The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 365 Chamber of Commerce Investment

Constantinople's economy has recovered, and its superior geographical location and location as the capital have attracted businessmen from all over the country.

On the commercial street, a bank officially opened. Generally speaking, those who open a bank are either rich or noble and will not go bankrupt at all. Moreover, this bank also has business dealings with the textile center Thessaloniki, so the bank has its first batch of customers.

This is the fifth branch of Taziu Bank. In the past, there were cotton trading shops all over the Balkans. The textile industry he invested in also made a good income, but how to expand the business territory was a question he had to think about.

After marrying into the Mason family, this problem was solved. Their proficiency in the textile industry exceeded their own, and large quantities of textiles were sold overseas, while shipping to the Levant and Egypt was also involved. As the alliance's wealth grew, Laresh decided to march towards the capital and Anatolia.

There was a cotton trading post and Mason's sales point he established in Constantinople. The opening of a bank here was also a major boost to the business landscape.

After the two families got married, John and Laresh began to plan for the alliance's business plan.

"Next we should go to Bukur Yesti and Iasi. Our trade here is still relatively weak."

"We still have 60,000 lei, enough to open a bank in Bukur Yesti."

John used his connections to attract a group of people from Florence. Some of them were skilled workers, some were professional bankers, and more were small workshop owners with assets at home. They were aggrieved that John was forced to resign. After he invited them to After Rome, he sold his property and left Florence with his people.

When they arrived in Thessaloniki, John first invited them to a party. Then he burst into tears and denounced Florence for being cruel and unkind to him. Then he changed his tune and welcomed them to Rome, hoping to unite and take care of each other.

This statement moved everyone, and they all expressed their willingness to serve him. They lived in the city of Thessaloniki and worked in John's textile workshops.

The two parties are preparing to further join forces, and of course this is another marriage. John's eldest son and Laresh's niece are about to get married, another business marriage.

John has gone through so much and understood that businessmen cannot have anything to do with politics. They can do it appropriately, such as loans, transporting supplies, etc. If he gets into politics further, he may be killed. He was lucky enough to resign voluntarily. If there had been a riot like the carders' uprising, he would have died long ago.

"Now we have opened a bank in Smyrna, and the entire Aegean Sea is within our trading scope. This is all thanks to you."

Laresh praised John, proving that his original choice was correct. John also felt lucky to be favored by the other party for cooperation, otherwise he would not have been able to accumulate so much wealth so quickly.

The advanced Italian management technology brought by John also promoted the development of the industry, and the bank promoted the circulation of funds. In order to allow his factory to develop faster, he ordered the production of styles commonly found in Florence, with better quality and cheaper prices, intending to squeeze the market in his hometown.

"Sir, the Chamber of Commerce will invite you two to a meeting."


The two of them sat in a carriage and headed to the street where the Chamber of Commerce was located. The Greek Chamber of Commerce has developed rapidly in recent years relying on industries such as shipping and textiles.

Exports here are still the same as before, including wine, olives, and pottery, but textiles and cotton account for an increasing share of these products. Athens and Patras also became important transit ports, and marble, another local industry, also grew with the surge in construction demand.

The Greek Chamber of Commerce controlled more than half of the Eastern Mediterranean trade, and they were also important shareholders in the East India Company. Able to gain many benefits from Eastern trade.

Just look at the members participating in the meeting today. Half of them are engaged in the shipping industry, and the remaining one-third are in the textile industry like John. The others are in the food, land, retail, cast iron, or other industries. A trader engaged in re-export.

"Okay, everyone is here, let's start today's meeting."

Charlie, the president of the Chamber of Commerce, saw the remaining two coming and began to discuss today's issues with the members.

"The recapture of Antioch and Latakia gave us two more important trading cities. Who can compete with us in Mediterranean trade now. We need to continue our efforts."

"And the Chamber of Commerce's investment in the East India Company has also been greatly rewarded. The company has entered the East and will soon be able to return with large quantities of goods."


All the businessmen applauded and then listened to the president continue.

"I got a letter from the East India Company, which said that we hope we can spend more money to build the canal in Egypt. This is why you are here. Please discuss it."

Regarding this bottomless pit, various businessmen began to have heated discussions. Although this is indeed very tempting, the cost is still staggering. Without 10 million lei and hundreds of thousands of people, it is impossible to open it. And now they have invested nearly 400,000 lei. If they still want to invest, they have to continue to make money, otherwise no one is willing to make a loss-making business.

"At present, it looks like it will take a long time for the canal to be opened. I don't know if it will be open when I go there. I am not willing to invest money in this unknown project."

Albert was a large landowner who grew large quantities of high-quality cotton and grapes, so he was never short of customers.

He was very tired of this unknown project overseas. He didn't want to take care of it anymore, so he said bluntly that he didn't want to continue paying.

"Don't say that, now the trade in the East is in our hands. If this canal is opened, the trade time can be shortened further, which is good for us."

"That's also good for you, what does it have to do with me."


The shipping merchant was furious with the farmer for not allowing him to enter the country, and the opening of the canal to trade with the East would definitely benefit him. Although he is a raw material manufacturer, the factory owners who buy his goods will sell their goods to various places. The more they sell, the more he will make. Why doesn't he understand such a simple truth?

"This is a long-term investment project, just like churches, houses, and roads. It cannot be completed at once. And you also make a lot of money from it. Greek wine and cotton blankets are liked by people in many countries, and these You seem to have grown all the ingredients, right?"

Albert couldn't hold back when he heard this. He said directly: "Indeed, but we can't just let us pay. Isn't there anyone else in the East India Company?"

"Don't worry, Your Excellency, they have found other chambers of commerce to provide money. And they also promised to invest in the East, as long as their fleet comes back."

Albert had nothing to say. In the next agenda, the Chamber of Commerce decided to invest another 250,000 lei. John and Laresh needed to invest a total of 20,000 lei.

It's just a drop in the bucket for them, all they need to do is invest, and long-term investments too. Their trade in Egypt and the Levant was untouchable, but they wanted more. I want the interests of the Adriatic; I want the Western Mediterranean; and the lucrative Eastern trade, I want even more.

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