The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 517: Magician, A Genius Woman Raised From Scratch

Regarding the girl's conclusion, Ye Ting did not express his opinion, but suddenly asked another question.

"So, Jaina, why did you become a magician?"

This question made the girl feel strange, because she had already mentioned this topic and given an answer just now.

However, since it was the teacher's question, the girl still repeated the answer honestly.

"To take control of your own life."

"Control your own life? Is it that simple?" Ye Ting waved his hand and frowned, "Think carefully, my apprentice should not only have such a simple ambition, you should have a more lofty ideal to be worthy of becoming my student."

"A higher ideal?"

"Yes, only more ambitious ideals can drive us to progress, right?" Ye Ting said.

"So what kind of ideal is enough? To become a magician as powerful as you?" Jaina thought for a while and asked tentatively.

"Power? For us, power is just a tool. If we live for the pure pursuit of power, we might as well die." Ye Ting shook his head, somewhat disapprovingly.

"All people pursue power just to satisfy the deeper desires in their hearts. Warriors pursue power in order to make achievements on the battlefield and gain vain glory and power; those trolls pursue power to satisfy their cravings. Blood customs and fanatical beliefs; magicians pursue wisdom, definitely, from a certain perspective, this is also a kind of power. They delve into the truth of this world and seek ways to control the world or transcend themselves. What about you? You What do you do to gain strength?”

"So... is it a lofty enough ideal to become a great being like those Loa gods or Dragon?" Jaina asked boldly, thinking of some of the beings Ye Ting once mentioned.

"Loa God? Dragon?" What she said was met with Ye Ting's dumb laughter: "Those poor creatures just have great power. The former is essentially just a more powerful Beast, while the latter possesses strength and wisdom. After that, we still maintain the primitive society and living habits. Do you want to be that kind of thing? I don’t think you want to.”

The implication is that he doesn't even take Loa and Dragon seriously.

Jaina stopped talking.

She finally understood that her teacher's thoughts and power were far beyond her level, and beyond the level of most magicians in Dalaran.

The huge gap between world view and vision determines the distance between him and them.

Seeing Jaina's reaction, Ye Ting sighed and suddenly laughed out loud.

"Okay, okay, it's my fault. You asked this question before you fully understood the profession of magician. So, do you know the difference between magician and other spellcasters, as well as other powerful beings? "

Without waiting for Jaina to answer, he continued speaking on his own.

"Magicians are not the only beings in the world who can use extraordinary power, but magicians have their own greatness. Speaking of spellcasters, those priests, alien shamans, and warlocks among the orcs can all use different spells. Even Loa and Dragon can use extraordinary powers, but Magician is different from them.

"Priests use the power of the Holy Light, but they need to pray to the Holy Light for power first; Shamans can use the power of elements, but they also need to pray to the spirits of elements for power; Warlocks can control evil energy, but they also suffer from evil energy. Full of destructive power; as for Loa, Dragon and other creatures who are born with extraordinary powers, they just use their instincts to control power...other than that, they can't do anything else.

"Only we magicians are the true controllers and researchers of power. We control power rather than being controlled by power. We study truths and take them one step further...I mentioned so many things in cosmology before. Different powers, I don’t want to tell you that only arcane magic is suitable for us, but I want to tell you that as long as possible, any power is within the control range of magician. The key is whether you can control it and don’t be limited by arcane magic. With your thoughts, everything is allowed for magician.

Ye Ting's (bbda) words made Jaina feel suddenly enlightened and understand the meaning of magician, which also made her future path relatively clear.

"I understand." Gianna looked at the young teacher excitedly and announced loudly, "Then, my goal is to make the world change according to my ideas!"

"Yes, such an ideal is much more meaningful." Ye Ting nodded with satisfaction, "You are a very independent girl with a firm heart. I know you have such characteristics, so I hope this ideal can Let you persevere when you face difficulties in the future, the road to magician is not that simple."

As Jaina officially became a disciple, she began to learn the most basic knowledge of magic under Ye Ting's guidance.

In addition to learning a lot of basic magic theories, Ye Ting first taught her the simplest spell called arcane magic.

These arcane tricks are not very difficult, and there are not many things they can do, but for magicians, arcane tricks are the first step for them to truly understand magic and experience magic.

Although as a person with magician ability, Jaina has been able to unconsciously affect reality through supernatural power since she was very young, but using arcane magic was her first real and orderly control of the arcane energy zone.

The functions of these tricks are quite simple, such as slightly increasing one's own resistance, such as creating some sparks, light and frost, such as short-range detection, making illusory sounds, making people feel tired or creating a magician hand. This enables the manipulation of lighter objects.

Jaina is indeed a genius magician. Coupled with her strengthened magic power, it only took one day for her to become very proficient in all kinds of basic arcane tricks.

She also mastered the basic theories of magic very quickly. At least Ye Ting felt that even Hermione, his genius girlfriend in Harry Potter, was not as good as Jaina in this regard.

Sure enough, geniuses in the world of high magic are much scarier than those in the world of low magic.

At this time, Ye Jian's knowledge reserve and number of spells that far exceeded those of ordinary magicians showed his advantages.

Facing a talented girl like Gianna, Ye Ting is not worried about her learning too fast, but worried that she will not have enough time to learn. Whenever Jaina proudly told her teacher that she had learned a certain knowledge or magic and wanted to learn higher level magic, Ye Ting would always come up with new knowledge and magic of the same level to ask the girl. master.

If Jaina is like a sponge that absorbs water quickly, then Ye Ting is like a huge amount of reservoir. The constantly new knowledge and new magic he brings out has firmly suppressed Jaina's learning progress to the level of a magic apprentice, which also makes her Girls often complain that magic is too complicated.

In fact, if Jaina compares her knowledge with other magic apprentices in Dalaran, she will find that the knowledge she possesses is at least dozens of times that of ordinary magic apprentices. She is no match for her control and understanding of basic magic.

Jaina, who had little contact with magicians and had never even met any other magic apprentices, had no idea what kind of monster she would become. .

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