The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 366 Another big event

Much of Venice's fleet was transferred to them at a low price, as well as commercial facilities in Crete and Rhodes. The profits from shipping are unmatched by other chambers of commerce, except for the Wallachian Chamber of Commerce, which controls the Black Sea trade.

In the north, the court fell into turmoil due to the sudden death of the Khan of the Golden Horde. Vasily of Moscow decided to send troops to end the vassal relationship that had lasted for nearly two hundred years.

This expedition also received support from everyone in the country. At the same time, Vasily also sent a message to Mihai, hoping that he could lead the army to help.

Mihai also wanted to do the same, and he was ready to seek help from his elder brother. Let him aid with some more artillery and muskets, although Peter had told him that if he became Grand Duke of Muscovy, his lands in Rome would have to be returned, and as appeasement he could seek lands eastward along the lines of the Mongols.

This was an agreement between their brothers, and Peter officially supported his seizure of Moscow. The Bartland family will become the largest family in Europe, and Western Europe, which has just risen, will be suppressed by Eastern Europe again.

This time Constantinople held another triumphal ceremony. The victories from the east and the west gave the people of Constantinople the idea of ​​being invincible. All the Turkic nobles who were still alive were brought to the capital to be executed, and the captured gold and silver were rushed into the national treasury.

In the palace, Mircea embraced Peter warmly. These days he found that Peter was responsible for a large part of the work, especially colonization and commerce, and it had to be done by professionals.

Peter returned to take charge of colonial, Middle Eastern, agricultural, industrial and commercial affairs, and could also participate in foreign affairs. Father and son formed a tacit understanding. In order to understand that the future of this empire belonged to Peter, Mircea should let him adapt in advance.

The first thing Peter did when he returned to the Senate was to ask for central funding to build eastern Anatolia. Local municipal, agricultural, and infrastructure construction all need to spend money to restore, and restoring pastures to cultivated land also costs money. Moreover, Peter also proposed that in order to prevent the Timur Empire from invading, a section of border fortifications needs to be built from Yerevan to Van City, equipped with Watchtower and coaching inn. The local garrison needs to be stationed for a long time, which is another expense.

"Your Highness, could you please tell me how much these will cost?"

Baptiste was still concerned about the final amount of money needed, and Peter was rude and just opened his mouth.

"Based on the current situation, at least 500,000 lei are needed."

This amount almost made Baptiste faint again. It's not easy to be the financial director.

"This is just the first allocation. The east is a long-term investment. After all, the damage there is too serious."

No matter how ambitious Peter was, Baptiste had to pour cold water on him.

"Your Highness, the empire's current finances are still somewhat tight. Money is needed everywhere, and the army needs to be expanded."

Expansion of the army, it seems that he missed a lot of things while he was away.

"The subsequent payments can be made slowly, but the first 500,000 must be kept up."

This was a breath of relief for Baptiste. The upfront payment could be squeezed out from some projects. If things didn't work out, he could borrow short-term loans from businessmen. They were repaid within the stipulated period, and his credit was not bad.

The financial pressure of the empire was a pressure that Peter had to face. His father entrusted him with the management of all economic departments because of his financial ability and his ability to get money. Peter had to re-establish the economic system of the new lands and bring them under the Roman market.

Tariffs were the first source of revenue that Peter thought of, as Constantinople's location made it a center of trade. The annual tariff remains at around 300,000 lei, and it is estimated that export measures will also increase the tariff a lot, but there is not much room.

Then there is agricultural tax, which is the most important revenue. The empire re-established agricultural officials and formulated laws to protect farmers, all of which valued the income and social stability they brought.

At this time in Rome, the yeoman farmers and tenant farmers received the best treatment. Although their lives were still unsatisfactory, they could at least survive.

Compared to the compulsory service required by people in other countries, farmers are more willing to spend money instead. Physical land rent and monetary land rent have almost replaced labor land rent. The construction of water conservancy facilities, legal protection, and social stability have jointly promoted the development of agriculture. Farmers also have the highest population growth rate among all occupations.

Of course, whether it is agricultural taxes or industrial and commercial taxes, the bulk of trade revenue is still from Eastern trade. The emperor could easily obtain a lot of wealth, and more gems, coffee, nutmeg and other things could more easily be sold at high prices. But the East India Company also began to complain.

They wanted the company to separate out functions like preaching and establishing government. They are very willing to expand in India. As for other directions, they are really powerless, but they can still monopolize trade.

"Greedy guy"

Peter cursed. In the past few years, through Eastern trade, none of them had become rich. Not wanting to be responsible now is really giving him a headache.

It is impossible for Peter to make great efforts to colonize. First, the cost of colonization is too high, and currently it is mainly trade. Second, Egypt has not yet been conquered, and the connection with the Eastern colonies is too fragile.

Peter needs to solve each of these problems one by one. At the same time, he must also pay attention to the enemy countries in the north and south. One of them is busy fighting the Teutons, and the other is busy recovering lost territory, and they have no time to watch. Good.

"Your Highness, Jobst wrote to Your Majesty, saying that everything is ready. When will His Royal Highness come?"

"Why are you writing letters to His Majesty to me?"

"His Majesty said that you are solely responsible for this matter."

Peter has a headache. My dad, you can really find something for your son to do. Can't you take a few days off?

He wanted to object, but his objection was futile. Only Jobst's letter can be opened.

In order for Vlad to inherit smoothly, Mircea gave Jobst some money from his private treasury. At this time, he was short of money. After seeing the help, he immediately wrote an edict and waited for Vlad to come. And the surrounding neighboring countries have no objection to this because they don't even know who it is?

Mircea originally wanted Vlad to go with 3,000 troops, but Peter felt that these were not enough and at least 6,000 were needed. Decided to add something to his army.

"Do you know anything about the situation in Brandenburg?"

"Your Highness, Brandenburg is one of the so-called seven electors promoted by Charles IV. Although the title is good, it is internally fragmented. Landlords and local nobles control the land. There are also large forests and swamps, and the population is only 30 There are tens of thousands, but the city doesn’t have much at all.”

Listening to Brandenburg's report, Peter frowned more and more. It's okay to call this a barbaric land, but it's far from the Prussia that will dominate Europe in the future.

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