The Death Knell

Chapter 788 Custodian of Mars

"I can't pay you the deposit right now because the bank is obviously closed."

The fresh air outside the window flows into the room with a chill, the curtains gently float away, and the debris on the ground does not look so obtrusive under the moonlight.

"It doesn't matter. For Diana's sake, I owe you first." Su Ming flicked the cigarette ashes on the ground and said directly: "Then regarding the matter of not performing on stage, we are going to take you to participate in the operation this time. Will you come out? It doesn’t matter if you take action, it’s just a show.”

"I ran for mayor and was elected, but obviously I didn't do very well."

Oliver expressed his understanding, but if they acted together, how could they just stand behind and watch...

Su Ming motioned for Bobo and Diana to get closer, and continued to ask: "How much do you know about this confrontation with the Legion of Destruction?"

"Before the satellite was destroyed, I basically knew all the information that Zhenglian knew." Oliver returned calmly, indicating that he did not need to waste too much time.

"That's easy to handle." Bobo clapped his paws: "All you need to know now is that Luther released the Laughing Bat, and that bastard did something in the Dark Multiverse, and now he's back."

"And I personally caught Black Manta before. I think this may affect the unity of the Legion of Destruction." Su Ming added.

Losing one of his subordinates is nothing to Luthor, but the Joker and Luthor are not the same person at all. A change is a good opportunity for the Joker.

Now I just hope the Joker stabs Luther a dozen times or shoots him with a machine gun or something. But just thinking about it, the possibility that the clown would do that is very slim, because it would be no fun at all.

Unfortunately, now that everyone has lost their intelligence methods, Su Ming cannot confirm the speculation that the clown may have rebelled.

Oliver stroked his beard and thought silently.

"So, maybe the clown has also become independent?"

"I think so, but I can't confirm it at the moment." Su Ming and the orangutan were both smoking, and the smell in the room was covered up a lot for a while: "But the Joker can only deal with Batman and Laughter. We and Luthor are basically the same." Not in his eyes.”

"But laughter will deal with all of us, including Luthor." Green Arrow was silent for a moment and expressed his opinion.

Diana stood nearby with her arms folded, looking at Su Ming in a daze. There were now Deathstroke, Bobo, and Green Arrow in the team. Almost all of them were smart.

Although she thinks she is smarter than Arthur Hawkgirl, she is only average in the main league, so here she only needs to do things according to plan.

Fortunately, Deathstroke will still explain his plan, which is at least much better than Batman's.

Green Arrow seemed to understand something and nodded in recognition: "Then our first enemy is Laughter, followed by Luther. And in order for me to regain my attention, we must try our best to avoid contact with Batman."

"That's what I mean." Su Ming smiled and nodded. Green Arrow is indeed someone who can lead: "So now, you can probably guess what we want to do in the first step, right?"

"First find a safe location, which cannot be on Earth. Then find a way to restore intelligence and communication means, and then formulate a plan."

Green Arrow indeed said what Su Ming wanted to hear.

"The safe house is ready. Now it's time to restore monitoring and communication. If I'm not mistaken, you should have a way." Bobo held a cigarette in his mouth and squatted between the two of them as if squatting on a field ridge.

Oliver stood up and went to the cloakroom to press a few buttons. The wall opened to reveal a lot of equipment.

In addition to spare uniforms and bows and arrows, he also has props such as grenades and C4, and even different types of firearms and ammunition.

He motioned to a few people to take whatever they wanted.

Su Ming now has a light ring and magic assistance, so he doesn't need much props anymore. He just picked a few lighting rods and didn't take anything else.

Diana can use firearms, and uses them well. She is very talented at judging ballistics, but in most cases, she likes hand-to-hand combat, so she shook her head and rejected Green Arrow's kindness.

Bobo did take a revolver. If there was a thermal weapon, he didn't want to use a sword at all. Although his marksmanship was obviously problematic, it was just for self-defense.

Oliver was busy minding his own business, stuffing a lot of various props into his belt and hanging them on his body. Then he took out four quivers and carried them behind his back, as if he was going to participate in a world war.

After folding the bow, he took out the oil paint and painted several lines of green camouflage on his face.

"Yes, I have a way, come with me."


"Kendra! John! Buy me time!"

Ron shouted loudly in the spiritual network. He didn't know how far this sound could spread in a world full of n-metals, but his teammates did block Siara's winged pursuers.

Although there was a huge disparity in numbers and strength, if they used the terrain properly, the two of them could hold on until Ron returned to the battlefield.

They flew into the inverted pyramid building they had seen on the terrace before. At one end of the strange building, there was a hidden prototype entrance that looked like a skylight.

At night, Ron allowed John to dance with the winged beauties, and he and Kendra stole a key piece of information.

The custodian of Mars is not dead, she is imprisoned in a secret place by Siara.

Ron is very bad at sneaking, and their theft was naturally discovered. Siara tore off the disguise, and the army chased the three of them around.

Fortunately, Ron has the ability to transform, and the Green Lantern Ring can also provide a disguise to blend into local society. As for Hawkgirl, she originally looks like the locals.

Hiding in the city and struggling to survive was not an option, so they simply stormed the palace, stole a piece of information, and locked the place where the custodian was being held.

They went straight here, Ron entered the prison to communicate with the keeper, while the other two held on through the only entrance.

Ron flew downwards and landed on the ground in the darkness, while a voice in the spiritual network kept urging him to leave. But he doesn't want to hear it, he's had enough of mysteries, and he wants to know the truth no matter what.

Why does the Colossus on the Origin Wall call him an abomination, and why everything seems to be related to every force in the universe.

After landing, he saw a White Martian locked alone in the hall of the building.

A thick seat made of metal held her in place, and a special Senagon-style device was worn on her head. Ron walked quickly and tried to break the metal apart, but even his strength was not enough to disturb the seat at all.

"Madam, what did they do to you?" he asked eagerly, and the two of them exchanged thoughts very quickly.

"I have been urging you to leave, but you still came, but in this case, if I were to die today, I would be happy to have a fellow Martian around me watching me."

The Keeper slumped limply on the seat, her head lowered, but her voice came clearly into Ron's mind.

Ron knelt down and looked at the pale and withered face with red eyes: "I saw the General Assembly and the Origin Wall Colossus, but everything was wrong. Our universe conceals dark secrets. I want to know the truth. !”

"The truth... there is no truth, even if everything you see in Senagan now is not the truth..." The custodian's voice sounded again, but he said something that surprised Ron: "Senagon was not long ago owned by a dictator, Onyma Sin, who and his giant starfish allies controlled the entire planet telepathically."

Ron thought of Jarro. When the four Omega gods invaded the universe, Starro the Conqueror faced one of the giants, but was torn into pieces. Batman picked up a piece and kept it in a jar, becoming what he is today. Can Luo.

After Onyima lost its allies, the people who were previously mind-controlled must not be in a good mood.

Ron originally thought that the uprising did not cause too much damage to Senagon, but when the custodian spoke, it was obvious that this was not the case.

The custodian raised his head slowly and vigorously: "Yes, just as you think, the civil war between Siara and Onyima almost reduced Senagon to ruins. Everything in front of you is fake."

"How is that possible?" Ron showed an expression of disbelief.

"The device on my head, this golden ring, is called an absorption meter. It records all the history, scenery, architecture, customs, and even every person in Senagon. It has always been Senagon's strongest It is one of the artifacts that has maintained Senagon’s current status in the universe.”

The custodian replied like this, and Ron just waited quietly for the next words. He could feel the other person's weakness, and these were probably his last words.

"After the origin wall was broken, the power of n-metal increased significantly. Now the absorption device can convert the records in it into reality through psychic powers. This is why I was captured and imprisoned here."

Ron En's expression was shocked: "Could it be..."

"Yes, everything outside is fake. The buildings and cities should be ruins and wasteland; the army chasing you should be the undead resurrected out of thin air; everything on this planet is recalled by this instrument. The 'truth'." The custodian replied quickly, confirming Ron's guess.

Ron frowned, stood up and shook his head: "Why do they do this?"

"If Senagon shows his weakness, many people will focus on this huge treasure house, and the secrets in it will be lost. There is the darkest truth, hidden in the history that no one knows, a period that must be revealed to everyone in the universe. The hidden truth.”

"What is it?"

"What you see before you is not the first lie. To some extent, before our multiverse, there was another multiverse that is now being concealed under our 'reality' , and its coming back."

The custodian of Mars recounted a record in a calm tone, but Ron could feel that her emotions were full of fear. You must know that she already knew that she was not going to die soon, but the creator still brought her something beyond death. fear.

Ron took a deep breath and put his green hand on the white one, feeling its trembling.

"who is it?"

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