The full-level boss is laid off and re-employed in StarCraft

Chapter 241 Second Grade Students Hunting Competition (20)

After watching a play, the audience reacted after being dazed for a while. Some people attacked Cen Wen and Long Shan at will on the Internet.

[Wow, where is the master of Jianzheng, who speaks convincingly, if there is evidence, just let it go, who is the yin and yang to blame? 】

[There is evidence, fear of being silenced, netizens will help you keep rushing, and absolutely protect you from being shot 32 times in the back and then being sentenced to suicide by the police. 】

[The person disappeared, ran away? What an idiot. 】

[Master Jianzheng, what else can I do besides talking about it, I just give him face when I talk to him. 】

[It's really unlucky to see such a stupid thing in Boss Cen's live broadcast room. 】

[Of course, people have been censored to enter Longshan. Even if there is an internal transaction, it is the military's own business. I don't believe it. Boss Cen's strength is not worthy of being a net school student? 】

[That's right, she was recruited specially, and she didn't take up the quota for the general recruitment. She doesn't like her, but she should show her strength and push her down. 】

[I don’t know who the hero facing the bar is, but his reaction was really fast, and he took a screen shot to file a complaint. I laughed so hard. 】

[Boss Cen has a lot of capable people in his circle of friends. Seeing her being bullied, some friends are willing to help out, so we don't have to worry about that. 】

[Last year, Mine Park was attacked by the Internet, and the legal team sued people all over the country afterwards. Just kidding, Boss Cen's style is tough. 】

[That's right, watch the live broadcast, don't worry about those people. 】

[Watching once is less, Boss Cen is already low-key, and it will be even more difficult to watch the live broadcast when she is promoted to the fourth level of ability user. 】

[Hey, let me go, boss Cen will be promoted to the fourth level this year? 】

[It's not that exaggerated...? 】

[No matter what the situation is, anyway, I believe Boss Cen is qualified to study in Longshan. 】

[Same upstairs, I also believe it. 】

The captain and the others came back from the door, their faces were not very good-looking, they looked worried, and they found Cen Wen to drink tea and chat.

"The earliest team came the day before yesterday and plans to leave tomorrow."

"Western Field, Red Dragon and Shangying are just like us. There are only one or two teams. There is no news from Changfeng. No one has seen them."

"Only four of the five traditional prestigious schools reached the second check-in point, and two other schools came. The overall quality of students participating this year has declined? Is it the same as in previous years?" Cen Wen expressed puzzlement.

"No, although the entire army was wiped out last year, at least half of the teams reached the third check-in point, and then walked into the poisonous swamp, where most of them were eliminated."

"In this comparison, doesn't this still mean that the overall quality has declined? We are halfway through the schedule and there are only a few teams at the second check-in point. We are doomed to be eliminated after falling behind. If it were me, I know that I can't complete the journey but I have no other problems. , then I will patronize hunting, earn enough points and then abstain, and it will not be too ugly when the results are settled."

" seems to be."

The captain reluctantly admitted that their situation this year was worse than last year. If they hadn't been escorted by Cen Wen, they would probably have been eliminated. They couldn't even wait for the step of hunting to earn points.

"Okay, forget about the others, rest for one night, continue to set off tomorrow, we will hurry our way, and pray that other teams will not pick up the death quota when we are free."

The captains nodded and said nothing, and went out to convey the order to the whole team.

After dark, the temperature dropped sharply, and the members of the water system reminded them to pay attention to the snow in the middle of the night.

It really snowed in the middle of the night, light snow at first, and heavy snow in the second half of the night. When everyone got out of the tent in the morning, they stepped into the ankle-deep snow.

"Snow affects the itinerary, and animals that forage at the same time will be more aggressive. No wonder the terrain in autumn and winter is chosen. It turns out that the test is here."

Cen Wen stood in the middle of the camp, looking up at the gloomy sky that was still snowing.

"Should we adjust the itinerary plan?" The weather must have affected the itinerary, and the captains began to worry about the physical condition of the players.

"Yes, march in a hurry and rush to the third check-in point. There is no need to be tough with the weather. Wait for the opportunity to hunt when you turn around and go south to the finish line. If you don't have enough time, give up hunting completely and sprint to the finish line."

"Okay, then let's break camp and set off."

"Also, look at the situation of the team members. Under the full rush, the players who can't keep up physically should not force themselves. It is better to abstain in time."

"Okay, I'll tell them."

The captains turned around and gave the order to pull out the camp, and told all the team members Cen Wen's words that they had to march in a hurry for the rest of the distance, and those who couldn't keep up with the physical fitness would abstain in time to avoid dragging the whole team down.

The participating team members are not only the front-line combat majors, but also the best-scoring group of students who have shooting classes, including command, intelligence, communication, machine repair and other non-front-line military majors with slightly weaker physical fitness.

Everyone's physical fitness is strong or weak. The team members who are specialized in logistics support are almost at their limit. They may still be able to keep up with the pace of the follow-up journey, but if they want to speed up the journey, they will be the first to collapse and refuse. If you forfeit and quit, it will directly drag down the speed of the whole team.

The team members kept silent, packed up the camp, and set off with Cen Wen on the snow.

In the light snow, after driving for a whole morning, the laggards appeared one after another, even two people who were obviously from Bu Qi's team fell to the back team.

Gritting their teeth and persisting until the noon break, the two men's faces were frighteningly pale, and they held their chests and said that their lungs were not feeling well.

Cen Wen treated the two of them and relieved their symptoms, but suggested that they abstain immediately, even though they are getting better now, but this is just a manifestation of the physical load reaching the limit, and they need to rest adequately.

After a brief lunch break, two more people stood up. They were also frequently left behind during the morning rush. The four called the ambulance team, abstained and quit.

Not long after the afternoon’s trip started, the light snow that hadn’t stopped in the morning turned into moderate to heavy snow, and every step was difficult. Cen Wen led a long team and couldn’t add up even if he wanted to speed up, so he had to look for today’s campsite .

[Good boy. 】

【I am~】

[Look to see if there are any animals in the forest that can be used as mounts. 】


The snowfall was getting heavier and stronger, and there was also a strong wind. The team members were too cold. Cen Wen found a small camp in the snowstorm. Using the surrounding trees as pillars, trees, vines and shrubs grew, and a wind and snow camp was built. roof.

But the camp is too small to spread out all the tents, so two or three people can only squeeze into one tent, which is warmer in such a cold weather.

Cen Wen was still sleeping alone, her strong body kept her warm and cold, so she asked all the team members to go into the tent to rest, and there was no need for a vigil tonight, as wild beasts would hide in such weather.

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