According to the classification of magic in the DND world, the difficulty of spells ranges from easy to difficult, from simple to responsible, from zero to nine levels respectively.

Well, generally speaking, in Azeroth, magicians who can use zero-level and one-level magic belong to the stage of magic apprentices, and magicians with more than seven levels are considered to be great magicians.

As for those legendary magicians above the ninth ring who can use "legendary spells", they are unique even in Azeroth.

In the current Azeroth, as far as Ye Ting knows, only the mother and daughter Aegwynn and Medivh have such strength. Perhaps Antonidas of Dalaran and Anas of Quel'Thalas Tallian is also close to this level, and other magicians basically cannot reach this level.

Definitely, if you count those born extraordinary creatures, the number of legendary magicians is much higher, such as the red dragon Krasus who disguised himself as a high elf and stayed in Dalaran, and some powerful blue dragons. .....

Definitely, this level - actually doesn't mean anything.

On the one hand, the strength of a magician depends largely on his actual combat ability. Most magicians are dead people who have lived in the magician tower for a long time. Although they can master powerful power, they basically have no actual combat ability. People who do not understand magic still have Well, my peers are often dumbfounded.

On the other hand, in reality, there are few strict measurements and evaluations of Magician levels like in games. The classification according to spell casting ability is nothing more than Ye Ting's classification based on DND. In fact, there is only a rough reference for the difficulty of learning most spells in Magician. There is no difference between the number of rings and the number of rings. It does not mean that you can break away from the magic apprenticeship if you can use the magic of the second ring, and you can't if you can't use the magic of the seventh ring. When you are a magician, there are always surprises in reality.

However, there is still some reference for grading magicians and magic like Ye Ting did.

At present, Ye Ting's level can be said to be able to enter the ninth ring, but his mastery of the nine-ring magic is not as good as the magic of the eighth ring and below. For these lower-level magics, Ye Ting has basically mastered all the possible skills. Any magic in the world belongs to a genius who is truly proficient in the Nine Schools, but as for the Ninth Ring...

All we can say is that he still has some way to go.

As for Jaina, the apprentice, Ye Ting also trained her in the same direction as himself, in the direction of mastery of the nine schools - at least until the girl reached the twentieth level or below.

You must know that most magicians have limited energy, which forces them to choose one or two magic schools to specialize in, dabble in other schools, and give up some schools when they enter the path of arcane magic.

And Ye Ting's arrangement for Jaina simply requires the girl to learn things that are several times, or even dozens of times, higher than those of a magician of the same level.

A girl who is relatively unfamiliar with the world of magic often complains about the difficulty and thinks that all magicians have to face such learning. For this reason, she even has doubts about her own ability.

I don’t know what this girl will think of her unscrupulous teacher after she actually enters Dalaran and learns what real magic apprentices and magicians need to learn.

In short, as the Alliance and the Horde nervously prepare for the next war, Jaina's study of magic is gradually getting on the right track despite her complaints.

However, there is not much time left for her to learn magic safely.

However, before the war really started, there was not no good news.

For example, some good news came from the holy city of Stratholme.

The original six paladins are now considered able to leave the army.

Except for Turalyon, the other five paladins are now able to skillfully use the basic strength of the paladins. The stronger strength and more skills of the paladins need to be further developed for these first-generation purposes.

Ye Ting also met the person he arranged to enter in Stratholme: the high elf who mastered the Holy Pact of Chastity, Liadrin.

This originally gentle and lovely pastor girl has now changed her temperament and become heroic and awe-inspiring.

Looking at the girl in front of him, who was still beautiful but had changed a lot from before, Ye Ting was deeply suspicious. When he brought Liadrin back to Quel'Thalas, her teacher was about to be promoted to the Queen of Silvermoon City. Will Archbishop Vonderaur beat him to death?

Anyone who sees their daughter being taught from a soft girl to a tomboy will be angry.

Perhaps due to the influence of the Holy Pact of Chastity, this high elf's belief in the Holy Light does not seem to be that pious, at least far less than that of several of her "schoolmates". The use of the Holy Light is also more focused on controlling rather than praying. .

It's no wonder, after all, the Holy Pact of Chastity comes from the Titan Asgardian Virgin Saint, and as a creature of Titan, the Titan Asgardian will naturally not believe in the Holy Light, but in turn control it.

But that's fine. As a magician, Ye Ting is still more willing to be companions with more rational people than a fanatical believer.

…Please give me flowers…

As the person who introduced Liadrin to become a Paladin, Ye Ting was naturally warmly welcomed by the girl.

"Hello, Mr. Sander," when she discovered Ye Ting's presence, the elf girl immediately stopped practicing her Paladin skills and came forward to greet him enthusiastically: "Long time no see, how have you been lately? , May the Holy Light bless you... Oh, I forgot, you are a magician, so you don't need the blessing of the Holy Light. How about using arcane magic to bless you?

When the girl said this, she stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

Seeing the girl in front of him who had changed from a quiet girl to a lively one, Ye Ting was inexplicably infected by her cheerfulness and became happy.

He slowly walked up to the girl, looked at her and said: "Arcana will not bless anyone. You can only rely on yourself to be blessed by arcana. However, it seems that you have a new view of the Holy Light?"

When Ye Ting first met this girl and took her away from Quel'Thalas, he had a discussion with her about the true meaning of the Holy Light.

At that time, Liadrin was obviously a devout believer in the Holy Light. She believed that the power of the Holy Light came from responding to the believers' pious messages.

However, Ye Ting, who understands the cosmology of World of Warcraft, said that the Holy Light is just one of the basic powers of this world. When a person's beliefs are consistent with the way of the Holy Light, there is naturally the possibility of triggering the Holy Light - those who pass through People who devoutly believe in the power of the Holy Light are just praying for power from some special beings who possess the powerful power of the Holy Light.

Yes, Ye Ting was referring to the Naaru. It was these Holy Light creatures that spread the power of the Holy Light to Azeroth. They are also the source of the power of the Holy Light that most races that believe in the Holy Light truly regard as gods and pray for. .

As beings that are equal to or even higher than the Naaru, the Titans will naturally not pray to these holy light creatures for holy light.

Therefore, Liadrin, who now studies under the Titan Asgardian and holds the Seal of Chastity, must be the same.

Sure enough, the girl showed a rather troubled expression when she heard Ye Ting's words.

For the sake of me reviewing for the final exam, writing big assignments, and updating you at the same time, why don’t you give me a monthly flower pass?

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