The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 382: Du Wanwan's plan

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Du Wanwan knows that if he does not seize this opportunity, then from now on, he will no longer be able to compete with Qingchuan Sayuri. In the future, the other party's film and television resources will far exceed her. How does this make Du Wanwan not jealous?

Ye Chen was still indifferent, and said indifferently: "Director Shi Da's kindness, I got it, but soon Sayuri will leave with me and exit the acting circle."

This was not forced by him, but Sayuri Aokawa said that he is more willing to follow Ye Chen than to be a star. And her recent strength has also been advancing by leaps and bounds, pointing directly at the pinnacle of the sanctuary. In view of the loyalty of the other party, it is not impossible to teach her some higher skills.

Even if it is the most conservative, Sayuri Aokawa can reach the realm of Xuanxian, happy and joyful, and can it be more than a hundred times stronger than any star?

So Shi Xiangchen tried to please Ye Chen through Qingchuan Sayuri, simply because he was self-righteous.

Seeing Ye Chen's appearance, Shi Xiangchen knew that he must get the blood. So he gritted his teeth, stepped forward a few steps, a deep bow, his head almost pressed to the ground.

"Master Ye Xian, I don't know how you can let me go and Ling Yun?"

"When did I say I want to deal with you?" Ye Chen smiled dumbfounded and turned to look at Shi Xiangchen slightly: "Director Shi Da, you are you, I am me. Ye Ye Chen's life, grudge Clearly, your son offended me. I took his life. What is your relationship with you? Could it be that you want to avenge him?"

"Don't dare, villain doesn't dare."

Shi Xiangchen was so scared that he shook his head again and again, borrowing his ten guts, he didn't dare to be the enemy of Ye Chen. This is really a horrible existence, and even Xiao Yi has never put it on, and he is a fart.

"In that case, wouldn't you leave?"

Ye Chen turned around again, too lazy to bother him anymore. Seeing this, Shi Xiangchen knew that he could only come here today. For an existence like Ye Chen, he had to use water to grind his mind slowly, hoping to have a relationship at once, and it was a daydream.

But before he left, he gave Du Wanwan a glance, then left the room alone, and brought the door.

Inside the room, only Ye Chen and Du Wanwan were left, and the atmosphere was ambiguous for a while. Ye Chen could even smell the faint fragrance of Du Wanwan. If he guessed right, it should be the emperor version of the famous poison perfume limited edition. If there is no channel, even if you have money, you can't buy it.

Du Wanwan, who is in every area, simply has no ability to buy it, even if she has money, it is very likely that Shi Xiangchen sent it to her.

This kind of perfume is generally only controlled by mature women over the age of 30. Girls do not like it very much. You can also see how confident this figure of the national goddess is.

"Master Ye Xian."

Du Wanwan shouted timidly. At this time, she did not resemble the image in her film and television drama, which was inspiring. Instead, he was like a little maid who had just entered the door, trembling with a delicate and bully look.

"You are Du Wanwan."

Ye Chen turned around and looked her around.

Du Wanwan felt only horrified. Ye Chen's gaze is completely different from that of the men before. Those men's gazes are basically scattered on her thighs, slim waists, hips and peaks in front of her chest, with a fierce aggressiveness.

Ye Chen is more like looking at a ant, with no emotion in his eyes. It seems that as long as one is unhappy, he can be trampled to death at any time.

Du Wanwan is so mixed up in the entertainment world that she relies on her own knowledge. Whether it is male or female, she can read the meaning of each other from her eyes.

But in Ye Chen's eyes, she could only see indifference. It was a horrifying expression that made people dare not look directly, but wanted to bow down. It seemed that everything was everything, but it was just dust in the other party's eyes.

"You, have you seen me?" Du Wanwan asked in a low voice.

After she asked, she regretted it. She said she was also a big star. Ye Chen estimated to see it on TV every day.

"Well, Sayuri just said that because her arrival has robbed you of a lot of drama, and you take care of her very much, she feels a little guilty."

Ye Chen said lightly. Of course, he couldn't see it in his castle, but Qingli Sayuri thought so wishfully that Du Wanwan was only doing superficial effort, but she couldn't wait to swallow Sayuri in her heart.

Of course, he just raised interest in these things. He said casually, and when he was done, he waved his hand to signal Du Wanwan to leave.

Ye Chen was too lazy to pay attention to Du Wanwan and Sayuri, but anyway soon he would take Sayuri back to Yanjing.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Du Wanwan stood up with courage and walked towards Ye Chen gently. After reaching the head of the bed, he knelt down softly and put on a tearful and charming face:

"Master Ye Xian, would you please let me stay here for one night. If I knew that I would leave now, Shi would never let me go."

She is so charming and charming at this time that Pear Blossom is raining, more attractive than any beauty she has seen since Ye Chen was reborn.

Although Xue Lili, Xia Yuting and others are not bad in appearance, but like Du Wanwan, in the entertainment industry, they have been hitting the big stars for more than ten years. When they have reached the most attractive women, they even understand how to seduce men. Provoked the flame in his heart.

Moreover, the distance between the two was extremely extreme, the fragrance of the perfume was suddenly strong, and the other person exhaled like blue, even Ye Chen's body could not help but produce some strange reactions.

After all, this body is, after all, a young man, not an indestructible holy body.

But Ye Chen said how firm he was, and easily suppressed the flame. A smiley expression said: "Are you afraid of him, not me?"

Du Wanwan is very beautiful, a big beauty, and she is still at the pinnacle of her life's charm, and has a star status bonus. Wherever the conditions are placed, even Liu Bingyao, who has the soul of Sky Fox, is slightly more immature compared to her.

If you were just an ordinary person, Ye Chen might have been unable to help it. It is a pity that Ye Chen is not only a fairy cultivator, but also an emperor who once became an emperor. He has read how many peerless goddess goddesses in the universe. In the princess palace, even a palace lady is all over the country. Du Wanwan.

Unexpectedly, Du Wanwan seemed to see that the strange reaction of Ye Chen's body at the moment, but closer together, the pretty face was like a charming rose, a look like Ren Jun bullied.

Ye Chen's expression was calm, and he was about to catch up, but the next second, he raised his brow slightly and gave a light laugh.

Then, only hearing the sound of "boom", the door of the VIP room was kicked open, and Sayuri Aokawa rushed in breathlessly, without looking at the earth-colored Du Wanwan, and said respectfully:

"Master, I have something to say."

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