The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 381: Deck night talk

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At this time, Ye Chen did not return to the cabin, but followed the corridor to the top deck. Fugui Maru is a large luxury cruise ship with a displacement of one million tons. It has several decks.

It was too late at this time, the sea breeze was blowing, and everyone either had a party in various restaurants to chat, or went back to the room to roll sheets. There are not many people on the deck.

Ye Chen stood with his hands on his back and stood in front of the railing, watching the little starlight in the sky, and a slight breeze blew past, letting his unruly black hair flutter slightly.

Ye Chen turned her head and looked at Ding Liangcai with a complex face behind her. She smiled and said, "What's wrong with Laoding, a little drunk after drinking too much?"

Ding Liangcai watched Ye Chen stop talking, and the latter laughed: "If you have anything, just ask. When we watched ghost films together as a kid, didn't you claim to be Ding's bold, when did you dare not say anything. "

As soon as he said this, Ding Liangcai and other talents were relieved, and Ji Junlan said timidly: "Is that Shi Likai really killed by you?"

On weekdays, Ji Junlan, who was quite a bit of a female man, didn't dare to be like she did on weekdays. At this time, Ye Chen's identity status revealed that she had felt great tension and pressure.

Ye Chen shrugged and said, "It's not my hand, it's Sayuri killed."

"Master, you laughed at me again." Sayuri Aokawa said coquettishly. "Others haven't seen the guy disrespecting you before they can't help it."

Seeing the frosty, murderous Qingchuan Sayuri, who was just as cold as a little girl in front of Ye Chen, Xie Yanran was amazed. At her level, she could not touch any martial arts at all, let alone know Ye Xianshi. What do the three words mean.

Ye Chen said lightly: "I'm not laughing at you, even if you didn't take action just now, I will do it."

He didn't have any psychological burden to kill Shi Likai. After all, Shi Likai was forced to kneel and jump to swim. If Ye Chen, who was present at the time, was not an immortal, but just an ordinary person, wouldn't he really just kneel and apologize?

Ding Liangcai couldn't help but ask, "Lao Ye, I now have some understanding of the martial arts world. What kind of master are you, Sanctuary? Divine Realm? Why do you listen to the people around you, even the Yanjing giants, Don't dare to be against you."

Ye Chen didn't answer immediately, but looked at Qingchuan Sayuri and said, "Sayuri, send this Miss Xie back to the room to rest."

As soon as this remark came out, Xie Yanran felt cold in his heart, knowing that Ye Chen didn't put himself in his heart at all, and he didn't intend to listen to what he was going to say next.

The woman couldn't help but stepped forward and wanted to speak, but before she could speak, Sayuri Aokawa stepped forward and calmly said, "Miss Xie, please come with me."

Xie Yanran was unwilling, but suddenly the other person's finger-killing appearance appeared, and she could only bite her lips unwillingly and followed her away.

Immediately after seeing Xie Yanran, there were no other people on the surrounding deck, and Ye Chen said lightly: "Wu Sheng Wu Shen is not worth anything. A few days ago, Xiao Yijie has been promoted to Xuan Xian, and it has not been beaten by me. ?"

"Xuan Xian?" Ding Liangcai was puzzled again. With his strength, he hadn't been able to touch Xuan Xian's affairs.

Ye Chen's expression was indifferent, calmly recounting the matter of Huashan, and Ding Liangcai heard the blood boiling, clapping his hands: "Handsome, old leaf, even the master of Yanjing Xiaofu is not your opponent, and it is no wonder that those giants No one dares to provoke you.

"Those people are never in my eyes."

Ye Chen smiled faintly, but his eyes did not leave the vast starry universe. I wonder if those old rivals of the previous life did not dare to slack off and practiced at the moment?

For a long time, he withdrew his eyes and said: "Lao Ding, after a while, there will be a big change between heaven and earth. At that time, the grandeur of the realm world you see in the novel may be reproduced on the earth. I am going to open a self. Zongmen, convene a group of people with good talent and loyalty to deal with the upcoming changes, do you want to come!"

Ding Liangcai heard this, and he laughed: "Lao Ye, even if you don't invite me, I'm going to confuse you with a shameless face! I'll become so powerful in the future, so I have to let those tall and young people know Next, what kind of royal prince Xiangning is kind of!"

Hearing this, Ye Chen's eyes flashed a sharp edge, and said lightly: "That day will not be too far away."


The conversation on the deck soon ended.

After a day of psychological ups and downs, Ding Liangcai and others did not even want to eat, just wanted to go back to the cabin and hurry to sleep. Fugui Maru has hundreds of rooms, each of which is decorated in an extremely luxurious way, not inferior to a five-star hotel, and knowing that they are friends of Ye Xianshi, Shi Xiangchen has specially arranged VIP special rooms for everyone .

At this time, Ye Chen was lying on the bed, closing his eyes and raising his mind, but he kept thinking in his mind what kind of exercises to teach his disciples.

Like the level of congenital righteousness song and Fenghuahuo Yuepu's level of practice, he will only pass it to the people who are closest to him, and he will not be so stupid that everyone who is a beginner will learn it.

"Zui Xiangong has been given to Longteng, and it would be a bit bad for me to use it for my disciples, and I have to make other preparations..."

But at this moment, the doorbell rang, interrupting his thoughts.

Ye Chen frowned slightly, and when she read it, she saw two people outside, an extraordinary middle-aged man, and behind her stood a glamorous woman in an exposed **** dress.

"Come in." Ye Chen waved, and the door opened automatically.

Shi Xiangchen walked in politely, at this time he smiled, and there was no pain in bereavement. Instead, Du Wanwan standing behind him, a pair of white tender legs shivered slightly. The man inside, but the horrible existence of killing Ling Yun Shaodong in one word. If it were not for President Shi repeatedly telling her the prospect of catching Ye Chen, and threatening with a future, killing Du Wanwan would not dare to come to see Ye Chen.

"What's the matter with me?" Ye Chen lay on the bed and couldn't even bother.

I saw Shi Xiangchen stepped forward and bowed, "Master Ye Xian, the offender offended you today. I'm here to pay you a penalty."

He completely ignored the fact that Shi Likai had been killed, as if really apologizing, showing that the city tycoon of the entertainment tycoon was unfathomable.

"Oh." Ye Chen responded casually, his expression still.

Shi Xiangchen is sorrowful and angry, and it is nothing but a strong smile. For Ye Chen, it is possible to shoot dead at hand. What if this old guy is smart? He was too lazy to think about what the other party intended.

Shi Xiangchen's muscles jumped on his face and hurriedly said: "I didn't know that Sayuri was your maid before. If you know, she will use company-wide resources and focus on supporting her."

Du Wanwan next to him listened, his eyes almost burst into jealousy. In order to go to where she is today, she had to sleep with her old accompaniment after a small sleep. As a result, because the Sayuri Aokawa took Ye Chen, the company decided to take it.

To know how much Ling Yun’s energy is, if he concentrates on supporting a person, he can even hold out an international superstar!

At this moment, Du Wanwan completely forgot the fear in his heart, but stared at Ye Chen in desperation, wishing that he would do everything to swallow the man.

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