The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 566 The Victory Of The Archers

After realizing the truth, Saurfang did not dare to pursue again. He was afraid that his wolf cavalry would be worn down by the enemy's arrows bit by bit.

If the wolf cavalry under his command were completely wiped out and these alliance cavalry were not taken down, then it would really be a loss of both his wife and his troops.

"Retreat, everyone, retreat immediately! Don't be consumed by the enemy!"

Without hesitation, Saurfang issued this order.

The rest of the Wolf Cavalry also woke up.

However, even for cavalry, it is not easy to retreat directly.

As we all know, cavalry charges are very fast, but their ability to make emergency turns and U-turns is not very strong.

Especially now, the number of wolf cavalry is so large and crowded that it is impossible to turn around directly.

Therefore, they could only follow the wolf cavalry in the front row, draw a large arc, turn around and escape.

After Ye Ting discovered this situation, he immediately led the cavalry to change direction and chased the wolf cavalry in turn.

Their numbers are smaller and their discipline is far greater than that of the Wolf Cavalry, so it is much easier for the entire army to turn around.

Soon, they caught up with the escaping wolf cavalry and began to chase after them.

Compared with turning around and shooting, frontal 653 bow shooting is easier for these ranger-turned-cavalry archers. Therefore, at the end of the escaping wolf cavalry team, the screams of orcs or wargs will be heard from time to time, and then the number will be reduced. .

They had clearly retreated, but the enemy continued to pursue them. Saurfang was surprised at first, and then angry. Their tribal wolf cavalry was not suitable for such anger.

I can't catch up with you, so I'll forget about being consumed by you. It's okay for me to leave. You dare to chase me when you can't beat me head-on. It's really shameless!

After all, even if they run away when the situation is bad, these orc wolf cavalry headed by Saurfang still have their own pride in their hearts.

Now that they are being hunted by an army they consider to be weaker than themselves, how can they bear this anger?

Immediately, Saurfang led the wolf cavalry to change direction again, preparing to fight to the death with the alliance horse archers who were chasing them.

However, when the wolf cavalry drew a large circle and turned in the direction of the horse archers, this group of "shameless" opponents actually turned in a different direction, as if they were about to escape again.

But when it comes to escaping, in fact the horse archers did not fall too far behind the wolf cavalry, but deliberately kept a relatively close distance, which seemed to tempt them to pursue them again.

Saurfang definitely gave chase, but unfortunately, he gained nothing except the wolf cavalry, which was consumed by the opponent's turning back and shot, and the number of casualties was several liters.

When things have developed to this point, no matter how stupid Saurfang is, he should have figured out the enemy's true tactics - not to mention that he is an excellent commander in every aspect.

The real tactic of the enemy's cavalry archers is to use the mobility of the cavalry to keep a distance from the opponent, attract the opponent to pursue them, and then consume the enemy's vitality by turning around and shooting. When the enemy cannot bear it and runs away, they will pursue it.

Facing such an opponent, his wolf cavalry can neither advance nor retreat. They cannot catch up if they want to, and they are being chased by the opponent if they want to run. It can be said that they are caught in a dilemma.

In the end, Saurfang's choice was to leave as soon as possible.

The only way to really deal with these horse archers is to hide in the city wall or a strong camp.

Now Saurfang doesn't care about winning a big victory to restore Orgrim's reputation. The only thing he looks forward to now is to successfully bring these wolf cavalry back to the camp. This is the greatest victory.

However, with such a good opportunity, how could Ye Ting let them go?

Naturally, the horse archers chased the wolf cavalry.

Finally, as this pursuit of each other continued, the wolf cavalry's disadvantage in endurance finally became apparent.

Their speed began to slow down, but the horses under the horse archers were able to move with ease.

This caused all the wolf cavalry to fall into despair. The wails of those killed by arrows at the end of the team were like a reminder, foretelling their future fate. The wolf cavalry all wished that the wargs under their crotches had wings on their backs so that they could fly directly to respond.

(bbci) Unfortunately this is not possible.

Compared with facing the enemy head-on when chasing horse archers, being chased by horse archers is more dangerous for wolf cavalry.

Neither the Wolf Cavalry Original nor the Warg could protect their backs.

For the arrows coming from behind, the orcs basically have no chance to resist or dodge, and the mortality rate is greatly increased.

Even if they are not dead, many of these orcs will fall off the back of the warg like a gourd after being hit by arrows, and they will not be able to get up for a long time.

When being chased, the situation is even worse than before.

The horse archers behind will rush up quickly, and then use their sharp elf swords or long knives to easily kill the wolf cavalry cavalry.

Definitely, Saurfang succeeded in escaping from Ye Ting's horse archers in the end, and even more than two thousand of his wolf cavalry were spared.

However, the real reason for their survival is their numbers.

There are more than five thousand wolf cavalry, which is not a lot.

Considering that the orcs have higher endurance and are more difficult to kill, it is understandable that the archers did not do their best.

However, although Ye Ting and his horse archers were not completely victorious in this battle against the wolf cavalry, the impact of this battle was far-reaching.

As far as the horse archers are concerned, in this battle, they actually used this powerful kiting tactic on the battlefield for the first time. In the process, they actually tested and corrected the tactics, correcting the mistakes of many novices. Mistake, I believe that if they use this tactic again in the future, they will be able to exert greater lethality.

Among the tribes, this war also caused considerable shock to the orcs.

Most of the Wolf Cavalry was lost, and the important Bodgor settlement was destroyed. Although Orgrim's prestige was greatly reduced, the ambitious people under his command began to prepare for action.

However, Ye Tingjun's original shock to the tribe temporarily suppressed the potential chaos of the tribe - the spearhead was temporarily pointed at this unprecedented and invincible horse archer.

With this army galloping across the Arathi Highlands, the tribe finally realized that it was not that easy for them to occupy this land for a long time and establish effective production and rule.

Orgrim has since realized that there is no danger to defend the situation, and he has considered sending a large number of troops to garrison various places in the Arathi Highlands in preparation for another Alliance raid.

However, after this victory, Ye Ting gave up and took the team directly back to Thoradin's Wall to rest, which made the tribe come to nothing.

In fact, he also saw the situation that the tribe was facing now, and now he is temporarily withdrawing his troops. On the one hand, he considered that the tribe should react and avoid being targeted by the tribe, so he left.

On the other hand, he also wanted to slow down the pace of the entire war and slightly reduce the external pressure on the tribe, thereby detonating chaos within the tribe.

This kind of potential chaos has always existed in the tribe, a society where the strong is respected. They will choose the strongest person as their leader, but if the leader continues to face failures, then the leader will lose his prestige, which will eventually lead to a new struggle for dominance. .

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