After visiting Wu's Orphanage, it was already afternoon.

However, the three of them did not go home, but went directly to the cave that existed in the memories of the souls.

Since the three of them never actually came to the cave, they had to move there physically instead of apparating.

In order to save time, Ye Ting directly found a deserted place, transformed into a Dragon, and then flew the two girls all the way to the cave.

At this time, Fleur finally saw Ye Ting's Animagus, and she immediately thought of Hermione's performance in the first level of the Triwizard Tournament.

As smart as she was, she quickly revealed the truth she guessed from Hermione's mouth - Hermione also mastered the means to transform into a Dragon.

Furong was extremely envious of this. She lied in Ye Ting's ear and acted coquettishly along the way. After being nudged hard, Ye Ting finally agreed to help her master such skills when the time was right.

When we arrived near the cave, it was already evening.

After Ye Ting landed, the girls couldn't wait to fall to the ground.

Even with magic protection, flying on the back of a dragon for a long time is not an easy task.

Here, the three of them can smell the smell of the sea and hear the sound of the waves.

Ye Ting looked at the moonlit sea and starry night sky in the distance, a cold breeze blowing his hair.

Their foothold was on a high black rock outcropping the sea. The waves rolled and foamed under their feet.

Turning around and looking back, there was a cliff standing. The steep rock wall dropped straight down, and it was so dark that it was difficult to see the face.

"What do you think?" Ye Ting asked.

From the way he sounded, it sounded like he was not an ideal picnic spot here.

"Why did they bring the children from the orphanage here?" Fleur asked. She couldn't imagine a more uncomfortable place to visit.

"Ah, that's the Muggle way of traveling." Hermione explained, "The seaside is a favorite tourist destination for Muggles. For poor orphanages, the beach here is enough for the orphans to breathe the sea air. Take a look. Waves. However, the real tourist spot should be halfway up the cliffs at the back, where there is a place that can barely be called a village."

"Hermione is right," Ye Ting added, "We believe they brought the orphans there, but I think only the Dark Lord and the few children who were bullied by him have ever been to this place. After all, , there is no way Muggles can climb up this big rock, unless they are particularly good at rock climbing; the boat can't get close to the cliff, the surrounding water is too dangerous. I can imagine how the Dark Lord climbed up, magic will definitely work better than the rope. He also brought two children with him, probably to enjoy the fun of scaring them. I think he can actually come up alone, what do you think?"

Furong looked up at the cliff again, and she got goosebumps all over her body.

Ye Ting helped the two girls walk to the edge of the rock. There were many jagged grooves on the rock for stepping on, leading to the giant pebbles below that were around the cliff and half exposed to the sea.

It was very dangerous to climb down the rock from here. Hermione took the initiative to use a floating spell, and the three of them jumped off the boulder one by one.

The lower rocks were washed away by the sea water.

The girls felt the cold water that smelled like the sea splash on their faces.

"Lumos flash!"

Furong was the first to go down to the giant pebble closest to the front of the cliff, squatted down and recited a spell.

Dots of golden light flickered on the dark sea a few feet below him. The dark rock wall next to him was also illuminated.

"See?" Fleur asked softly, raising her wand higher.

Under the light, Hermione looked for a long time before she saw a crack on the cliff, with dark seawater swirling inside.

She tapped the wand lightly, and a red light flew out from the tip of the wand, drawing an arc in the dark sea water, and finally touched the edge of the crack and stayed there.

The red light illuminated the periphery of the crack and marked them.

Hermione nodded at Fleur.

"You don't mind getting wet, do you?"

"It's okay," Fleur replied.

The three of them cast a head-soaking spell on themselves, and then got into the water one by one.

Ye Ting was the first one. He slid gently from the pebble into the sea water and swam toward the dark crack on the rock surface.

He held the wand in his mouth and used a perfect breaststroke posture.

The girls boldly put on their bikinis and followed suit.

The water is extremely cold.

Through the bubbles, the girls seemed to be able to smell the pungent smell of salt and seaweed. They followed Ye Ting and swam in the direction of the red light.

Soon, the crack turned into a dark passage. Hermione could tell that the passage would be filled with sea water when the tide came in.

The muddy rock walls on both sides were only three feet apart and shone like wet tar in the bright red light.

A little further in, the secret passage turns left and extends to the deepest part of the cliff.

The girls continued to swim forward with Ye Ting, their cold-numbed fingers grazing on the rough, wet rocks.

Then, he saw Ye Xin in front of him finally standing up from the water.

The two girls also swam there and found steps leading to a large cave.

773 They climbed the steps with difficulty and finally walked out of the sea. The air around them was silent and cold, and they shivered uncontrollably.

Over there, Ye Ting had already raised a bonfire with his magic wand, lighting up the cave.

Through the bright firelight, the two girls saw that Ye Ting's black hair and the water droplets all over his body were shining, and his lean and strong muscles like a cheetah were clearly visible under the water droplets.

Although Hermione had seen and touched it with her own eyes, like Fleur, she was still attracted by these perfect muscles and her face turned red.

It's hard to imagine that a necromancer whose life depends entirely on magic would have such beautiful muscles.

It wasn't until they saw Ye Ting's burning eyes staring at them under the firelight that the girls turned their heads reluctantly.

They suddenly realized that they were just like each other, wearing only swimsuits.

Not to mention Fleur's perfect figure that curves forward and backward, Hermione, who only showed off her sharp corners as Xiaohe, actually has a pretty cute figure.

In such an atmosphere, if they hadn't known that there might be a Horcrux hidden in the cave, they might have had a more intimate interaction.

A gust of cold wind blew by, causing the two girls to shiver, and then they woke up.

The three of them turned their backs, used magic to dry them, and then put on their clothes silently. .

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