The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 567: The Sword Points At The Hinterlands

The victory of Ye Ting and the horse archers caused some waves not only in the tribe, but also in the alliance.

Although the cavalry arm has always existed in the past, most of them were mounted archers. Real archers as regular as the nomadic horse archers on the earth have not shown their heroic appearance in the history of Azeroth—— Perhaps this is because there are no nomads among humans in Azeroth?

In short, in this battle, Ye Ting led a mere thousand rangers to act as cavalry archers, disrupting the tribe's enemy rear. He also defeated the wolf cavalry whose strength was several times theirs in the confrontation. In this way The brilliant achievements shocked the alliance countries. The cavalry unit has also come into their sight.

However, when they carefully analyzed how Ye Ting formed this temporary army, the excited human kings discovered that it was too difficult for a soldier to be able to shoot arrows proficiently immediately, and it was not something that these countries could accomplish in a short time. task. You must know that most of these human countries are mainly based on agriculture or fishery. They do not have the riding skills of nomads, nor do they have a large number of rangers who are proficient in archery like the elves.

As for Quel'Thalas, there are a sufficient number of rangers. As long as King Anastarian is willing, he can build several times the number of archers and cavalry every minute.

But the king didn't take it too seriously.

This is not difficult to understand. Quel'Thalas is originally a country with dense forests. The interior of the country is completely unsuitable for archer battles. The population of high elves is originally limited. Quel'Thalas has no desire to expand at all, so it established such a country. There is a high probability that this troop will be of no use.

In addition, today's Quel'Thalas has reached an obsessive pursuit of magic. Basically, everything is inferior. Only magic is high. The improvement of ranger combat power by archers is not considered at all by the rule of high elves. in the eyes of the beholder.

In short, for the bow cavalry that showed off their skills this time, the alliance basically couldn't build the ones they wanted, and those who had the resources to build them looked down upon the bow cavalry. Therefore, in the end, it did not have much impact on the alliance's military composition, except for Ye Ting's own His prestige has increased again, and as long as the war continues, he can basically be regarded as the second-in-command of the alliance.

After this battle ended, Ye Ting had a rare moment of leisure.

At present, the alliance is still in a strategic defensive situation. As long as Thoradin's Wall and Stromgarde are defended, he does not need to take action in daily defensive battles.

So, he brought Jaina over from Lordaeron and taught her by his side.

On the one hand, even if life in the military camp is much harder than in the Royal City of Lordaeron, at least the effect of his personal teaching is better.

On the other hand, he also wanted the young Jaina to see the orcs with her own eyes and see the damage they had caused to the alliance, so as to prevent the girl from being like in the original work, who did not personally experience the disaster caused by the orcs, but only saw the failure with her own eyes. The suffering of the orcs, and as a result, adhering to the concept of equality of life, the butt was tilted to the side of the orcs as the intruders.

For a talented and independent girl like Jaina, personal experience would be more useful than blind instruction.

A few weeks passed like this.

Among them, Ye Ting spent most of the time with Jaina. Only once did he lead a group of high elf archers into the Arathi Highlands to show off. But that time made the tribe nervous, and everyone was at war for a long time.

In the past few weeks, the Horde has been unable to advance its progress on Stromgarde and Arathi Highlands.

As for Stromgarde, due to the alliance's maritime support, this dangerous ancient human capital does not look like an isolated city trapped in a dead end, but a part of the defense line backed by the alliance's territory. Even though the tribes were lying dead under the city, they were unable to shake this city. The city is nothing.

Thoradin's Wall on the other side was even more solid as a rock, and the tribe gave up after trying it several times.

In this process, Orgrim, as the new warchief, his leadership ability began to be questioned as he lost troops but had no results. There were already chiefs of the clan who were ready to overthrow him with an Aragog. Orgrim.

In addition to conspiracy, Orgrim's hard power is indeed impressive. After killing ten challengers in a row, Orgrim temporarily stabilized his position.

However, he knew that such a victory could only maintain his status temporarily. If he continued to be unable to produce new results, it would only be a matter of time before he was overthrown.

For several days, Orgrim held the map of Arathi Highlands, thinking hard about how to break the situation. He was helpless to find that the combination of the Alliance's Thoradin's Wall defense + Stromgarde Nails was really impeccable. No matter how he thought about it, There is no strategy for the tribe to break the situation in the Arathi Highlands in the short term.

Since we are in a dilemma in Arathi Highlands, the only way is to jump out of here.

…please give me flowers…0

There is Thoradin's Wall to the west of Arathi Highlands, which is destined to be impossible to break through. Then, the only way is to go to the mountains to the east.

Although the mountains are naturally dangerous, they are easier to break through than Thoradin's Wall.

In addition, he thought about the trolls the tribe had met before. Although the number of these trolls was too small to help the tribe fight against the Alliance, according to them, there were a large number of forest giants occupying the northeastern part of the continent of Lordaeron. Among them, the Amani trolls are the most powerful. If they can get help from these trolls, the situation of the tribe will be much better.

Although the tribe has not found traces of these trolls since arriving in the continent of Lordaeron, making Orgrim dubious about this statement, however, there is no chance to give him a hesitation now.

Finally, he made up his mind and personally led the tribal elite to march eastward, and arranged for his most trusted lieutenant, Varok Saurfang, to lead the remaining troops as a rear guard to stay in the Arathi Highlands to contain the Alliance.

The most significant consequence of this behavior is that both Thoradin's Wall and the defenders of Stromgarde found that the Horde's offensive had significantly eased a lot, and it seemed that most of their energy was focused on maintaining the rule of the Arathi Highlands. superior.

This situation has made the atmosphere of the entire alliance optimistic. Many people even pointed out that the tribe has been weakened by their defense and has lost its vigor. As long as this situation continues, the elimination of the orcs will be just around the corner.

In the alliance, only Ye Ting was keenly aware that something was wrong.

No one in the entire Alliance knows Orgrim Doomhammer better than him. This great leader among the orcs is by no means someone who gives up easily.

Arathi Highlands originally had very few options. Based on the original work, Ye Ting immediately came to the conclusion: after the orcs had been fighting in Arathi Highlands for a long time without any results, their target had moved to the Hinterlands.

This view was opposed by many people at the meeting. Most officers and nobles from various countries have begun to dream of counterattacking the orcs and saving Khaz Modan and the Kingdom of Stormwind. Even Lothar is no exception.

However, soon, a piece of intelligence from Eagle Nest Mountain slapped them in the face.

Some Wildhammer dwarfs discovered that a large group of green creatures that were not trolls crossed a narrow pass in the Alterac Mountains and entered the Hinterlands. .

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