The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 307 The Price Of Blood And Muggles (1/3)

As a male, Ye Ting was the first to take care of things.

He came to the center of the cave, held the wand high in his hand, and slowly turned in a circle, carefully examining the rock walls and cave ceiling.

"Yes, this is the place."

After some observation, Ye Ting concluded.

"How did you know?" Hermione came up behind him and asked quietly.

"Traces." Ye Ting said briefly.

"What?" Hermione said she didn't understand.

"There are traces of magic here." Ye Ting explained, "Magic is the necromancer's skill to leverage the rules and transform nature through will and magic. In other words, magic is civilized and unnatural. If your magic skills are high enough , you will be able to discover the unnaturalness of some places here, which are traces of transformation by magic - this is just like the Muggle Ming Dynasty transforming nature, but the traces of magic are even more inconspicuous - and only large-scale Only complex magic can leave such obvious traces."

Hermione probably understood what Ye Ting meant.

She watched Ye Ting continue to spin slowly on the spot, apparently concentrating on studying some "magic traces" that she could not see.

"This is just the front hall, the entrance hall," Ye Ting said after a moment, "We need to go inside... What's blocking us now is the trap set up by the Dark Lord, not the obstacles set up by nature. ....

Ye Ting approached the cave wall, touched it with his slender fingers, and recited a strange spell that even Hermione couldn't understand. Then, he left the cave wall and took out his wand again.

"The Dark Lord did not forget to arrange anti-Apparition magic," Ye Ting sneered, "However, although we ourselves cannot Apparate and leave, there is no problem in summoning helpers.

He waved his wand.

This is a contract-based summoning magic that bypasses the principle of apparition.

Soon, he heard a "crackling" sound, and the white cat Ju appeared in front of Ye Ting.

The kitten's mouth was moving, obviously chewing something. However, after seeing Ye Ting, she seemed to have received a huge surprise, meowing, and pounced on him regardless.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Ye Ting caught Fei Ju, held her in his arms, caressed and comforted her, "It's not that I won't bring you here this time, but I need to dive here. Don't you like diving the most? `"?"

After acting coquettishly for a while, Feiju was satisfied.

After Ye Ting explained to her the target to be searched, she immediately jumped out of Ye Ting's arms obediently.

Feiju walked around the cave twice from the left, sniffing the cave wall as much as possible while walking, and occasionally stopped to fumble up and down a certain place with her cute cat paws.

Finally, she stopped and sniffed somewhere on the cave wall before looking back at Ye Ting.

Ye Ting walked forward knowingly and put his hand on that position.

"Here," he said, "we go in here. The entrance is hidden."

Although it was the second time to see it, Furong still felt it was particularly magical.

She has never seen a necromancer who can solve problems like Feiju: he can find what he wants to find by just looking with his eyes and smelling with his nose.

However, she has long known that the ping-pong-pong-pang-pong and the smoke are usually the characteristics of lower-level people, rather than the style of masters.

From this point of view, even if Feiju doesn't grow up and only has his current ability, he doesn't know how much higher he is than ordinary magical creatures.

Ye Ting took a few steps back from the cave wall and pointed his wand at the rock.

Suddenly, the outline of an arch appeared there, emitting a dazzling white light, as if there was a strong light shining behind the crack.

"Succeeded?" The two girls were a little surprised, it was too fast.

"No, not yet." Ye Ting shook his head.

He put down his wand, and the outline disappeared immediately. The rock was still as hard and thick as before, with nothing on it.

Next, he didn't try any other magic. He just stood there and stared at the cave wall with all his concentration, as if there was something extremely interesting written on it. Then he would use the wand to tap somewhere on the cave wall from time to time, leaving a mark on it. Next mark.

The two girls stood motionless beside him, not wanting to interrupt Ye Ting's thoughts.

Then, after a full two minutes, Ye Ting said softly: "Oh, this move of the Dark Lord is so low-level."

"What did you say, Ting?" The girls stepped forward curiously.

"I think," Ye Ting said in a contemptuous tone, "we need to pay a price to pass.

"The price?" Fleur said, "You have to give this door something?"

"Yes," Ye Ting replied, "If I'm not mistaken, it's blood."


"So I said it was too low-level." Ye Ting shook his head, his tone filled with contempt and even disappointment, "I believe you also understand that the reason is to let the opponent weaken himself before he can enter. But obviously, things like blood What can be counted?"

"Yes, but if it can be avoided..." Fleur murmured, she still felt that the price was terrible.

"Sometimes it's unavoidable." Ye Ting turned to look at Hermione and asked, "How do you think we should deal with it?"

It took Hermione just a few seconds to have the answer.

"Muggle hospitals!" she said happily, as if she had defeated Voldemort with her own hands. "Muggle hospitals have blood banks where enough blood is stored. "My father took me to see it with my own eyes."

Hermione's father was a dentist, so she knew all about it.

That's right. "Ye Ting smiled and looked at Furong, "You see, this is the result of despising Muggles. Although magic is a very convenient skill, our current magic is not enough to allow us to ignore Muggles.

As he spoke, he closed his eyes, pointed the wand between his eyebrows, and muttered something.

"What are you doing?"

The two girls were a little puzzled by Ye Ting's actions.

"This is communication magic," Ye Ting opened his eyes and explained, "Same as the summoning magic just now, it is based on contract magic. I was talking to Oriana just now. As you know, she and I also signed a contract. The contract was made.”

After a while, Ye Ting suddenly closed his eyes as if he heard something, and then opened them again.

"She's ready."

With that said, he summoned Oriana in the same way.

There was another crackling sound, and a cute robot girl wearing a maid outfit appeared in front of Ye Ting.

Next to the machine girl is a metal ball. There is also a black and white lace maid dress in the middle of the ball, which complements the machine girl's clothes.

"Father, good evening." A melodious mechanical female voice came from the machine girl's mouth. Oriana lifted her maid skirt and saluted Ye Ting gracefully.

Although it felt awkward at first, over the past four years, Ye Ting has long become accustomed to this title.

"You're here, Anna." Ye Ting touched my hair, "Are you ready?"

"Definitely, Father," Oriana tilted her head cutely, "I won't defrost it for you."

She grew a small hand, and the metal ball beside her floated upwards to her hand just in time, and the top opened, revealing what was hidden inside.

Those were several bags of plasma, and the temperature had risen to normal human body temperature.

Passing the plasma to Ye Ting's hand, Oriana bowed again.

"Then I will resign, father."

After that, the closed ball emits a burst of blue light, covering Originaly and Oriana. About a second later, the blue light flashes, and the machine maid and her ball golem have disappeared into the cave, as if they had never appeared. Same. .

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