been improved to the limit. Can it be Staying connected in the world of laws depends on it.

The new radar is no longer bulky and uses the Purple Elf Heart as the energy source, eliminating the need for complex energy conversion and distribution transmission systems.

The guardian goddess Sophie keeps one for herself, Xia Fei keeps one, and the remaining two will be kept by Charlie and Avril. After all, this is a dangerous journey. Xia Fei and Sophie work together to create Titans, who are all law warriors. The enemy should not be too showy in anything.

After saying a few words of farewell, Zhan Xing drove the battleship away, leaving only Xia Fei, Guiying and Maoqiu.

The two old friends were sitting side by side on the sofa. The ghost figure didn't look much different from before, but there was a little more confidence in his eyes.

"Very troublesome?" Ghost Shadow asked with a smile.

Xia Fei nodded, "It's very troublesome. I don't know why the Blood Devil's Claw has never been able to bear fruit. The Peacock Blue is still not under my control. Even my level is fixed at Legend. No matter how hard I try in the past two years, Can’t go any further.”

Xia Fei expressed his worries in a deep voice. It is extremely painful for a fighter to never advance. Two years later, Xia Fei is still the same Xia Fei two years ago. Eyeball Xia Fei made no progress. Although he tried his best to keep a smile in front of Avril, the pressure in his heart was getting bigger and bigger.

Is it possible that Xia Fei, the genius who fully opened the seventh brain domain and the God of War with the blood of a born warrior, will really be lost from now on? Is it mediocre from now on?

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