The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 383: Maid will be jealous

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Ye Chen laughed dumbly: "Before you speak, you will help me take this Miss Du back to the room."

Qingchuan Sayuri showed joy in her eyes, immediately leaned over and said: "Yes!"

Then she stood up and walked to Du Wanwan, who was scared to sit on the ground, and said coldly, "Miss Du, please."

In Du Wanwan's mind, of course, he was somewhat reluctant. How could he not win such a giant leg in front of him?

But the situation at hand, it is up to her to say no. Qingli Sayuri's finger-killing situation is vividly remembered. She just kicked the solid security door in the room. Seeing her now, if she dare to say no Words, the consequences are probably unimaginable.

So she could only stand up helplessly and threw a wink at Ye Chen: "Yen Xianshi, Wan Wan will leave today. If you want to chat with someone, the slave family is always willing to accompany."

After she said this, she gave a charming smile without looking at Qingchuan Sayuri's cold face, so she stood up and walked outside.

Qingchuan Sayuri's face sank like water, but she still obeyed Ye Chen's order honestly and sent Du Wanwan to the room before returning.

Ye Chen had used Xianshu to restore the anti-theft door as it was. When she saw Xiaochuan Qingchuan coming in, she looked at each other with a smile and said, "I didn't expect you to be jealous."

Qingchuan Sayuri was at a loss, and said: "No, the slave is not...I..."

She talked about it, but found that she couldn't explain it at all. She could only kneel down and say: "Shit!

This kneeling made Ye Chen slightly distracted. This clumsy and unspeakable look, and loyal character, are somewhat similar to the Yin You pity that he trusted most in his previous life.

Thinking like this, a flash of nostalgia flashed in his eyes, and said lightly: "Get up."


Sayuri Aokawa stood up politely, although she looked down honestly on the surface, she still peeped at her master from time to time, all of which she thought to be clueless, but they were all seen by Ye Chen. Eyes.


With emotion in his heart, Ye Chen took out a book from his arms and threw it to Qingchuan Sayuri: "This skill is for you."

When he was in alchemy, he had nothing to do. He had already written out all the secrets for the practice of all the women. The rest was only for those who were introductory disciples, but still there was nowhere to go.

The Zhiyin Xuan Gong and Wanhua whip method that he taught to Qingliu Sayuri directly pointed to Xuan Xian, and there was no need to learn new ones in a short time. The real trick!

This is a powerful skill that transforms one's own mind into a real entity to fight for oneself. If one practices to the realm, the true entity called is almost the same as the strength of the body. When fighting a person, it is equal to two dozen. One, arrogant.

Qingchuan Sayuri was originally a family of Yin and Yang masters in the island country. Learning this kind of technique similar to driving a demon is of course handy. It can be seen that Ye Chen has made a lot of effort in order to enhance the strength of all women.

Qingchuan Sayuri took the exercise and glanced at her. She suddenly shivered with excitement and knelt in the tunnel: "Thank you Master!"

Ye Chen said lightly: "Since you are truly loyal to me, I will never treat you badly."


Qingchuan Sayuri was so excited that she burst into tears, and looked up to Ye Chen. Her eyes were full of tears, and her pretty face turned crimson, making her look quite attractive.

Ye Chen also saw the longing and sorrow in her eyes, but waved her hand with the same expression: "You go down first, come back to Yanjing with me tomorrow."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, a trace of disappointment flashed in Qingchuan Sayuri's eyes, but he could only helplessly bow: "The slave-servant resigns..."

When the cruise ship docked the next day, Ye Chen didn't even care about Shi Xiangchen and Kong Jiaming, and took Ding Liangcai and others off the boat, and then immediately bought a ticket and flew to Yanjing.

He had sent a message to Shen Hanlin before. At this time, all the women in Haicheng had been received on Yanfeng Hongfeng Mountain, and Lan Caier and Cao Xinxuan also heard the news.

Ye Chen talked to everyone about their plans, and they were all ecstatic. These people who were close to Ye Chen usually envy his magical ability to turn his hand over the cloud to cover the rain, and today he knew he could Learning is simply to wake up with a dream.

Ye Chen looked at all the girls, and he didn't feel half nervous, so he patted the table and sneered: "Do you think that the path of self-cultivation is as simple as makeup shopping? Without big perseverance, big chance, and big determination, you are one after another. The golden pill can't condense, don't think I can help you too much, everyone's heaven and earth are different, even if they are blood relatives, they can't intervene too much."

"As the so-called Master leads into the door, the practice is personal, the path of cultivation is full of wind and frost and thorns, but it is not for you to play! If you do not have the determination to make a hardship now, you will withdraw early, so as not to die under Thunder Purgatory in the future!"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, everyone also became serious, and his face showed perseverance. Ye Chen looked at him and nodded in satisfaction. His immortal emperor, of course, was capable of knowing people. He was called here. People who are not afraid of suffering.

Someone like Ji Hualing and Cheng Hongguang who can only share poverty with the rich and the poor, he didn't call it at all.

Ye Chen stood up and said lightly, "All of you present are people I trust, and the exercises for you are of course different from others."

When he said this, he reached into his arms, took out a volume of classics, and wrote six big letters-Guanchao Tingtao Mind!

This is Xuanmen’s authentic way of listening to Taoya, but although it’s an entry, listening to Taoya is a famous gate. It’s not much more difficult than Xuanbingmen. The way of getting started is also directed at Jindan. Reaching Yuanying is not impossible.

The most important thing is to watch the tide and listen to Tao's mentality, and pay attention to the accumulation of days and months. Even if the earth is aura, it is inferior to those large practitioners, but as long as they are willing to study hard, they will be able to condense Jin Dan. Say, it is perfect.

Ye Chen also warned: "This tide-watching listening to Tao mindset, only those of you present can practise, and absolutely should not pass on the rumor, otherwise even my best friends will never be forgiven!"


Everyone heard and hurriedly nodded their promises. They also knew that Ye Chen’s practice of bringing out his own practice was bound to be invaluable, so he was very grateful and heartless.

Ye Chen nodded with satisfaction: "Since this is the case, the selection of disciples in the next few days will take a lot of trouble."

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