The Death Knell

Chapter 787 Heroes in Suffering

Speaking of Green Arrow, his official position is to experience pain, much more painful than Batman.

Superheroes' individual comics all have subtitles. For example, Batman's comics have a subtitle of "The Best of Legends, Worst of Crimes", and the Suicide Squad's publication has a subtitle of "They Don't Exist, But They Are Creative."

The subtitle of Green Arrow’s individual issue clearly states – ‘Heroes in Suffering’.

He suffered too many hardships. He handed over the company to a good friend as an agent, only to find that his good friend was a member of the underground organization "Nine Rings" and a lot of money was spent to help his enemies.

If you know a beautiful woman, then there is a high probability that such a beautiful woman is a villain and will stab him at a critical moment.

People he trusts will either betray or leave, and even his deputy 'Arsenal' has completely fallen out with him.

His father died tragically, his mother died tragically, his ex-girlfriend also died tragically, and basically everyone close to him could hardly survive. He doesn't have an omnipotent butler, and he's not as suspicious as Batman, but his fate is obviously worse.

As long as things are related to him, they often don't go particularly smoothly, and sometimes they even seem inexplicable.

After the flood receded last night, he brought all the people he rescued back to Star City.

Maybe it was to survive the disaster or something else, but his ex-wife Black Canary took him home very enthusiastically. After cooking for the two of them, they had sex together.

She thought she could go back to the peaceful days before, but a few hours later, Dinah seemed to be satisfied that she was done. She got up, slapped him in the face, glared at him, and left.

And Oliver has been deep in thought since then. He doesn't understand, what on earth is that woman thinking?

A few hours passed, and he just leaned on the head of the bed quietly, covering his lower body with a sheet, staring blankly at the dark ceiling.

Could it be that this city is at fault? Dinah prefers Seattle? Or is it because I did something wrong?

When Su Ming and the others landed on the balcony of his bedroom, they saw this scene through the curtains.

Oliver leaned on the bed with a gloomy look on his face, and there was sad piano sound in the room. He held a bottle of red wine in his hand and poured it into his mouth with his eyes closed.

It has a completely different sense of darkness than Batman. The most prominent atmosphere here is the depression after helplessness. It's the kind of pain of running wildly in the cold rain, wanting to scream but not being able to scream, wanting to cry but not having any tears.

Su Ming and Bobo looked at each other, and the orangutan flattened his mouth and gave a sympathetic look. Green Arrow has not found the three of them until now. The reason is not only that the security facilities were damaged by the flood, but also the lack of vigilance.

In fact, if he asks this question, Su Ming can give him the answer. Dinah's sudden change of mood may have something to do with Barbara overwriting the earth and then overwriting it back.

As for the specific impact, it needs to be analyzed in detail on a case-by-case basis.

There were some things like kelp and small fish at the foot of the balcony made of marble. A lot of garbage that originally sank into the sea was turned up this time, and the flower bed downstairs was mottled.

Star City, formerly known as Plymouth, is located in the southeastern state of Massachusetts in the United States. It is famous for its endless hills and sea erosion landforms, and it is considered a relatively green place.

After the sinking of the earth, most of the humans on the earth turned into fish-men, but after the alien Poseidon surrendered, these people were naturally transformed back.

Except for the killed fishmen, civilian casualties were actually very limited, far less than the casualties caused by the metal incident.

The residents of Star City are no exception. Since they have changed back, they can only go back to their homes to clean up, inventory their belongings, and go to the insurance company to claim compensation tomorrow.

But now those people have just experienced the nightmare of being turned into fish, and they are hunted by monsters that only appear in nightmares at night. It is really miserable.

Diana didn't notice the interaction between Su Ming and Xiao Fu. She opened the balcony door carelessly and strode into the bedroom.

Oliver's first reaction was to roll out of bed, use the bed as a cover, throw away the bottle and pick up the bow and arrow on the ground, and then he realized that it was Diana who came in.

He closed his eyes and sighed deeply, dropped his weapons, wrapped himself tightly in sheets, and stood up like a Greek sculpture.

Diana raised her eyebrows and pointed to the bed sheets with a smile: "The clothes are good."

Oliver grabbed the sheets with one hand and wiped his face and head with the other hand: "I thought you would say good evening, knock on the door normally, and come in through the main entrance on the first floor."

"Monsters are busy massacring people in Star City, what are you doing?" Diana sniffed, keenly smelling the smell of some passion, and she shook her head in disappointment: "Busy sleeping with women?"

Oliver grabbed his uniform and carefully put it on over the sheets, at least putting on his pants first.

"When did it happen? I lost all the surveillance in the city, and the underground base hasn't been drained yet."

Bobo walked aside and found the fishnet stockings left on the ground, and then found long blond hair on the sheets, and his eyes became sharp.

"Tsk tsk, Oliver, you are so depraved that you let a prostitute dress up like Dinah."

Oliver glared at him angrily: "I thought you would also say good evening first... That's not some dancer I found, it's really Dinah. Let's get down to business, okay? Where is the monster now?"

He moved quickly and was now fully equipped and had his quiver behind his back.

"Good evening." Su Ming walked into the bedroom from the balcony and revealed his figure from behind the curtains. His red goggles were dazzling in the darkness.

Oliver directly raised the weapon in his hand, bent his bow and nocked an arrow: "The words are right, but the person is wrong. You shouldn't be here."

Diana walked over and lowered his bow and arrow, signaling Oliver to calm down: "This is not the previous Deathstroke, he comes from another earth."

Oliver was still hesitant, so Su Ming simply took off his mask and showed him, and the young face made him relax a little.

Diana looked around and saw that many of the furniture had signs of being soaked in water. Only the bedding was new, but she had no intention of sitting on the bed because it exuded a strange smell.

"We have temporarily helped you solve the monster, but the problem is not over. The Laughing Bat and Luther are both on the move, and our team needs you to join."

Oliver put away his arrows, walked to the bed, picked up the wine bottle, and swung the liquid inside: "Why are you here? Not Batman?"

Bobo jumped on the bed and walked around, leaving a series of black footprints on the sheets: "Because the one who issued the call was not Zhenglian."

"Uh... are you here on behalf of the Dark Alliance?" Oliver touched his beard and crossed his arms and asked. He didn't think he had the qualifications to join the Dark Alliance.

After all, when dealing with magic, you either have to be a powerful sorcerer or you have super resistance to magic. Neither of these are available. It's okay to have a lot of contacts and knowledge in the magic world like Bobo.

However, Oliver knows that he is a pure warrior. Let alone magic, even technology is not as good as Batman.

Bobo scratched his head and looked at Su Ming, who was observing the broken vase by the wall: "Our team doesn't even have a name. Isn't it too late to come up with a name now?"

"That's it, names are not important to me." Su Ming dropped the broken pieces of porcelain and walked towards Diana and the two of them: "Oliver, I won't introduce myself. You should also have the information. And the key question was just wearing Ana has already told you, will you come?”

"But...what can I do with Batman here?" Oliver sat at the end of the bed and looked out the window at the dark night. The wind lifted the white curtains that Dinah once bought.

Su Ming sat next to him and put his hand on Oliver's shoulder: "I have two suggestions for you that can help you get back to the top of your life."

Oliver looked at him. The black and yellow armor always attracted attention. He really never thought that Deathstroke would get involved with Wonder Woman, let alone Detective Orangutan.

Among the three, Deathstroke is obviously the one who has the final say. Even Diana, who has always been strong, just lets Deathstroke communicate at this time.

"What advice?"

"This advice is not free. I am offering $5 million. The services include returning you to the core position of Zhenglian and obtaining voting rights."

Su Ming took out two cigarettes, held one in his mouth and gave one to Bobo. Green Arrow did not smoke, so he was afraid that his hands would shake.

Diana glared at Su Ming secretly. This was different from what they had agreed before. The Justice League existed to protect the world. How could they trade their obligations?

When Oliver heard Deathstroke asking for money, he finally found a familiar feeling. If it was free help, he would have to worry about some conspiracy.

"Okay, it's only 5 million." Oliver showed a wealthy look, as if he had tipped the waiter five yuan when he went out to eat.

Su Ming glanced at Diana, and she shook her head helplessly and turned away.

He then put on a businesslike smile and shook hands with Oliver, and took out the contract that he had prepared long ago and handed it to Oliver to sign.

With the beautiful signature written in cursive script, Su Ming spoke out his plan happily. He put the contract into his backpack and patted Oliver on the shoulder.

"Your biggest problem now is that you don't have a stage to show your strength. You were excluded by Batman in the previous crises on Earth, so no one cares about your opinion at all."

Green Arrow nodded slightly. It was indeed like this. After Cyborg and Hawkgirl joined the Zhenglian, his position gradually became marginalized. And with the return of Ron, who had already retired, he found that he was simply excluded. .

It's not like he hasn't gone to the Hall of Justice to find Batman, but the answer he got was always the same, just let him return to Midtown to standby and protect the city.

Oliver wanted to see perfunctory or other contemptuous emotions on Batman's face, but Batman always spoke of this matter calmly, as calmly as if he was eating whatever was available for dinner.

Green Arrow doesn't know what Batman thinks, but he knows that the Big Seven have no place for themselves.

His abilities have a high degree of overlap with the current Zhenglian Brain Batman, and his killing principles also conflict with the Zhenglian regulations. Wonder Woman and Arthur can kill people because Batman needs them to unite Paradise Island and Atlanta. Teece.

And what about Oliver? He has nothing but Quinn Industries.

Not long ago, Quinn Industries was almost wiped out by the Nine Rings Society. He personally killed his best friend, ending decades of friendship with one stone.

This kind of pain is unimaginable to others. Even Batman has never killed his friends, but in Green Arrow's case, he has almost killed all his friends.

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